Corruption Essay in English

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Corruption Essay in English

Corruption Essay in English – In this post, I’m sharing an essay about corruption in simple English. Writing essays is really helpful for improving your English. This essay talks about the problem of corruption. Corruption is when people do dishonest things for personal gain. By reading this essay, we can learn about the bad effects of corruption and why it’s important to stop it. This helps our society to become better.

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Corruption Essay

In ancient times, India was known as the land of sages (ऋषि). Most of the people of this period were honest (ईमानदार) and peaceful. They had a great value for moral character (चरित्र). That’s why these people were happy without having the objects of physical luxuries (विलासिता). But, with the passage of time moral value (नैतिक मूल्य) of the people began to deteriorate (बिगड़ना). In our age most of the people are indulged (में लिप्त) in corrupt (भ्रष्ट) practices.

Corruption (भ्रष्टाचार) has become an important feature of today’s society. If you want to get your most legitimate (वैध / कानूनी) and easiest work done, you will have to grease the palms (घूस देना) of officials from the lowest to the highest cadre (संवर्ग).

If you want to have a connection of electricity or you want to get your near or dear one (प्रिय व्यक्ति) admitted in a good school, you will have to pay bribes (रिश्वत). This is very unfortunate (दुर्भाग्य / बदकिस्मत) that corruption also prevails (प्रचलित होना) in police system which is also responsible (जिम्मेदार) to check corruption as well as illegal practices (अवैध प्रथाएँ). Corruption has its roots (आधार) in almost all departments whether public or private sector. People even pay bribe to get admission in hospitals.

India after independence has so many achievements (उपलब्धियों) to her credit. They are all marvelous (अद्भुत) in their own way such as in the field of agriculture, engineering, medical science, space technology, unclear programmes, etc.

Corruption Essay in English

India’s contribution (योगदान) to the development of each and every sphere (हर क्षेत्र) of human life has raised our prestige (प्रतिष्ठा) in the world. But, the news of scams (घोटाले) has made us feel shameful (शर्मनाक). However, one great achievement (उपलब्धि) of the Indians which cannot be lost sight (दृश्य) of is in indulging (लिप्त) in scams. No doubt, the main credit for such an impressive achievement (प्रभावशाली उपलब्धि) goes to our own elected politicians and our systematically appointed bureaucrats (नौकरशाहों).

The main reason behind corruption is our tendency (प्रवृत्ति) to avail (लाभ लेना) the life of comfort (आराम). Everyone wants to have all the object of luxuries (विलासिता). Besides, everyone wants to maintain his physical status in the society. Such people have lost their consciousness (चेतना / जागरूकता).

Corruption has caused so many problems. It is even created a great threat (एक बड़ा ख़तरा) before the security of our country. Many important security officials have been found indulged in corrupt practices (भ्रष्ट आचरण). Such greed (लालच) and immoral officials (अनैतिक अधिकारी) could reveal (प्रकट करना) important clues regarding country’s internal security. It is the duty of the citizens to keep informing about these officials to the intelligence bureau.

There are so many rules and regulations, and departments to check corruption. But, without the active participation of people in checking corruption, it is almost impossible to check pollution.

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