Our Courses

Ranjan Sir English, Provides a variety of classes for academic English and advanced English grammar for SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, CDS, CPO, CTET, IBPS, SBI Clerk and other Exams. If you want to crack any exam, English plays a pivotal role. The way Ranjan sir teaches English grammar and literature is amazing. You can also register free online demo classes.
Note:- Want to Any Exams like CGL, CHSL, MTS, STENO, CPO, CAPF, AIRFORCE, NAVY FORCE, DSSB, IBPS, SBI, & any other Exams, Download the App Now.
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We Provide English Grammar and Vocabulary Classes for CGL, CHSL, MTS, Stenographers ‘C’ & ‘D’, CPO and other Exams conducted by SSC.

We provide English Grammar & Literature for Classes 8th to 12th. We ensure the complete preparation before board exams for Xth and XIIth Students

We also provide online and offline Spoken English Classes for academic students, house wives, employed person. We start from zero level.

Click Below to buy amazing E-books, written by Ranjan Sir
Hlwww sirr Prateek Kumar 2023-09-04 I am also a part of it.when I went there first day, I am very nervous but Ranjan sir is very good teacher. He teaches us very well and in very interesting ways. Aarti Krishali 2023-09-01 I am freshener Birender Chauhan 2023-07-07 Ranjan sir is a good teacher and his way of teaching is excellent. beacuse ranjan sir understands the all query of students and help to us. how to better speaking english in our life, they teach any topics of english everything is make sense of every student. so if you wanna learn and talk to better english, come in tryial class or learn how to speak with fluently. Gaurav Joshi 2023-06-16 He helps everyone in speaking english and his blogs are also very nice Geeta Rai 2023-06-14
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