How to Solve Unseen Passage
In today’s post ‘How to Solve Unseen Passage’, I will be sharing the best tricks and rules to solve all types of questions which are generally asked in the CBSE Exams. This post will be beneficial to those students who study in the 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th students.
• Importance
• How to approach the passage
• Answering the passage
• Practice
• 10 Marks
• Ten questions
• Each answer carries one mark
• Easy to answer
• Tests comprehension and application skills
Answering the passage
• Read the first sentences of each paragraph, words that catch your attention (Skimming)
• Read the questions and read for answers (Scanning)
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Class 9th to 12th All Questions Answer
Class 10th All Questions Answer
Class 9th All Questions Answer
Answer in a word, a phrase or a sentence
• Answering in a sentence is better
• Begin the answer with the question
Wh. Words as Clues
• Who –Name of a person
• Where –Place
• Why –Reason, cause
• When –date, time
• What –information
• How –manner, process
• How long –duration
• How far –distance, extent
• How many –number
• How much -quantity
Important Tips to score good marks in the unseen passage for class 10
1. Read the complete passage carefully .Your reading should be quick.
2. Focus your mind on related detail and highlight them.
3. Read the question carefully and return to passage to write the answer.
4. Logical sequence should be present while writing the answer.
5. Do not try to copy the sentence from the passage .write your answer with your own word.
6. While answering the vocabulary-based question like synonyms replace that word with another word that has the same meaning as that word asked in the question.
7. To choose the correct option in MCQs. Read the passage until you don’t get the correct answer.
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How to Solve Unseen Passage
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Once a man saw three masons along with some labourers constructing a temple. He observed the masons for three days and found that though the three of them were doing the same kind of work, there was a marked difference in their approach to their job.
2. He saw that the first mason reported for his work late, did his work half-heartedly and sluggishly, enjoyed a longer respite, frequently checked the time on his wristwatch and left the work before time.
3. The second mason was very punctual in arriving and leaving, and did his work methodically. The third mason, however, would come before time, take little rest in the interval and often worked overtime.
4. The man naturally got curious and wanted to know the three masons’ outlook on their work. He asked them what they were doing. The first mason tapped his big belly with his hand and said, ‘‘I am earning food for myself.’’ The second said, ‘‘I am constructing abuilding.’’ The third mason looked at the huge building and said, ‘‘I am building the house of God.’’
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Daily Use English Words with Hindi Meaning – Day-01
Daily Use English Words with Hindi Meaning – Day-02
1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any eight of the following questions:
(a) What were the three masons doing?
(b) For how long did ‘a man’ observe them?
(c) What made the man curious?
(d) How did the first mason do his job?
(e) What was the second mason’s approach towards his job?
(f) How did the third mason view his job?
(g) With whom among these can you associate the phrase ‘work is worship’?
(h) Which word in the passage means ‘working lazily’? (Para-2)
(i) Which word in the passage means the opposite of ‘carelessly’? (Para-3)
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How to Solve Unseen Passage
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. An epidemic of obesity or being overweight is affecting many countries in the world; more than 300 million people are obese or overweight. Obesity could be for a particular reason. In India, some people tend to be overweight because of their high calorie diet and lack of physical activities. In the United States, obesity is more prevalent in lower income groups. Obesity is now well recognised as a disease in its own right. Though obesity commonly means being overweight, it is defined as an excess amount of body weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. ‘Obesity’ specifically refers to an excess amount of body fat.
2. A certain amount of body fat is needed to store energy, keep warm and absorb the shocks. Usually men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 35% body fat are regarded as obese. Obesity tends to run in families suggesting a genetic cause. Environmental factors include lifestyle behaviour such as what a person eats and his or her level of physical activity. So, one should choose more nutritious food which is low in fat, and become more active.
3. Then, there are psychological factors. Negative emotions such as boredom, sadness and anger are the main culprits. Then there is also ‘binge eating’ i.e. when people eat large amounts of food thinking that it is beyond their control how much they eat. Those with the most severe binge eating problem are also likely to have more symptoms of depression and low self-esteem.
4. Obesity is a health hazard giving rise to many serious medical conditions like type 2diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Obesity is also linked to a higher rate of certain types of cancer. There are many ways of losing weight but exercise is the best as it is free from any type of harmful side effects.
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110 Words Used instead of VERY
2.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each:
(a) What are the main reasons for obesity in India?
(b) Why do we need body fat?
(c) What are the symptoms of people with ‘binge eating problem’?
(d) Which are the most common negative emotions which lead to overeating?
(e) Write any four medical problems that can arise due to obesity.
2.2 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any four of the following with the help of the given options:
(a) Women having _ body fat are regarded as obese.
(i) more than 35% (ii) more than 25% (iii) less than 30% (iv) less than 25%
(b) Obesity can be defined as a/an _ amount of body weight.
(i) less (ii) excess (iii) optimum (iv) balanced
(c) In the United States obesity is more prevalent among __ people.
(i) high income (ii) homeless (iii) low income (iv) affluent
(d) Environmental factor refers to __ behaviour.
(i) indecent (ii) decent (iii) lifestyle (iv) loud
(e) Binge eating is when people eat __ of food.
(i) a meagre amount (ii) a small portion (iii) extra organic type (iv) a large portion
How to Solve Unseen Passage
Answer & Explanation
(a) constructing a temple
(b) three days
(c) the different approach of the three masons towards their job
(d) reported late/ did his work half-heartedly and sluggishly/ enjoyed a longer respite/ leftthe work before time
(e) punctual in arriving and leaving/ did his work methodically
(f) as if he is building the house of God
(g) the third mason
(h) sluggishly
(i) methodically
2.1 Answers: (Any Four)
(a) high calorie diet, lack of physical activity/exercise.
(b) to store energy, keep warm, absorb the shocks
(c) depression, low self-esteem
(d) boredom, sadness, anger
(e) type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer (Any four)
2.2 One mark each (Any Four)
(a) (i) more than 35%
(b) (ii) excess
(c) (iii) low income
(d) (iii) lifestyle
(e) (iv) a large portion
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