Unseen Passage with Answer – Set-4

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Unseen Passage with Answer – Set-4

Unseen Passage with Answer – Set-4 – Check out these simple steps to help you understand and answer Class 10 reading passages better:

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1. Read the passage quickly, but pay attention.

2. Use a pen or pencil to highlight important parts.

3. Examine the questions carefully and locate answers in the passage.

4. Answers in the passage usually follow a logical order.

5. Express answers in your own words if possible.

6. For questions about words, consider replacing them with their meanings.

7. For multiple-choice questions, review all options, refer back to the passage, then select the correct answer.

Unseen Passage with Answer – Set-4 English Reading Skills

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 10 1 = 10

(1) Increasing traffic congestion every year is causing increasing air pollution, wasting time and productivity and diverse respiratory diseases. Moreover, the cost of solving or reducing traffic congestion is enormous. However, neglecting the traffic jam problem would increase the social problems among citizens.

(2) The number of vehicles has increased considerably in the city in the past five years. Due to this increase, the city roads witness frequent traffic congestions, but above all, the vehicles emitting pollutants are affecting the environment adversely.

(3) The Capital’s vehicular population saw an addition of more than five lakh vehicles last year, registering an increase of over 4%, according to the Delhi Economic Survey 2020-21.

(4) In spite of the largest road network, through metro and bus services in major cities the transport system is not being able to keep pace with the growing demand. Consequently, more and more people use their private vehicles, leading to increased congestion on the roads. In spite of these challenges people in India prefer road travel over air and other means of travel. Citizens of Delhi/NCR have, time and again, pondered over the possibilities of how to reduce the traffic congestion in the city, especially during the peak hours. People should use public transport, the government must increase the facilities of public transport, people should avoid the unnecessary collection of vehicles and should use carpool and vehicle sharing.

(5) What is required is proper implementation of corrective measures by citizens to get an organized traffic management system.

(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1.
Reducing traffic congestion is not easy.

(ii) Select the appropriate option to complete the following sentence. The reasons for increased traffic congestion are ________.
1. use of private vehicles
2. increase in demand for cars
3. inability to keep pace with population control
4. travelling by public transport
5. emission of pollutants

(a) 4, 5                   (b) 1, 5

(c) 1, 2                   (d) 2, 3

(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word / phrase from the paragraph 5.
organized : chaotic : : lowest : _______
Clue : Just as organized is an antonym of chaotic, lowest is an antonym of _______.

(iv) The vehicles emit pollutants which affect _______ badly.

(v) Complete the following sentence.
Use of public transport will reduce ________.

(vi) Select the appropriate option which states the methods of reducing traffic congestions.
1. start car pooling
2. add electric buses
3. increase in public modes of transport
4. increase car collection points
5. increase taxation

(a) 1, 4, 5               (b) 3, 5

(c) 2, 3 ,4               (d) 1, 3

(vii) Analyze the status of traffic between the years 2019-2022.

Unseen Passage with Answer - Set-4 Download Answer Pdf

(vii) What is required to get an organized traffic management system ?

(viii) Give the reasons for increase in vehicular congestion.

(ix) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.
There are _______ consequences of increasing vehicular congestion.

(a) beneficial                     (b) adverse
(c) implicit                        (d) explicit

(x) Substitute the underlined word with ONE WORD similar in meaning in the following sentence.
Citizens of Delhi/NCR have time and time again pondered over the possibilities of how to reduce traffic congestion.

Unseen Passage with Answer – Set-4 Download Answer Pdf


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