110 Words Used instead of VERY

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110 Words Used instead of VERY

अगर आप इंग्लिश वोकैबलरी सुधारना चाहते हैं, तो आप यह बात जरूर जान लीजिए कि अगर आप बार-बार अपने वर्ड्स में वेरी (Very) शब्द का यूज करते हैं, 110 Words Used instead of VERY. यह आपको नए शब्द सीखने से रोकता है, तो आज से ही बंद कीजिए वेरी (Very) का प्रयोग करना और प्रयोग कीजिए कुछ नए शब्द जो आपको आज के पोस्ट में दिए गए हैं। आज के पोस्ट में 110 ऐसे शब्द दिए गए हैं जिनके साथ हम वेरी (Very) का प्रयोग बहुत ज्यादा करते हैं, लेकिन आज की इस पोस्ट के बाद आप Very शब्द का प्रयोग बिल्कुल नहीं करेंगे, बल्कि उसके बदले कोई नया शब्द का प्रयोग करेंगे। आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा इसकी जानकारी आप हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में दे सकते हैं।

If you want to improve English Vocabulary, then you must know that if you repeatedly use the word Very in your words, it prevents you from learning new words, then stop using Very from today itself. Using some new words instead of Very, which have been given to you in today’s post. In today’s post, 110 such words have been given with which we use ‘Very’ very much, but after this post, you will not use the word Very at all, but will use a new word instead. How did you like this post, you can tell us in the comment box.

Note:- इस पोस्ट के साथ इमेज भी दिए गए हैं जिसको आप डाउनलोड करके अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर कर सकते हैं।

110 Words Used instead of VERY

1. Very angry → Furious

2. Very beautiful → Gorgeous

3. Very big → Massive

4. Very boring → Dull

5. Very noisy → Deafening

6. Very poor → Destitute

7. Very cheap → Stingy

8. Very clean → Spotless

9. Very short → Brief

10. Very difficult → Arduous
11. Very dry → Arid

12. Very quick → Rapid

13. Very bad → Awful

14. Very smart → Intelligent

15. Very sad → Sorrowful

16. Very upset → Distraught

17. Very cold → Freezing

18. Very strong → Forceful

19. Very huge → Colossal

20. Very calm → Serene


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21. Very ugly → Hideous

22. Very small → Petite

23. Very funny → Hilarious

24. Very quiet → Hushed

25. Very rich → Wealthy

26. Very expensive → Costly

27. Very dirty → Filthy

28. Very tall → Towering

29. Very easy → Effortless

30. Very wet → Soaked
31. Very slow → Sluggish

32. Very good → Excellent

33. Very stupid → Idiotic

34. Very happy → Ecstatic

35. Very exciting → Exhilarating

36. Very warm → Hot

37. Very weak → Frail

38. Very little → Tiny

39. Very bright → Luminous

40. Very busy → Swamped

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110 Words Used instead of VERY

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110 Words Used instead of VERY

41. Very careful → Cautious

42. Very clear → Obvious

43. Very colorful → Vibrant

44. Very confused → Perplexed

45. Very creative → Innovative

46. Very crowded → Bustling

47. Very dear → Cherished

48. Very deep → Profound

49. Very empty → Desolate

50. Very excited → Thrilled
51. Very fancy → Lavish

52. Very fat → Obese

53. Very friendly → Amiable

54. Very glad → Overjoyed

55. Very great → Terrific

56. Very heavy → Leaden

57. Very hungry → Starving

58. Very hurt → Battered

59. Very large → Huge60. Very lazy → Indolent

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110 Words Used instead of VERY

61. Very long → Extensive

62. Very loose → Slack

63. Very accurate → Exact

64. Very afraid → Fearful

65. Very clever → Intelligent

66. Very cute → Adorable

67. Very dull → Tedious

68. Very eager → Keen

69. Very evil → Wicked

70. Very fast → Quick
71. Very fierce → Ferocious

72. Very light → Luminous

73. Very lively → Animated

74. Very lovely → Adorable

75. Very mean → Cruel

76. Very messy → Slovenly

77. Very nice → Kind

78. Very often → Frequently

79. Very old → Ancient

80. Very open → Transparent

110 Words Used instead of VERY

81. Very pale → Ashen

82. Very perfect → Flawless

83. Very powerful → Compelling

84. Very pretty → Beautiful

85. Very rainy → Pouring

86. Very scared → Petrified

87. Very scary → Chilling

88. Very serious → Grave

89. Very sharp → Keen

90. Very shiny → Gleaming
91. Very shy → Timid

92. Very simple → Basic

93. Very skinny → Skeletal

94. Very smooth → Sleek

95. Very soft → Downy

96. Very sorry → Apologetic

97. Very special → Exceptional

98. Very sure → Certain

99. Very sweet → Thoughtful

100. Very talented → Gifted

100 Words Used instead of VERY

101. Very tasty → Delicious

102. Very thirsty → Parched

103. Very tight → Constricting

104. Very tiny → Minuscule

105. Very tired → Exhausted
106. Very wide → Expansive

107. Very willing → Eager

108. Very windy → Blustery

109. Very wise → Sage

110. Very worried → Distressed

110 Words Used instead of VERY pdf

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