120+ Spoken English Phrases
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In today’s post, we are going to talk about 120+ Spoken English Phrases, which you do a lot practice in Daily Speaking, then read this post completely and if you like the post then you can share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram everywhere. Do practice just one or two times, practice this post again and again and it will help you a lot.
Daily use Spoken English Phrase
1. A: Hi, how are you doing?
B: I’m fine. How about yourself?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks for asking.
B: No problem. So how have you been?
A: I’ve been great. What about you?
B: I’ve been good. I’m in school right now.
A: What school do you go to?
B: I go to DAV.
A: Do you like it there?
B: It’s okay. It’s a really big campus.
A: Good luck with school.
B: Thank you very much.
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2. A: How’s it going?
B: I’m doing well. How about you?
A: Never better, thanks.
B: So how have you been lately?
A: I’ve actually been pretty good. You?
B: I’m actually in school right now.
A: Which school do you attend?
B: I’m attending DAV right now.
A: Are you enjoying it there?
B: It’s not bad. There are a lot of people there.
A: Good luck with that.
B: Thanks.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
3. A: How are you doing today?
B: I’m doing great. What about you?
A: I’m absolutely lovely, thank you.
B: Everything’s been good with you?
A: I haven’t been better. How about yourself?
B: I started school recently.
A: Where are you going to school?
B: I’m going to DAV.
A: How do you like it so far?
B: I like it so far. My classes are pretty good right now.
A: I wish you luck.
B: Thanks a lot.
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Daily use Spoken English Phrase with Hindi
Describing People
1. A: Have you seen the new girl in school?
B: No, I haven’t.
A: She’s really pretty.
B: Describe her to me.
A: She’s not too tall.
B: Well, how tall is she?
A: She’s about five feet even.
B: What does she look like, though?
A: She has pretty light brown eyes.
B: I may know which girl you’re talking about.
A: So you have seen her around?
B: Yes, I have.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
2. A: There’s a new girl in school, have you seen her yet?
B: I haven’t seen her yet.
A: I think that she is very pretty.
B: Tell me how she looks.
A: She’s kind of short.
B: What height is she?
A: She’s probably about five feet.
B: That’s nice, but tell me what she looks like.
A: The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes.
B: I think I might’ve bumped into her before.
A: Are you telling me that you’ve seen her before?
B: I believe so.
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3. A: Have you met the new girl?
B: No. Have you?
A: She’s one of the prettiest girls at the school.
B: What does she look like?
A: Well, she’s quite short.
B: How tall would you say that she is?
A: I would say she’s only five feet.
B: What about her facial features?
A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful.
B: I think I know who you’re talking about.
A: Have you seen her?
B: I think that I have.
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Daily use Spoken English Phrase in English
120+ Spoken English Phrases
Ending a Conversation
1. A: It was nice talking to you.
B: Why are you trying to rush me off the phone?
A: I really have to go.
B: Why? I still wanted to talk to you.
A: I have things to do.
B: Like what?
A: Don’t be nosey.
B: I’m not. I just want to know
A: Well, it’s really none of your business.
B: That’s harsh.
A: I’m sorry, but I have to go.
B: Fine.
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2. A: I’ve enjoyed conversing with you.
B: Is there a reason why you’re trying to get off the phone so fast?
A: I’ve got to go.
B: I wasn’t done talking to you.
A: I have to do some things, and besides, it’s not polite to be nosey.
B: I’m not being nosey. I’m just asking.
A: I really don’t think it’s any of your business.
B: That’s not nice.
A: I apologize, but I’m getting off the phone now.
B: Okay.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
3. A: I’ll talk to you later.
B: What’s the rush?
A: I have to get off the phone now.
B: I’m not ready to get off the phone with you.
A: There are other things I need to take care of.
B: What is it that you need to do?
A: Please don’t be nosey.
B: I’m not being nosey, it’s just a question.
A: You don’t need to worry about that.
B: That was mean to say.
A: I am very sorry, but I must go.
B: I guess.
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1. A: Well, it was nice talking to you.
B: It was nice talking to you too.
A: We should really hang out again.
B: That would be fun.
A: Where do you want to go?
B: I think we should go out to eat.
A: That sounds good.
B: All right, so I’ll see you then.
A: I’ll call you later.
B: Okay, I’ll talk to you later then.
A: See you later.
B: Bye.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
2. A: I enjoyed talking to you.
B: I enjoyed talking to you too.
A: We should hang out some time.
B: I think that would be nice.
A: Is there anything you would like to do next time?
B: Do you want to go out to eat?
A: I’d like that.
B: So I’ll see you next time.
A: I’m going to call you soon.
B: I’ll talk to you later.
A: See you soon.
B: Goodbye.
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3. A: I had fun talking to you.
B: It was really nice talking to you also.
A: I think we should really do something sometime.
B: That should be loads of fun.
A: What do you want to do next time?
B: Would you like to go to dinner or something?
A: Yeah, let’s do that.
B: Okay, until next time then.
A: I’ll call you so we can set that up.
B: Talk to you then.
A: All right, see you.
B: See you.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
Favourite Music
1. A: What type of music do you like to listen to?
B: I like listening to different kinds of music.
A: Like what, for instance?
B: I enjoy Rock and R&B.
A: Why is that?
B: I like the different instruments that they use.
A: That’s a good reason to like something.
B: Yeah, I think so too.
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2. A: What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
B: I enjoy listening to all kinds of music.
A: What kind?
B: I like to listen to Rock and R&B.
A: Why do you like that type of music?
B: I like the kinds of instruments that they use.
A: I think that’s an excellent reason to like something.
B: Thanks, I feel the same way.
3. A: What is your favorite kind of music?
B: I listen to various types of music.
A: What genres?
B: I enjoy listening to both Rock and R&B.
A: What interests you in that type of music?
B: I enjoy the different types of instruments that they use.
A: That is a perfect reason to like a certain kind of music.
B: That’s exactly what I think too.
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120+ Spoken English Phrases
1. A: It’s such a nice day.
B: Yes, it is.
A: It looks like it may rain soon.
B: Yes, and I hope that it does.
A: Why is that?
B: I really love how rain clears the air.
A: Me too. It always smells so fresh after it rains.
B: Yes, but I love the night air after it rains.
A: Really? Why is it?
B: Because you can see the stars perfectly.
A: I really hope it rains today.
B: Yeah, me too.
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2. A: Isn’t it a nice day?
B: It really is.
A: It seems that it may rain today.
B: Hopefully it will.
A: How come?
B: I like how clear the sky gets after it rains.
A: I feel the same way. It smells so good after it rains.
B: I especially love the night air when it rains.
A: Really? Why?
B: The stars look so much closer after it rains.
A: I really want it to rain today.
B: Yeah, so do I.
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3. A: Don’t you think it’s nice out?
B: Yes, I think so too.
A: I think that it’s going to rain.
B: I hope that it does rain.
A: You like the rain?
B: The sky looks so clean after it rains. I love it.
A: I understand. Rain does make it smell cleaner.
B: I love most how it is at night after it rains.
A: How come?
B: You can see the stars so much more clearly after it rains.
A: I would love for it to rain today.
B: I would too.
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Conversation – Birthday Party Conversation
120+ Spoken English Phrases
Expressing Concern for Someone
1. A: Why weren’t you at school yesterday?
B: I wasn’t really feeling well.
A: What was wrong with you?
B: My stomach was upset.
A: Do you feel better now?
B: I don’t really feel too well yet.
A: Do you want anything to make you feel better?
B: No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
A: I hope you feel better.
B: Thank you.
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1000 Opposite Words English Hindi
2. A: What reason do you have for missing school?
B: I was sick.
A: How were you sick?
B: I had a stomachache.
A: Did it get any better?
B: I’m still feeling under the weather.
A: Would you like anything for your stomach?
B: I took something earlier.
A: Get better.
B: Thanks a lot.
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1000 Daily Used English Words with Hindi
3. A: Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
B: I stayed home because I wasn’t feeling well.
A: What was your problem?
B: My stomach was bothering me.
A: Are you feeling any better?
B: I’m still feeling a little sick.
A: I’m going to the store, would you like any Pepto Bismol?
B: That’s okay.
A: I hope you feel better.
B: I’d appreciate that.
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Receiving Visitors
1. A: Thanks for coming to see me today.
B: It’s no problem. I was really missing you anyway.
A: I missed you too.
B: Why haven’t you tried to come see me then?
A: I’ve been really busy.
B: Doing what?
A: Working.
B: I would’ve come to see you sooner, but I’ve been busy too.
A: What have you been doing?
B: I’ve been working too.
A: Well regardless, I’m very happy that you came to see me.
B: I am too.
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80 Daily Use Words with Hindi Meaning
2. A: I’m really glad that you came to see me.
B: I had to. I was missing you a lot.
A: I was missing you too.
B: So, why haven’t you visited me?
A: I’ve actually been busy lately.
B: What have you been doing?
A: I’ve just been working really hard.
B: I’ve also been busy.
A: Tell me what you’ve been doing.
B: Basically, I’ve been working too.
A: Well whatever, I’m glad you came.
B: So am I.
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3. A: I’m really happy that you came to visit me.
B: I really missed you a lot.
A: I’ve been missing you like crazy.
B: I don’t understand why you haven’t come to visit me.
A: Lately, I’ve been quite busy.
B: Tell me what you’ve been up to.
A: I’ve really been working a lot lately.
B: I’ve been pretty busy myself.
A: So what have you been up to?
B: I’ve just been working a lot.
A: Whatever the reason may be, I’m glad you visited me.
B: I’m glad I did too.
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