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Dear students, the English section exam is very challenging. SSC exams are close and as we know English section is as important as other sections. In fact SSC CGL Tier 2 exam has a significant weightage of 200 marks in English which is sufficient to know the importance of this section in government examinations. Now SSC CHSL exam is the next target of the candidates. You need to tighten your waist to get the maximum score. Today, we are providing active passive questions (VOICE PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS) that have an attractive weightage in the exam.


1. The crop was adversely affected by the inadequate rainfall.

(A) The adversely rainfall has affected the inadequate crop.
(B) The inadequate rainfall was adversely affecting the crop.
(C) The inadequate rainfall adversely affected the crop.
(D) The inadequate crop adversely affected the rainfall.

Ans- C

2. The main gate of the building was being guarded by gun-totting guards.

(A) Gun-totting guards guarded the main gate of the building.
(B) The main gate of the building were guarding gun-totting guards.
(C) Gun-totting guards were guarding the main gate of the building.
(D) Gun-totting guards have been guarding the main gate of the building.

Ans- C

3. Do not park your car in front of my house.

(A) Your car need not be parked in front of my house.
(B) Your car should not be parked in front of my house.
(C) Your car could not be parked in front of my house.
(D) My house should not be parked in front of your car.

Ans- B

4. Do not buy medicines without the doctor’s prescription.

(A) Medicines should not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
(B) Medicines need not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
(C) Medicines might not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
(D) Medicines could not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.

Ans- A

5. Every passing vehicle was being thoroughly checked by the guards.

(A) The guards were thoroughly checking every passing vehicle.
(B) The guards have thoroughly checked every passive vehicle.
(C) Every passing vehicle were thoroughly checking the guards.
(D) The guards have been thoroughly checking every passing vehicle.

Ans- A

6. The authorities are planning to lift restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley from the coming week.

(A) It has been planned to lift restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley from the coming week.
(B) Restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley from the coming week are planning to lift the authorities in the Valley.
(C) It is being planned by the authorities to lift restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley from the coming week.
(D) Lifting restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley is planned from the coming week.

Ans- C

7. When we arrived at his house, we were welcomed by his parents.

(A) When his parents arrived at his house, we welcomed them.
(B) When we arrived at his house, his parents welcomed us.
(C) When we arrived at his house, we welcomed his parents.
(D) After we arrived at his house, his parents had welcomed us.

Ans- B

8. A brick falling from the roof top broke the front glass of my car.

(A) The front glass of my car has broken a brick falling from the roof top.
(B) The front glass of my car was broken by a brick falling from the roof top.
(C) The front glass of my car had been broken by a brick falling from the roof top.
(D) The front glass of my car has been broken by a brick falling from the roof top

Ans- B

9. Your behavior annoys me greatly.

(A) I was greatly annoyed by your behavior.
(B) I have been greatly annoyed by your behavior.
(C) I am greatly annoyed by your behavior.
(D) Your behavior has been greatly annoyed by me.

Ans- C

10. The Indian army has inducted several women officers in Infantry and Armoured Corps.

(A) Several women officers will be inducted by the Indian Army in Infantry and Armoured Corps.
(B) Several women officers were inducted by the Indian Army in Infantry and Armoured Corps.
(C) Several women officers are being inducted by the Indian Army in Infantry and Armoured Corps.
(D) Several women officers have been inducted by the Indian Army in Infantry and Armoured Corps.

Ans- D

11. Did you receive my letter?

(A) Did my letter was received by you?
(B) Have you been received by my letter?
(C) Was my letter received by you?
(D) Has my letter been received by you?

Ans- C

12. Has the car been cleaned by the driver?

(A) How has the driver cleaned the car?
(B) Does the driver clean the car?
(C) Has the driver cleaned the car?
(D) Did the driver clean the car?

Ans- C

13. Preparations were being made for the sports meet at the school.

(A) They have been making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
(B) They were making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
(C) They have started making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
(D) They have made preparations for the sports meet at the school.

Ans- B

14. Please share your class notes with me.

(A) Your class notes have been shared with me.
(B) You are requested to share your class notes with me.
(C) Why don’t you share your class notes with me?
(D) You can share your class notes with me.

Ans- B

15. Doctors are constantly monitoring the condition of the patient.

(A) The condition of the patient has been constantly monitored by the doctors.
(B) The condition of the patient is being constantly monitored by the doctors.
(C) The condition of the doctors is being constantly monitored by the patient.
(D) The condition of the patient is constantly monitored by the doctors

Ans- B

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Spotting Error for SSC Exams


16. We are to deal with these problems.

(A) These problems is be dealt with by us.
(B) These problems must be dealing with by us.
(C) These problems are to be dealt by us.
(D) These problems are to be dealt with by us.

Ans- D

17. I was to recommend you another lawyer.

(A) You are recommended another lawyer by me.
(B) You were recommended another lawyer by me.
(C) You were to be recommended another lawyer by me.
(D) You are be recommended another lawyer by me.

Ans- C

18. You have to cut this tree.

(A) This tree has to be cut by you.
(B) This tree is to be cut by you.
(C) This tree is to be cutted by you.
(D) This tree was to be cutted by you.

Ans- A

19. I am not going to tolerate this nonsense anymore.

(A) This nonsense is not going to be tolerated by me anymore.
(B) This nonsense is not being gone to be tolerated by me anymore.
(C) This nonsense is not being going to be tolerated by me anymore.
(D) Tolerate is not being going to be done by me of this nonsense.

Ans- A

20. Before they invented printing, people had to write everything by hand.

(A) Before printing was invented everything had to be written by hand.
(B) Before printing was invented by them, everything had to be written.
(C) Before printing was invented people had to write everything by hand.
(D) Before printing was invented everything was written by hand.

Ans- A

21. They are going to perform “Hamlet”.

(A) “Hamlet” is going to perform by them.
(B) “Hamlet” is going to be performed by them.
(C) “Hamlet” is to perform.
(D) “Hamlet” has to be performed.

Ans- B

22. He will have to do the work tomorrow.

(A) The work will have to be done by him tomorrow.
(B) The work would have to be done by him tomorrow.
(C) The work could have to be done by him tomorrow.
(D) The work will have been done by him tomorrow.

Ans- A

23. He had to commit a mistake.

(A) A mistake had to committed by him.
(B) A mistake was committed by him.
(C) A mistake had to be committed by him.
(D) A mistake has been committed by him.

Ans- C

24. We have to open a new branch.

(A) A new branch have to be opened by us.
(B) A new branch has to be opened by us.
(C) A new branch to be opened by us.
(D) A new branch had to be opened by us.

Ans- B

25. The loan is to be sanctioned by the bank.

(A) The bank is sanctioned the loan.
(B) The bank is going to sanction the loan.
(C) The bank is to sanction the loan.
(D) The bank will to sanction the loan.

Ans- C

26. Are we to send this big parcel by air?

(A) Is this big parcel to be sent by air by us?
(B) Are this big parcel to be sent by air?
(C) Is this big parcel to be sent by air?
(D) Was this big parcel to be sent by air by us?

Ans- A

27. I am going to buy new spectacles tomorrow.

(A) New spectacles are going to be bought by me tomorrow.
(B) New spectacles is going to be bought by me tomorrow.
(C) New spectacles are being bought by me tomorrow.
(D) New spectacles are to be bought by me tomorrow.

Ans- A

28. Sita was to write the Gita.

(A) The Gita was to being written by Sita.
(B) The Gita was to be written by Sita.
(C) Gita was being read by Sita.
(D) The Gita was be written by Sita.

Ans- B

29. She was not to forgotten me.

(A) I am not to be forgotten by her.
(B) I was to not be forgotten by her.
(C) I was not to be forgotten by her.
(D) I not was to be forgotten by her.

Ans- C

30. My father is going to build a six bedroom bungalow.

(A) A six bedroom bungalow was going to be built by my father.
(B) My father will have built a bungalow which will have six bedrooms.
(C) A bungalow of six bedrooms will have been built by my father.
(D) A six bedroom bungalow is going to be built by my father.

Ans- D

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31. It is time to complete this work.

(A) It is time for work to done.
(B) It is time for work to be done.
(C) It was time for work to be done.
(D) It is time to be done this work.

Ans- B

32. We shall have to invite Suresh.

(A) Suresh would have to be invited by us.
(B) Suresh would have been invited by us.
(C) Suresh will have to be invited by us.
(D) Suresh will have been invited by us.

Ans- C

33. Why did your father refuse to give the money to you?

(A) Why was your father refused money to you?
(B) Why was the money not given to you by your father?
(C) Why was the money refused to be given to you by your father?
(D) Why the money was refused to be given to you by your father?

Ans- C

34. Shut the door and leave.

(A) Let the door be shut and you are ordered to leave.
(B) Let the door be shutted and you are ordered to leave.
(C) Let the door be shut and you be left.
(D) Let be the door shut and you are ordered to leave.

Ans- A

35. Who has stolen my mobile phone?

(A) By whom my mobile phone have been stolen?
(B) By whom have my mobile phone been stolen?
(C) By whom has my mobile phone been stolen?
(D) By whom my mobile phone has been stolen?

Ans- C

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Active Passive Voice Part-1 


36. Why are you raising a hue and cry?

(A) Why are a hue and cry being raised by you?
(B) Why is a hue and cry being raised by you?
(C) Why a hue and cry are being raised by you?
(D) Why a hue and cry is being raised by you?

Ans- B

37. Who knows you?

(A) By whom are you known?
(B) Who are you known by?
(C) To whom are you known?
(D) Who are you known?

Ans- C

38. I have bought a new car for my daughter.

(A) A new car was bought for my daughter by me.
(B) A new car is brought for my daughter by me.
(C) A new car has been bought for my daughter by me.
(D) My daughter has been bought a new car by me.

Ans- C

39. Meera sent me a card.

(A) A card will be sent to me by Meera.
(B) A card was sent to me by Meera.
(C) I was sent a card by Meera.
(D) Both B & C.

Ans- D

40. Riya gave the beggar an old sari.

(A) An old sari was given to Riya by the beggar.
(B) An old sari was given to the beggar by Riya.
(C) The beggar was being given on old sari by Riya .
(D) The beggar had to be given on old sari by Riya.

Ans- B

41. Think before you speak.

(A) Let thinking be done before you speak.
(B) Let speaking be not done before you think.
(C) You are advised to think before you speak.
(D) You are requested to think before you speak.

Ans- C

42. Let everyone be given a chance.

(A) Give everyone a chance.
(B) Give a chance for everyone.
(C) Let a chance be given to everyone.
(D) I will give up a chance.

Ans- A

43. Decisions must be taken.

(A) Decisions should be taken.
(B) We must take decisions.
(C) It is good to take decisions.
(D) We should take decisions.

Ans- B

44. Open the door.

(A) The door must be opened.
(B) The door will be opened.
(C) The door is opened.
(D) Let the door be opened.

Ans- D

45. Will those happy days be ever forgotten by me?

(A) Will I ever forget those happy days?
(B) Shall I ever forget those happy days?
(C) Would I forget these happy days?
(D) Ever shall I forget those happy days?

Ans- B

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One word substitution for SSC Exams


46. Why do you like him so much?

(A) Why has he been liked so much by you?
(B) Why was he liked by you so much?
(C) Why is he liked by you so much?
(D) Why he is liked by you so much?

Ans- C

47. Why did she break the garden wall?

(A) Why the garden wall was broken by her?
(B) Why had the garden wall been broken by her?
(C) Why was the garden wall broken by her?
(D) Why will the garden wall be broken by her?

Ans- C

48. This shirt cannot be worn by me any longer.

(A) I cannot wear this shirt any longer.
(B) Wearing of this shirt any longer is not possible.
(C) This shirt is too worn out to be worn any longer.
(D) This worn out shirt cannot be worn any longer.

Ans- A

49. Will she tell us the truth?

(A) Is the truth told to us by her?
(B) The truth will be told to us by her.
(C) Will the truth be told to us by her?
(D) Will the truth be told us by her?

Ans- C

50. Why did you not agree to my proposal?

(A) Why was my proposal not agreed to?
(B) Why was my proposal not agreed by you?
(C) Why my proposal was not agreed to by you?
(D) Why was my proposal not agreed to by you?

Ans- D

51. I cannot accept your offer.

(A) Your offer cannot be accepted by me.
(B) I cannot be accepted by your offer.
(C) The offer cannot be accepted by me.
(D) Your offer cannot be accepted.

Ans- A

52. They will inform the police.

(A) The police will be informed by them.
(B) The police will inform them.
(C) The police are informed by them.
(D) Informed will be the police by them.

Ans- A

53 You can play with these kittens quite safely.

(A) These kittens can played with quite safely.
(B) These kittens can play with you quite safely.
(C) These kittens can be played with you quite safely.
(D) These kittens can be played with quite safely.

Ans- D

54. A child could not have done this mischief.

(A) This mischief could not be done by a child.
(B) This mischief could not been done by a child.
(C) This mischief could not have been done by a child.
(D) This mischief a child could not have been done.

Ans- C

55. The principal will announce the results.

(A) The results will have announced by the principal.
(B) The results were announced by the principal.
(C) The results will be announced by the principal.
(D) The results are announced by the principal

Ans- C

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56. His comment hurt me deeply.

(A) I was hurt deeply by his comment.
(B) I could be hurt deeply by his comment.
(C) His comment was hurtful.
(D) I am hurt deeply by his comment.

Ans- A

57. Write a letter.

(A) A letter is written.
(B) A letter was being written.
(C) Let a letter be written.
(D) You are to write a letter.

Ans- C

58. Please help me.

(A) You are requested to help me.
(B) I was helped.
(C) You are advised to help me.
(D) I am helped.

Ans- A

59. Take this pen.

(A) This pen is being taken.
(B) Let this pen be taken.
(C) This pen should be taken.
(D) This pen is taken.

Ans- B

60. Let us dance together.

(A) We should dance together.
(B) It is suggested that they should dance together.
(C) It is suggested that we should dance together.
(D) We are allowed to dance together.

Ans- B

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Spotting error based on Pronouns

61. Open the window.

(A) The window is opened.
(B) Let the window open.
(C) Let the window be opened.
(D) Let the window should be opened.

Ans- C

62. Bring a piece of chalk.

(A) You are requested to bring a piece of chalk.
(B) You are ordered to bring a piece of chalk.
(C) You are told to bring a piece of chalk.
(D) None of these

Ans- B

63. Do not tell a lie.

(A) A lie is not to be told.
(B) A lie was not to be told.
(C) You are ordered to not tell a lie.
(D) You are advised not to tell a lie.

Ans- D

64. Love your neighbors.

(A) Your neighbors are loved.
(B) Your neighbors is loved.
(C) Let your neighbors should be loved.
(D) Your neighbors should be loved.

Ans- D

65. Please teach me.

(A) I am taught please.
(B) You are requested to teach me.
(C) You are requested that I should be taught.
(D) None of these

Ans- B


66. Inform the police.

(A) The police is informed.
(B) The police are informed.
(C) Let the police be informed.
(D) Let the police should be informed.

Ans- C

67. Always speak the truth.

(A) The truth is spoken always.
(B) You are advised to always speak the truth.
(C) You are told to spoke the truth always.
(D) You are ordered to spoke the truth always.

Ans- B

68. Do your homework on time.

(A) You are advised to do your homework on time.
(B) You are requested to do your homework on time.
(C) Let your homework completed.
(D) Let your homework be completed.

Ans- A

69. Open the window at once.

(A) The windows should be opened by you.
(B) Let the windows opened by you.
(C) The windows be opened by you.
(D) Let the windows be opened by you.

Ans- D

70. He would have written this essay in time.

(A) The essay was written on time
(B) This essay would have been written by him in time
(C) The essay was written by him in time.
(D) He wrote the essay on time

Ans- B

71. Lower the boats.

(A) Let the boat be lowered.
(B) The boats would be lowered.
(B) Please let the boat be lowered.
(D) The boat be lowered please.

Ans- A

72. Can we send the parcel tomorrow?

(A) Can be the parcel sent by us tomorrow?
(B) Can we be sent by the parcel tomorrow?
(C) Can the parcel be sent by us tomorrow?
(D) Can the parcel sent by us tomorrow?

Ans- C

73. Help the poor.

(A) The poor be helped please.
(B) Please help the poor.
(C) The poor should be helped.
(D) Let the poor be helped.

Ans- C

74. They are laughing at you.

(A) You are being laughed by them.
(B) You are being laughed at by them.
(C) You are laughed at by them.
(D) You are being laughed by us.

Ans- B

75. The fire engulfed the building.

(A) The building was engulfed in the fire.
(B) The building was engulfed by the fire.
(C) The building was engulfed the fire.
(D) The building was engulfed to the fire.

Ans- A

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Adjective Error Detection SSC Exams


76. Do not idle away your time.

(A) Your time should not be idled away.
(B) Let your time be not idled away.
(C) Let your time not be idled away.
(D) Your time not be idled away.

Ans- C

77. You have to choose a dish.

(A) A dish have been chosen by you.
(B) A dish has to be chosen by you.
(C) A dish has been chosen by you.
(D) A dish has to choose by you.

Ans- B

78. Please make room for me.

(A) You are ordered to make room for me.
(B) You are requested to make room for me.
(C) You should to make room for me.
(D) Please make room for me.

Ans- B

79. Paint the windows.

(A) Windows should be painted
(B) Let the windows be painted
(C) Let be the windows painted
(D) Windows are to be paint.

80. Please shut the door and go to sleep,

(A) The door is to be shut and you are to go to sleep.
(B) Let the door be shut and you be asleep.
(C) You are requested to shut the door and go to sleep.
(D) The door is to be shut and you are requested to sleep.

Ans- C

81. Prepare yourself for the worst.

(A) You yourself be prepared for the worst
(B) The worst should be prepared by yourself.
(C) Be prepared for the worst
(D) For the worst preparation should be made by you.

Ans- C

82. Do not laugh at others.

(A) You should not to laugh at others.
(B) You laugh not at others.
(C) You are requested not to laugh at others.
(D) You are suggested not to laugh at others.

Ans- D

83. Don’t touch this switch.

(A) This switch does not be touched.
(B) This switch should not be touched.
(C) This switch don’t be touched.
(D) This switch need not be touched.

Ans- B

84. Please read out this letter to me.

(A) You are requested to read out this letter to me.
(B) You are ordered to read out this letter to me.
(C) You read out this letter to me.
(D) Please read out this letter to me.

Ans- A

85. I will take care of you.

(A) I will be taking care of you.
(B) You will be taken care of by me.
(C) You will have to take care by me.
(D) You will be taken care by me.

Ans- B


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