Top 30 Spotting Error Questions
Hi aspirants, In this post, I am going to give you top 30 spotting error questions with complete explanation. I am writing this post just after taking the class on Unacademy (Profile – Ranjan Kumar). As I was taking the class, I realized that these questions have such concepts which you all aspirants should know in detail. I hope you find these questions beneficial for your upcoming SSC exams.
Let’s Start…
Top 30 Spotting Error Questions
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘D’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
1. The researcher could not (a) understand the local language of the state and so, (b) found it difficult to study in the people. (c) No error (d)
2. You cannot expect the students (a) to blame on the teacher for getting low marks (b) in the examination. (c) No error (d)
3. He was awfully dissatisfy (a) with the arrangements made for (b) him by the security guards. (c) No error (d)
4. Once he was satisfied by himself, (a) he started thinking about (b) what had gone wrong and why it had done so. (c) No error (d)
5. Upon pulling down Spotlight search, (a) Siri will automatically suggest some app to users, (b) based on their heir emails and calendars. (c) No error (d)
6. The company was recently allot (a) two coal mines for captive use (b) in its power plants. (c) No error (d)
7. By Monday night, nearly 35 complaints was filed (a) and as many FIRs registered (b) by the Andhra Pradesh Police. (c) No error (d)
8. Their company will incur heavy losses (a) this year because of the unreasonable free (b) they offer to customers. (c) No error (d)
9. On a number of occasions, (a) we had noticed that those two employees (b) were often in a state of confused. (c) No error (d)
10. After a complaint was filed, (a) police teams was given the photograph of the accused (b) from the CCTV footage recorded at the hotel. (c) No error (d)
11. All this financial institution should be registered with (a) Reserve Bank of India to make sure (b) that they function properly. (c) No error (d)
12. Each business activities provides employment (a) to people who would (b) otherwise be unemployed. (c) No error (d)
13. The government has signed a memorandum (a) of understanding with the company (b) to set up in plant in the state. (c) No error (d)
14. Everybody knows (a) that Bhutan is the most peaceful (b) of all other countries of the world. (c) No error (d)
15. The two men were quarrelling (a) with one another claiming (b) the same watch as their own. (c) No error (d)
Top 30 Spotting Error Questions
16. No sooner did I come out of my home to go to the market (a) than it started raining heavily (b) which drenched me completely. (c) No error (d)
17. The call of the seas (a) have always (b) found an echo in me. (c) No error (d)
18. He asked her that (a) whether she knew (b) what had happened last week when she was on leave. (c) No error (d)
19. The boss reminded them of the old saying (a) that honesty was the best policy (b) and told them that they had better be honest in their work. (c) No error (d)
20. We swam up to the drowning man, caught hold of his clothes (a) before he could go down again (b) and pulled him out, safe to the shore. (c) No error (d)
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21. The hundred-rupees notes (a) that he gave them for the goods bought from them looked genuine (b) but later they reliably learnt that the notes were all counterfeit. (c) No error (d)
22. The company has appointed (a) consultants to help them (b) increase its revenue and improve its financial position. (c) No error (d)
23. She is the first woman (a) to be appointed president (b) since the company was established from 1950. (c) No error (d)
24. Base on the research (a) we have conducted in different parts of (b) the country, this scheme will be successful. (c) No error (d)
25. Any of these branches do not require (a) more than two employees since (b) they have been recently established. (c) No error (d)
26. He encouraged us to think (a) but none of the suggestions (b) we made was discussed at the meeting. (c) No error (d)
27. Essay writing is an art (a) that requires many planning (b) on the part of the writer. (c) No error (d)
28. As if aware of my condition (a) the infuriated bird suddenly doubled back on its course (b) and charged straight after me. (c) No error (d)
29. It took her a long time (a) to get off (b) the death of her husband. (c) No error (d)
30. Acceptance is not about allowing everything (a) to occur or to go on, it is neither related to passivity and weakness, (b) nor is it about confirmation or mediocrity. (c) No error (d)
Top 30 Spotting Error Questions
Answers & Explanation
1. Ans – C – In the part C, Remove ‘In’ because the verb used before it is transitive and it does not require any preposition rather it requires a direct object. Study the people should be used.
2. Ans – The error lies in the part C, as the verb given Blame is also a transitive verb and it also does not require a preposition before its object. It should be blame the teacher.
3. Ans – The error is in part A, Awfully is an adverb and it requires an adjective here. It should be awfully dissatisfied.
4. Ans – The error is in the C as there is a wrong pronoun ‘It’ is used. Here ‘He’ should be used as the doer of the sentence ‘He’.
5. Ans – In the sentence, error is related to determiner + Noun, as you know, some is a determiner which takes either a plural countable noun or an uncountable noun. It should be ‘some apps’
6. Ans – There is an error in the part A. As you know after Be, (am/is/are/was/were), the ‘ING’ verb form in the active voice and ‘MV3’ in the passive voice is used. Here, ‘was recently allotted’ should be used.
7. Ans – By + Time takes a perfect tense verb. Here should be ’35 complaints had been filed’ should be used before from the context, past time is evident.
8. Ans – The error is in part B, Let’s try to understand the concepts, as you can see there is a preposition ‘Of’ is used and you should know that if there is a preposition, it must be followed by a noun, and you can see an adjective (unreasonable) is used with another adjective (free), so change it into a noun that is ‘Freebies’.
9. Ans – Again the same error is given in the sentence, after preposition ‘Of’ there should be noun so change confused into confusion.
10. Ans – The error is in the part B, as you know Team is countable noun and it can be used in plural form, and in the sentence Teams is given so the verb were according to the teams.
11. Ans – The error lies in part A. The error is related to determiner + noun, the determiner ‘All’ is followed by either a plural noun or an uncountable noun. Here institution is countable so it should be institutions and also change this into these.
12. Ans – The error is in the part A. The determiner Each and Every take a singular noun and singular verb. Change the activities into activity.
13. Ans – The error is in the part C. Set up is phrasal verb and it takes a direct object, so remove ‘in’. The correct answer is set up a plant.
14. Ans – All other + plural countable noun and Any other + singular countable noun are used in the comparative degree, so ‘Other’ should be removed as the given sentence is in the superlative degree.
15. Ans – The error is in part B. One other is used for more than two persons or things, as in the sentence, two men is given, Each other should be used.
16. Ans – The error is in part A. Remove ‘The’ from market. There are so many names of place, if they are used for their primary use, no article is used, but when the use is other than primary article The is used.
17. Ans – The error lies in option B. The subject “the call of the seas” is singular number and therefore, it should be followed by a singular verb. Therefore, replace “have” with “has”.
18. Ans – Since the given sentence is indirect speech, there needs only one conjunction which is If or whether not That, because that is used in assertive sentence.
19. Ans – The error is in part B. It should be ‘Honesty is the best policy’. Remember one thing that the tense of reported speech is always in present tense if it shows the universal or general truth even if the reporting verb remains in the past tense.
20. Ans – The error is in part A. The correct phrase is ‘Get hold of’ so here it should be got hold of.
21. Ans. The error lies in part A. It should be hundred-rupee because it is modifying Notes and a modifier can’t be written in plural form.
22. Ans – The error is related to pronoun in option B. ‘Them’ should be replaced by ‘it’ as the objective case pronoun is used for company not for consultants.
23. Ans – In will replace from in part C. Preposition ‘from’ is generally used to express the start of time.
24. Ans – Should be ‘Based on’ is the correct use in the part A. It is proper to use Past Participle form of Verb ‘base’
25. Ans – Does will replace Do because the subject of the sentence is ‘Any’ Any means anyone
26. Ans – No Error.
27. Ans – Planning is an uncountable noun therefore ‘Much’ determiner should be used before planning not ‘Many’.
28. Ans – The error is in part C. Replace ‘After’ by ‘at’ ‘Straight at sbd means direct to sbd
29. Ans – Here the error is in part B. To get off means उतरना / छुटकारा पाना ; To get over means उबर पाना Hence, ‘Off’ should be replace by ‘over ‘
30. Ans – After a conjunction there should be Sub + Verb order. Hence, ‘nor it is about confirmation’ should be used.
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