70 Profession Showing Words

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70 Profession Showing Words

आज की इस Post में हम आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं 70 ऐसे शब्द ‘70 Profession Showing Words‘ जिनसे आप किसी इंसान का प्रोफेशन पेश या रोजगार के बारे में बात कर सकते हैं। आप सभी जानते हैं कि सभी इंसान कोई ना कोई काम करता है और उसको उसके काम से बताने के लिए English Words को जानना जरूरी होता है।70 पेशा या रोजगार बतलाने वाले Words इंग्लिश और हिंदी में।

In today’s Post, we are sharing with you 70 words with which you can talk about a person’s profession or employment. You all know that every person does some or the other work and it is necessary to know English words to tell him from his work. 70 words in English and Hindi that describe profession or employment.

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70 Profession Showing Words

1. ACCOUNTANT : someone whose job is to keep the financial records of a business or person [लेखापाल / मुनीम]

2. ACTOR : Actor is often used to refer specifically to a man or boy who acts. [अभिनेता]

3. ACTRESS : a woman or girl who acts in a play, movie, etc. [अभिनेत्री]

4. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER : a person whose job is to give instructions to aircraft pilots by radio [हवाई यातायात नियंत्रक]

5. ARCHITECT : a person who designs buildings [वास्तुकार / निर्माता]

6. ARTIST : a person who creates art [कलाकार / चित्रकार]

7. ATTORNEY [अटर्नी] : a person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters. [प्रतिनिधि / वकील]

8. BANKER : a person who owns a bank or who has an important job in a bank [साहूकार / बैंककर्मी]

9. BARTENDER : a person who serves drinks at a bar or restaurant [साक़ी / शराबघर का परिचारक]

10. BARBER : a person whose job is to cut men’s hair [नाई / हज्जाम]

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11. BOOKKEEPER : a person whose job is to keep the financial records for a business [मुनीम / लेखाकार]

12. BUILDER : a person or company that builds or repairs things (such as houses, ships, bridges, etc.) [बिल्डर / निर्माता]

13. BUSINESSMAN : a man who works in business especially in a high position or : a man who is good at dealing with business and financial matters [कारोबारी / व्यापारी]

14. BUSINESSWOMAN : a woman who works in business especially in a high position or : a woman who is good at dealing with business and financial matters [व्यवसायी]

15. BUSINESSPERSON : a man or woman who works in business [नियोक्ता]

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16. BUTCHER : someone who cuts and sells meat in a shop [कसाई]

17. CARPENTER [कार्पन्टर] : a person whose job is to make or fix wooden objects or wooden parts of buildings [बढ़ई]

18. CASHIER : a person whose job is to take in or give out money in a store, bank, etc. [खजांची / कोषाध्यक्ष]

19. CHEF [शेफ] : a professional cook who usually is in charge of a kitchen in a restaurant [रसोइया / महाराज]

20. COACH : a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer [प्रशिक्षक]

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21. DENTAL HYGIENIST : a person who works with a dentist and whose job includes cleaning people’s teeth [दंत स्वास्थिक]

22. DENTIST : a person whose job is to care for people’s teeth [दंत चिकित्सक]

23. DESIGNER : a person who creates and often produces a new product, style, etc. [रूपकार]

24. DEVELOPER [डिवेलपर] : a person or thing that develops something: such as [विकसित करनेवाला / डिवेलपर]

a. [count] : a person or company that builds and sells houses or other buildings on a piece of land

b. [count] : a person or company that creates computer software

25. DIETICIAN [डाइअटिशन]: a person whose job is to give people advice about what to eat in order to be healthy [आहार विशेषज्ञ]

26. DOCTOR : a person who is skilled in the science of medicine : a person who is trained and licensed to treat sick and injured people [चिकित्सक]

27. ECONOMIST [इकानमिस्ट]: a person who studies or specializes in economics [अर्थशास्त्री]

28. EDITOR [एडिटर]: a person whose job is to edit something [संपादक]

29. ELECTRICIAN : a person who works on and repairs electrical equipment [बिजली मिस्त्री]

30. ENGINEER : a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines, systems, or structures [अभियंता]

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31. FARMER : a person who owns or manages a farm [किसान]

32. FILMMAKER : a person (such as a director or producer) who makes movies [फिल्म निर्माता]

33. FISHERMAN : a person (especially a man) who catches fish [मछुआरा]

34. FLIGHT ATTENDANT : a person whose job is to help passengers who are traveling in an airplane [उड़ान परिचारक]

35. JEWELER [जूअलर] : a person who makes, repairs, or sells jewelry and watches [जौहरी]

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70 Profession Showing Words

36. JUDGE : to form an opinion about (something or someone) after careful thought [न्यायाधीश]

37. LAWYER [लॉइअर] : a person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to the law [वकील]

38. MECHANIC : a person who repairs machines (such as car engines) and keeps them running properly [मिस्त्री]

39. MUSICIAN [म्यूज़िशन] : a person who writes, sings, or plays music [संगीतकार]

40. NUTRITIONIST [नूट्रिशनिस्ट] : a person whose job is to give advice on how food affects your health [आहार विज्ञ / पोषण-विज्ञानी]

41. NURSE : a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually works in a hospital or doctor’s office [परिचारिका / नर्स]

42. OPTICIAN [आप्टिशन] : a person whose job is to sell eyeglasses and contact lenses, to make sure that they fit correctly, and sometimes to make eyeglasses [चश्मा बनाने वाला]

43. PAINTER : a person whose job it is to paint walls, houses, etc. [रंगसाज़ / पेंटर]

44. PHARMACIST [फार्मसिस्ट] : a person whose job is to prepare and sell the drugs and medicines that a doctor prescribes for patients [औषध विक्रेता]

45. PHOTOGRAPHER [फ़अˈटॉग्रफ़अ] : a person who takes photographs especially as a job [फोटोग्राफर]

46. PHYSICIAN [फज़िशन ] : a medical doctor [चिकित्सक]

47. PHYSICIAN’S ASSISTANT : a person who provides basic medical care and who usually works with a doctor [चिकित्सक के सहायक]

48. PILOT : a person who flies an airplane, helicopter, etc. [पायलट / विमानचालक]

49. PLUMBER [प्लमर] : a person whose job is to install or repair sinks, toilets, water pipes, etc. [नलसाज़]

50. POLICE OFFICER [पलीस ऑफिसर] : a person whose job is to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests : a member of the police [पुलिस अधिकारी]

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51. POLITICIAN : someone who is active in government usually as an elected official [राजनीतिज्ञ]

52. PROFESSOR [प्रफेसर] : a teacher especially of the highest rank at a college or university [प्रोफ़ेसर]

53. PROGRAMMER : a person who creates computer programs [प्रोग्रम लिखने वाला]

54. PSYCHOLOGIST [साइकालजिस्ट] : a scientist who specializes in the study and treatment of the mind and behavior : a specialist in psychology [मनोवैज्ञानिक]

55. RECEPTIONIST : a person whose job is to deal with the people who call or enter an office, hotel, etc. [अगवानी करनेवाला / रिसेप्शनिस्ट]

56. SALESMAN [सेल्ज़्मन] : a person (especially a man) whose job is to sell things [विक्रेता]

57. SALESPERSON [सैल्ज़्पर्सन] : a person whose job is to sell things [विक्रेता]

58. SALESWOMAN [सैल्ज़्वुमन] : a woman whose job is to sell things [विक्रेत्री]

59. SECRETARY : a person whose job is to handle records, letters, etc., for another person in an office [सेक्रटेरी / अध्यक्ष]

60. SINGER : someone who sings [गायक / गायिका]

61. SURGEON : a doctor who performs surgery [शल्य चिकित्सक]

62. TEACHER : a person or thing that teaches something [शिक्षक / गुरुदेव / अध्यापक]

63. THERAPIST [थेरपिस्ट] : a person trained in methods of treating illnesses especially without the use of drugs or surgery [चिकित्सक]

64. TRANSLATOR [ट्रैन्स्लेटर] : a person who changes words written in one language into a different language [अनुवादक]

65. UNDERTAKER : a person whose job is to arrange and manage funerals [मृतसंस्कार का प्रबन्ध करने वाला]

66. VETERINARIAN [वेटरिनेरीअन] : a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to animals [पशु चिकित्सक]

67. VIDEOGRAPHER : a person who records images or events using a video camera [वीडियोग्राफर]

68. WAITER : a man who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant [बैरा / चाकर]

69. WAITRESS [वेट्रिस]: a woman who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant [महिला वेटर / चाकरानी]

70. WRITER : someone whose work is to write books, poems, stories, etc. [लेखक / साहित्यकार]

70 Profession Showing Words

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