WH Family words in English

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WH Family Words in English

There are nine WH. Questions WH Family words in English . WH-questions are questions starting with WH-words including: what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.

  1. Simple Wh. Words
  2. Compound Wh. Words

How to form WH-questions?

  1. With an Auxiliary

Wh.-word + helping verb + subject + main verb …?

Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs (not main verbs).

Primary Helping Verbs – be, do, have.

Modal Auxiliary:- will, shall, would, can, could, must, should, may, might, etc.

What are you doing tonight?

आप आज रात क्या कर रहे हैं?

Why should we read books?

हमें किताबें क्यों पढ़नी चाहिए?

When has she got married?

उसकी शादी कब हुई है?


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  1. Without any Auxiliary

Wh. Word + main verb…? [When WH-words replace subjects already]

What makes you happy?

तुम्हें किससे खुशी मिलती है?

Who won the last game?

पिछला गेम किसने जीता?

Who taught you English?

आपको अंग्रेजी किसने सिखाया?

Question wordFunction / Meaning
1.What [क्या]Asking for information about something [Subject / Object]
2. What … For / For What [किसलिए]Asking for a reason, Asking why
3. When [कब]Asking about time

Example:- What are you doing?

तुम क्या कर रहे?

What makes you happy?

तुम्हें किससे खुशी मिलती है?

For what is she crying?

वह किस लिए रो रही है?

When have you got a call from Rohan?

रोहन का फोन कब आया?

Question wordFunction / Meaning
4. Where [कहाँ]Asking in or at what place or position
5. Which / Which + Noun [कौन सा]Asking about choice
6. Who [कौन]Asking what or which person or people [subject]

Example:- Where do you live in Delhi?

आप दिल्ली में कहाँ रहते हैं?

Which is your favourite movie?

आपकी प्रिय फिल्म कौन – सी है?

Which book is yours?

आपकी कौन सी किताब है?

Who are you to speak to me like this?

तुम कौन होते हो मुझसे इस तरह बात करने वाले?

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WH Family words in English

Question wordFunction / Meaning
7. Whom [किसको / जिसे]Asking what or which person or people (object)
8. Whose / Whose + Noun [किसका]Asking about ownership
9. Why [क्यों]Asking for reason

Example:- Whom do you like most in your family?

Whose is this bag?

यह थैला किसका है?

Whose son are you?

तुम किसके बेटे हो?

Why are you sad today?

आज तुम उदास क्यों हो?

Question wordFunction / Meaning
10. How [कैसे]Asking about manner

Example:- How do you know about her?

आप उसके बारे में कैसे जानते हैं?

How are preparing for your exam?

आपकी परीक्षा की तैयारी कैसे कर रहे हैं?

WH Family Words in English

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