Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answer Set-10 PDF 2025

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Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answer Set-10 PDF 2025

Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answer Set-10 PDF 2025 – Unseen passages are an important part of the CBSE Class 10 English exam. To get good marks in English, students should practice different types of unseen passages. This will help them score all 20 marks in the reading section of the English Language and Literature paper.

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Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answer Set-10

1. Vegetarianism promotes a natural way of life. But despite its implicit message of universal love and non-violence it has not spread, as it should have. This may be because it usually is an inward looking habit and is best cultivated in the mind.

2. Leading a vegetarian way of life helps the animal kingdom to co-exist with man. The animals supply milk, manure and energy. This has been central to the Indian culture for thousands of years. A vegetarian lifestyle is natural, multifaceted and helps self-preservation in a healthy way. Food and health are closely related.

3. In India, a vegetarian is usually a lacto-vegetarian. In the Western world vegetarians are sub divided as ‘vegans’ (pure vegetarians who do not take any food coming from animal kingdom), lacto-vegetarians, who use dairy products of the vegetable kingdom and lacto-ova-vegetarians. The last category includes eggs, in addition to dairy products. Lastly, there are people who identify themselves as belonging to the flexitarian category.

4. The Western science of food considers food as something to sustain only the human body, whereas, the Indian science considers food as something which sustains not only the body, but also maintains the purity of heart, mind and the soul. Thus, an item of food which is injurious to the mind is not considered to be fit for consumption, even if it is otherwise beneficial to the body or satisfies the taste. Indian food science does not give so much importance to protein or even to the balanced diet but it gives importance to food that increases the strength of the body and its virility.

5. Vegetarian foods provide an infinite variety of flavours, whereas non-vegetarian foods have hardly any taste of their own. In fact, non-vegetarian foods have to be seasoned with ingredients from the vegetable kingdom to make them palatable.

6. In most sports disciplines, vegetarians lead in endurance tests. ‘You are what you eat’ is an old saying and it is a fact that it is the food that makes the man. The food we eat, its quality, quantity, its timing and combination – is of utmost importance to healthy life.

7. It is significant to note that in the USA nearly 30 to 40 million people have adopted vegetarianism in the last decade. More and more intellectuals in the UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Mexico, Russia and its former allies, are gradually turning to vegetarian diet not only on ethical and humanitarian grounds but also for health and ecological reasons.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any five out of the seven questions by choosing the correct option.

(i) According to the author, what, from the following, is the most important benefit of vegetarianism?
(a) It is an ethical way of life.
(b) It benefits a person’s health.
(c) It is very cost-friendly.
(d) Both (a) and (b)

(ii) Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to the above passage. Shashank: I am a vegetarian except for Sundays. On Sunday, I only eat meat; it is very beneficial for health.
Madhav: While that may be true, it doesn’t diminish the fact that ………….. .
(a) You eat harmful food the rest of the week.
(b) Vegetarian food is equally beneficial, both to the body and mind.
(c) It cause lead to your death.
(d) Vegetarian food saves many lives.

(iii) Choose the option that best conveys the message in– ‘You are what you eat’.
(a) If you eat apple too much, you’ll start looking like an apple.
(b) Eating healthy food can improve a person’s health.
(c) Eating unhealthy food can worsen a person’s health.
(d) Both (b) and (c)

(iv) A Portmanteau [words like smog (smoke + fog)], is a blend of words in which parts of multiple words are combined into a new word.
From the options given below, select a Portmanteau word that appears in the above passage.
(a) Vegetarianism
(b) Lifestyle
(c) Flexitarian
(d) Co-exist

(v) Select the option that lists the things which are the most important to lead a healthy life.
(1) The timing of the food
(2) The quality of food
(3) The type of food
(4) The combination of food
(5) The amount of food
(a) 2 and 5
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2, 4 and 5
(d) All of the above

(vi) Which of the following by the mention of the US and the other countries?
(a) That few people are becoming non-vegetarian.
(b) That more people are slowly becoming vegetarian.
(c) That more people are slowly becoming non-vegetarian.
(d) That few people are becoming vegetarian.

(vii) Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.
(a) Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. (Thomas Edison)
(b) Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)
(c) A mind of the caliber of mine cannot derive its nutrient from cows. (George Bernard Shaw)
(d) Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. (Albert Einstein)

Answer & Exlanation

(i) (d) Vegetarianism, as per the passage, is based on the message of universal love and non-violence making it an ethical way of life. It‘s essentially a more healthy way of life.

(ii) (b) The given passage, promotes vegetarianism as a healthy and ethical way of life.

(iii) (d) The phrase ‘You are what you eat’ posits that healthy food makes one healthy and unhealthy food makes one unhealthy.

(iv) (c) Flexitarian is a combination of flexible and vegetarian.

(v) (c) To lead a healthy life. The timing of food intake, the quality of food, the combination of food and the amount of food taken is crucial.

(vi) (b) ln the last paragraph of the given passage, it is mentioned that people are slowly adopting vegetarianism in USA.
(vii) (d) As the given passage promotes a vegetarian diet and how it is essentially good for humans as well as animals, the quote mentioned in option (d) is correct.

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