Two Stories about Flying Very Short Questions Answers

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Two Stories about Flying Very Short Questions Answers

Two Stories about Flying Very Short Questions Answers – Extra Questions & Answers for “Two Stories About Flying” Class 10 are available here. These extra questions for Part 1 and Part 2 have been prepared for upcoming CBSE Class 10 Board Exams. The questions are divided into two or three sections: Short Questions Answer, Long Questions Answer, and Extract-Based Questions. In this part, you will get very short Questions Answers. Studying these questions will help you score good marks in your board exams.

Two Stories about Flying Very Short Questions Answers

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Very Short Answer Questions Part-1 (His First Flight)

Question 1. Where did young seagull live?

Answer: The young seagull lived alone on his ledge.

Question 2. Why was the seagull afraid to fly?

Answer: He was afraid to fly because his wings would never support him.

Question 3. What were the ways the seagull had thought of to join his family?

Answer: He thought of joining his family by jumping and by walking up to them.

Question 4. How did the family show their happiness for the young seagull?

Answer: They offered him scraps of dog fish through their beaks.

Question 5. Why did the seagull dive towards his mother?

Answer: The seagull dove towards his mother because he wanted the fish in his mother’s beak.

Question 6. Who took pity on the young seagull?

Answer: His mother pitied on the young seagull.

Question 7. Why did the seagull not go with the rest of his family?

Answer: He did not go because he was afraid to fly.

Question 8. Why was the young seagull alone?

Answer: The young seagull was alone because his two brothers and sister had already flown.

Question 9. For how long had the seagull been alone?

Answer: He had been alone for the last twenty-four hours.

Question 10. What did he see throughout the day?

Answer: He saw his parents perfecting his brothers and sister in the art of flying.

Question 11. Who included the seagull’s family except him?

Answer: There were five members in his family except for him – his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister.

Question 12. What sight maddened the young seagull?

Answer: The sight of food maddened him.

Question 13. Who had already landed on the green flooring?

Answer: His parents, brothers, and sister had already landed on the green flooring.

Question 14. Where did he sleep that night?

Answer: He slept in a little hole under the ledge.

Question 15. Why did he not fly with his brothers and sister?

Answer: He did not fly because he was afraid.

Question 16. He stood at the edge of the ledge on one leg and closed his eyes. Why?

Answer: He wanted to get the attention of his family.

Question 17. Why did the seagull not go with the rest of his family?

Answer: He did not go because he was afraid to fly.

Two Stories about Flying Very Short Questions Answers

Very Short Answer Questions Part-2 (Black Aeroplane)

1. What type of story is the ‘Black Aeroplane?’

Answer: It is a mysterious story.

2. Which plane was the narrator flying?

Answer: He was flying the old Dakota plane DS088.

3. Why did the pilot fly straight into the storm instead of returning to Paris?

Answer: He did not return to Paris because he wanted to get home.

4. What did the pilot encounter 150 kilometres from Paris?

Answer: He encountered big stormy clouds 150 kilometres from Paris.

5. Why did the pilot call the Paris Control Room the first time?

Answer: He called the Paris Control Room to guide him on his way to England.

6. Why was the pilot happy? Give two reasons.

Answer: He was happy because he was flying up above the sleeping countryside. Secondly, he was going to be with his family.

7. Which country was the narrator flying his plane over?

Answer: He was flying his plane over France.

8. How many fuel tanks were there on the plane? How much fuel was left?

Answer: There were two fuel tanks on the plane. There was fuel for five or ten minutes only.

9. Did Paris Control hear the pilot the second time he called? Why?

Answer: The Paris Control did not hear him because his radio had gone dead.

10. What was the advice of the Paris Control?

Answer: The Paris Control advised him to turn twelve degrees west.

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