Superfluous Error in English for SSC Exams – Error Detection

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Superfluous Errors in English for SSC Exams

In grammar, Superfluous Error in English is considered very common. If you know the definition and some basic concepts, it will be very easy to spot these exaggerated error. We will study 30 questions related to Superfluous Error in English for SSC and their detailed solutions. In the previous post we have studied the basic concept related to Superfluous Expression and Slang. Do practice as much as you can, because we know that perfect practice makes a man perfect.

1. Within an hour’s journey we (A) will approach near (B) Agra. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) Near is Superfluous

2. He asked (A) supposing if he fails (B) hat he would do. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (B) Supposing or if cannot be used together

3. The short story (A) should not exceed (B) more than two hundred words (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) more than is Superfluous

4. The power to (A) distinguish between differences (B) is the basis of science and art. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (B) The word ‘between difference’ will not be used because the verb distinguish is a verb which itself means to recognize the difference between two people or things.

5. Probably by the end of the year he will (A) leave for the U.S.A; (B) with bag and baggage. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (D) with is not used with bag and baggage

6. This happened (A) just exactly (B) five years ago. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (B) Either just or exactly should be used because both have the same meaning.

7. Many people don’t hardly know about the real factors (A) that have led the state (B) to so many crises (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (C) Don’t and Hardly cannot be used together since both are negative adverbs.

8. When Darun heard the news that his father has been hospitalized (A) he cancelled his trip (B) and returned back to his village (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) Return and Back cannot be used together; Back is used with come.

9. She wishes to join lectureship because (A) she thinks that this (B) is a peaceful profession. (C) No error (D)

Ans:- Use of ‘lecturership’ is wrong. The correct term would be – lectureship.

Superfluous Error in English

10. Looking forward (A) to meeting you (B) in person. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) meeting and in person together make superfluous

11. He was very friendly enough (A) to help me when (B) was in distress. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) use of “very” is superfluous.  ‘positive degree adjective + enough’ is correct structure

12. In the back side (A) of our house (B) we have a rock garden. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) Side cannot be used with the names of directions like right, left, back etc.

13. He ran as fastly as he could to (A) win the race (B) but ultimately he lost (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (A) Fastly does not exist in English; Fast is both adjective and adverb

14. All the students (A) came to school (B) at the same usual time. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) Usual is Superfluous; Either at the same time or usual time should be used

15. Unless you do not (A) go through your books (B) you cannot get through the examination (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) Generally no negative term or word should be used with Unless and Until because both have negative meaning of their own.

16. Throughout the whole year there was not (A) a single day (B) without some violence. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) Either Throughout the year or The whole year should be used

17. Yesterday in the night he came to dinner but ate (A) very little because he (B) was emotionally disturbed. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) yesterday in the night and Yesterday night are wrong expressions instead Last night should be used.

18. According to me every student of English literature (A) must read all the best (B) tragedies of Shakespeare. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) According to me should be replaced by ‘In my opinion or To me‘ because the speaker cannot tell that he or she is an expert. 

19. Please remember that dr. Saharan who is a surgeon (A) is my cousin brother and (B) must be shown due respect. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (C) The use of Brother or Sister after Cousin is considered to be superfluous.

20. She reimbursed back the money (A) which I had spent during our (B) journey to Kathmandu (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (A) Back is Superfluous; reimbursed itself means repay (a person who has spent or lost money).

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Superfluous Error in English

21. Rohit denied that he was not (A) present at the spot of (B) occurrence. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) The use of Not with the verb Deny is considered to be superfluous because Deny itself means state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.

22. The science project of the company was (A) equally as successful (B) as the first project. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (B) The use equally is superfluous here. ‘Equally’ and ‘successful as’ cannot be used together.

23. The candidate re quested the chairman (A) to repeat the (B) question again. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (D) Again is superfluous here as Repeat means to say again

24. I took a day’s leave to attend (A) a dear departed friend’s funeral service which was (B) to be conducted by this family priest (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (C) Service is Superfluous; Funeral itself means the ceremonies honoring a dead person, typically involving burial or cremation.

25. They were quite all right (A) when they started arguing with the (B) so called officer. (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (A) Either quite or all. 

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26. As my neighbourers are very cooperative (A) I do not (B) feel any difficulty (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (A) Neighbours in place of Neighbourers 

27. The patient is comparatively better today and I hope (A) that he will recover soon, (B) said the doctor. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) After Comparatively positive degree adjective is used so good should be used in place of Better

28. They stayed in Kashmir for a very short (A) period of time and then (B) they returned home (C) No error (D)

Ans:- (B) Period itself means time so no need to use of time after period

29. Two recent incident amply illustrate about (A) the present political ( B) condition of the country. (C) No error. (D)

Ans:- (A) About is superfluous; Illustrate itself means ‘To explain or make something clear by using examples, pictures or diagrams’

30. She is not (A) able to cope up with (B) the peer pressure. (C) No Error (D) 

Ans:- (B) Use of ‘up’ with ‘cope’ is superfluous. ‘to cope with’ is the correct way.

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