SSC CGL One Word Substitution

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SSC CGL One Word Substitution – In this post, I am sharing One Word Substitutions which have been asked in the Previous Exams of SSC CGL.

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SSC CGL One Word Substitution

Instruction for SSC CGL One Word Substitution: Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.

Q.1 A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body
CGL 13/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Crowd
(b) Cluster
(c) Throng
(d) Drove

Q.2 A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself
CGL 13/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Triplet
(b) Triumvir
(c) Trivet
(d) Trilogy

Q.3 A self-governing country or region
CGL 13/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Anarchy
(b) Autonomy
(c) Democracy
(d) Monarchy

Q.4 A place where coins, medals or tokens are made
CGL 13/8/2021(Afternoon)
(a) Casting
(b) Mill
(c) Mint
(d) Workshop

Q.5 A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft
CGL 13/8/2021(Evening)
(a) Anchor
(b) Choreographer
(c) Astronaut
(d) Chauffeur

Q.6 One who does not take any alcoholic drink
CGL 13/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Teetotaller
(b) Astrologer
(c) Perfectionist
(d) Vegetarian

Q.7 A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft
CGL 16/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Barn
(b) Airport
(c) Shed
(d) Hangar

Q.8 A person who listens to someone’s private conversation without them knowing
CGL 16/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Eavesdropper
(b) Infiltrator
(c) Secret agent
(d) Spy

Q.9 A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
CGL 16/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Hostel
(b) Creche
(c) Assembly
(d) Dormitory

Q.10 A group of people, typically with vehicles or animals, travelling together.
CGL 16/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Caravan
(b) Troop
(c) Circus
(d) Gang

SSC CGL One Word Substitution

Q.11 A place in a large institution, for the care of those who are ill
CGL 16/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Hostel
(b) Infirmary
(c) Hangar
(d) Dormitory

Q.12. A group of stars
CGL 16/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Congregation
(b) Astronomy
(c) Planets
(d) Constellation

Q.13 Having no boundaries or limits
CGL 17/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Enormous
(b) Tremendous
(c) Infinite
(d) Colossal

Q.14 One who studies the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life
CGL 17/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Astronomer
(b) Astrologer
(c) Numerologist
(d) Prophet

Q.15 A sentimental longing for a period in the past
CGL 17/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Memory
(b) Emotion
(c) Craving
(d) Nostalgia

Q.16 A large cage, building, or enclosure to keep birds
CGL 17/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Aviary
(b) Aquarium
(c) Arena
(d) Zoo

Q.17 Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone
CGL 17/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Bean
(b) Pulp
(c) Caramel
(d) Kernel

Q.18 A news article that reports the recent death of a person
CGL 17/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Review
(b) Editorial
(c) Mortuary
(d) Obituary

Q.19 Something that is to your advantage but happened by chance
CGL 18/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Occidental
(b) Purposeful
(c) Deliberate
(d) Fortuitous

Q.20 To throw an event into confusion or disorder
CGL 18/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Disrupt
(b) Detonate
(c) Erupt
(d) Explode

SSC CGL One Word Substitution

Q.21.A person who thinks that bad things are more likely to happen or who emphasises the bad part of a situation
CGL 18/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Complainer
(b) Misanthropist
(c) Optimist
(d) Pessimist

Q.22.The act or habit of talking in one’s sleep
CGL 18/8/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) Somniloquy
(b) Soliloquy
(c) Monologue
(d) Prologue

Q.23 An imaginary ideal society free of poverty and suffering
CGL 18/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Heaven
(b) Utopia
(c) Dreamland
(d) Paradise

Q.24 A dynamic campaign for political, social or religious change
CGL 18/8/2021 (Evening)
(a) Mutiny
(b) Conflict
(c) Crusade
(d) War

Q.25 An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present.
CGL 20/8/2021 (Morning)
(a) Basket
(b) Bracket
(c) Bouquet

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