Poets and Pancakes Summary

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Poets and Pancakes Summary

In this post, I am sharing Poet and Pancakes Summary, About the Author, Message, Theme and Justification to the Title. If you are going to appear at the Upcoming CBSE Class 12th Board Exam 2023-24, this will help you a lot.

Poets and Pancakes

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About the Author of Poets and Pancakes

Ashokmitran was born in Secunderabad on 22 September 1931. He spent the first twenty years of his life there. His real name was Jagadisa Thyagarajan. He moved to Chennai in 1952 after the death of his father. His father’s friend, S.S. Vasan who was a film director and the owner of Gemini Studios, invited him to work at Studios. He worked for more than a decade at the Gemini Studios.

Theme of Poets and Pancakes

An account of the events and personalities in a film company in the early days of Indian cinema.

Justification of the Title

Gemini studio has some great poets like SDS Yogiar, Sangue Subramanyam, Harindranath Chattopadhyaya. They were insignificant poets but thought themselves as they are excellent. They were not talented but wasted lots of money of Vasan.

Gemini studio also was the most influential film producing organization of India, where over 600 staff worked, the Gemini Studios made movie for Tamilnadu and other southern Indian states. Pancakes was the make-up material that Gemini studios bought in truck-loads. So the title ‘Poets and Pancakes’ is apt and appropriate.

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Poets and Pancakes Message

The message of the lesson is simple and straight. Everyone should be dedicated to their profession irrespective of caste, colour or creed. This is what happened in Gemini studios where the artists were always busy in their own assignment how small or big position they had. They had no political association or inclination, they were rather united with a common goal of making movies. Moreover, when MRA tried to influence about communism it failed to produce effects on the artists, so one unity counts at every step.

Poets and Pancakes Summary

The story “Poets and Pancakes” is a passage from Asokamitran’s book “My Years with Boss”. Asokamitran talks about his days at the Gemini Studio. The Gemini Studios produced many films, which impacted the aspect of Indian life. Here, Asokamitran talks about a trendy make-up brand named Pancake.

This material was bought and used in the studio. He also names the few actresses who used the brand. The Gemini Studios used the Pancake brand excessively and ordered truckloads of their commodities. He talks about the office boy whose task was to slap paint onto the faces of the players at the time of crowd-shooting.

Moreover, we discover that the writer, also a poet, enters the studio aiming to become an actor, screenwriter, director, or lyricist. He is given a small space to work where he needs to gather newspaper clippings. The office boy regularly visits with his grievances, bothering the author. The writer believes that Subbu, the office boy, is the cause of his troubles. The author presumes Subbu’s Brahmin caste gives him an advantage and control over the situation.

We notice that Subbu is a very helpful and loyal person. He’s someone essential for making movies; film-making wouldn’t be possible without him. Everyone admires Subbu for being kind and welcoming. Besides his other skills, Subbu also writes poetry. He’s part of the story department, which surprisingly also includes a lawyer. However, despite his role, people don’t view him as a typical legal advisor.

As Subbu was Brahmin, the author thought he had the upper hand. Though Subbu was always beside his boss, he was also a member of the story department. Besides poets and writers in the story department, there existed a lawyer too. Formally he was known as a legal adviser. However, people called him the opposite of it.

Furthermore, he’s a practical thinker in a team filled with imaginative dreamers. Later, we find out that Gemini Studios got the chance to host the Moral Rearmament Army, a group of international performers. Although their shows didn’t have intricate stories or deep messages, their stage settings and outfits were nearly flawless.

Poets and Pancakes Summary in English

Once the legal adviser unconsciously destroyed the career of a talented actress. In the story of Poet and Pancakes, the narrator talks about another guest who visited Gemini Studios. He was an Englishman. Some thought him to be a poet or an editor. The Boss, Mr. Vasan, greeted the Englishman.

He read out a long speech expressing freedom and democracy. Then the Englishman conversed. His accent baffled everyone. They could not understand the purpose of his visit, and it remained a mystery. Years later, when the writer left the Gemini studios, he did not have much money but had much free time.

Furthermore, he’s a practical thinker in a team filled with imaginative dreamers. Later, we find out that Gemini Studios got the chance to host the Moral Rearmament Army, a group of international performers. Although their shows didn’t have intricate stories or deep messages, their stage settings and outfits were nearly flawless.

Finally, in the summary of Poets and Pancakes, we can see the notions of the film industry, particularly in India. Talking about Indian cinema, we receive a lot of films every year but the success of a movie solely depends upon the other people working backstage.

If these people are not there, then it is not even possible for us to have good films. India has films in multiple languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kennedy, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, and so on. The Indian film industry is a global enterprise. Indian movies are famous all around the world and people love to watch them.

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