Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams – Part-1

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Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams – Part-1


Hello friends, today I am posting some important spotting error question for ssc exams part-1 (Important Spotting Error Questions ). All the questions have been explained in details. I hope you all love this post because the questions have been taken from the previous paper and explained all the rules related to the given questions. Some questions are frequently repeated in the exams of ssc. 

Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams – Part-1

Total Number of Questions: – 25

1. Everybody knows (1)/ that Bhutan is the most peaceful (2)/ of all other countries of the world. (3)/ No Error (4). [ 5 AUG 2017]

2. The two men were (1)/ quarrelling with one another (2)/ claiming the same watch as their own. (3)/ No Error (4) . [ 5 AUG 2017]

3. These kind of clothes (1)/ are rather expensive (2)/ for me to buy. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 5 AUG 2017]

4. The climb upside (1)/ the mountains (2)/ was not easy. (3)/No Error (4). [SSC CGL 6 AUG 2017]

5. Chilika is the (1)/ largest brackish water (2)/ lagoon in Asia. (3)/No Error (4). [SSC CGL 6 AUG 2017] 

6. Not too long then, the (1)/ lodge was the only (2)/ place to stay here. (3)/No Error (4). [SSC CGL 6 AUG 2017] 

7. No sooner did I come out of my home to go to market (1)/ when it started raining heavily (2)/ which drenched me completely. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL Spotting Error 8 AUG 2017]

8.Unless you don‟t obey (1)/ your elders you (2)/ will not succeed in your life. (3)/ No Error (4).[ 8 AUG 2017]

9. Hardly had I reached the (1)/ exhibition where I learnt (2)/ about the major robbery. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL Spotting Error 8 AUG 2017]

10. No sooner did the sunrise (1)/ when we resumed the journey (2)/ after having a hasty breakfast. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 8 AUG 2017]

11. My elder son deals with (1)/ spare parts and manages (2)/ his bread and butter. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL Spotting Error 8 AUG 2017]

12. Sneha was accused for murder of her husband (1)/ but the court found her (2)/ not guilty and acquitted her. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 8 AUG 2017]

13. If you had (1)/ told me earlier (2)/ I will help you. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 9 AUG 2017]

14. Her mother is (1)/ angry and (2)/ indifferent to me. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 9 AUG 2017]

15. She has not been (1)/ to the restaurant (2)/ much late. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 9 AUG 2017]

16. My brother finds it difficult (1)/ to pass away the time (2)/ at our grandparent‟s house. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 9 AUG 2017]

17. No sooner had he finished (1)/ his morning walk (2)/ when it began to rain. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL Spotting Error 9 AUG 2017]

18. On Sundays (1)/ I prefer reading (2)/ than going out visiting my friends. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 10 AUG 2017]  

19. Rohit is two years (1)/ junior than Mukesh (2)/ in the office. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 10 AUG 2017]

20. In spite of the doctor‟s stern warning (1)/ Latika continued taking (2)/ sugars in her milk. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 10 AUG 2017]

21. Ritika decided to get up early (1)/ to wear a nice dress (2)/ and visit her aunt. (3)/ No Error (4) [SSC CGL 11 AUG 2017]

22. The student asked me if (1)/ I knew that Kalidas was the greater (2)/ than any other poet. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 11 AUG 2017]

23. If it would (1)/ rains, they will (2)/not come. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 12 AUG 2017]

24. Myself and Roshni (1)/ will take care of (2)/ the event on Sunday. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL 10 AUG 2017]

Q.25. Little knowledge of playing volleyball (1)/ that she possessed proved to be (2)/helpful at the time of inaugural match. (3)/ No Error (4). [SSC CGL Spotting Error 10 AUG 2017]

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Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams – Part-1

   Answer & Explanations

  1. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation – any other/ all other should not be used with the superlative degree as they are the part of comparative degree. Structure: – The + superlative degree + singular noun Or, The + superlative degree + of all+ plural noun. The correct uses should be of all countries in part (3)
  2. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation – For two – each other And for more than two – one another Here in this sentence the subject is “The two men” reciprocal pronoun one another should be replaced by each other
  3. Correct Answer:1 Explanation- This / that kind of sth – for the singular; these / those kinds of sth – for plural Ex – I have given up those kinds of ideas. (plural) or I have given up that kind of idea. (singular) The correct subject should be These kinds of clothes
  4. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- climb (noun) – the act or process of moving upward Ex – He made a rapid climb to the zenith of success. Replace upside by to.
  5. Correct Answer: 4 Explanation – no error
  6. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation: – the sentence is based on the structure – If not……then means अगर नह ीं तो Part (1) should be If not too long then
  7.  Correct Answer: 2 Explanation – If the second event occurs immediately after the first, we can express that idea using the structure no sooner … than. / hardly or scarcely…when./ As soon as, Here in part (2) when should be replaced by than.
  8. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation –Unless means if this condition is not met (Unless you work hard, you won‟t pass. ), whereas until means before or up to the time (I lived with my parents until I was 18.) Do not use another negative word in the clause starting with conjunctions until and unless. The correct uses should be unless you obey in part (1).
  9. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation:- If the second event occurs immediately after the first, we can express that idea using the structure – hardly or scarcely…when. replace where by when.
  10. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation –:- If the second event occurs immediately after the first, we can express that idea using the structure – no sooner………than.
  11. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- Deal with sb/sth means to handle sb/sth
  12. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- Accuse (of) means a charge (someone) with an offence or crime.
  13. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation – Type 3 conditional structure:- If + past perfect (If this thing had happened) perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional ( that thing would have happened).
  14. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation:- Every verb used in a sentence should be followed by separate prepositions. The word angry is followed by the preposition with – Angry with somebody
  15. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation:- Of late refers to an event or state of affairs that happened or began to exist a short time ago / recently /हाल ह में
  16. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation:- pass away – cease, die (He passed away at the age of eighty-four.), pass – spend, live. (We played chess to pass the time.) The correct uses should be to pass the time in part (2)
  17. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation:- Conjunction “no sooner……….than “ is used for saying that something happens immediately after something else.
  18. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation:- verb “prefer” is normally used with “to” instead of “than”.
  19. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation:- Adjectives – inferior, superior, junior, senior, anterior, posterior and prior are followed by to, not than. 
  20. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation:- Uncountable nouns have no plurals, and cannot normally be used with a/an. Sugar is an uncountable noun. Replace sugars by sugar in part (3)
  21. Correct Answer: 3 Explanation: – To visit somebody/something -to go to see a person or a place for a period of time. Subject Ritika decided to get up, to wear and to visit. The correct uses should be and to visit her aunt in part (3)
  22. Correct Answer: 2 Explanation:- Than any other is used in comparative degree and generally definite article „the‟ is not used with a comparative degree.
  23. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- conditional sentence type 1 structure – if clause in” simple present “+ main clause “will-future or (Modal + infinitive)”
  24. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- The –self pronouns are called reflexive. Myself shouldn’t be used unless there’s an I previously in the same sentence. 
  25. Correct Answer: 1 Explanation:- little – Almost not (negative) a little – the same as “a small amount of” (positive) the little – not much and it is used with something definite. Use definite article the with little in part (1)

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