English Speaking Practice Level-1

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English Speaking Practice Level-1

Hello students, we will be doing English Speaking Practice Level-1. In this post, we will be doing practice of “is/am/are”, “was/were” & “will be”. We will be making 6 types of sentences from each structures, Just do reading practice of these sentences.

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Read the Uses of Is / AM / Are in Detail

How to Use Is Am Are in Hindi

English Speaking Practice


Positive:- Sub + is / am / are + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Negative:- Sub + is / am / are + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Interrogative:- is / am / are + Sub + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Interrogative Neg.:- is / am / are + Sub + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Positive:- Wh. Word + is / am / are + Sub + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Negative:- Wh. Word + is / am / are + Sub + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Speak All these Sentences for at least 5 times

मैं खुश हूँ।
I am happy.

मैं खुश नहीं हूँ।
I am not happy.

क्या मैं खुश हूँ?
Am I happy?

क्या मैं खुश नहीं हूँ?
Am I not happy?

मैं क्यों खुश हूँ?
Why am I happy?

मैं क्यों खुश नहीं हूँ?
Why am I not happy?

वह मुझसे नाराज है।
He is angry with me.

वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं है।
He is not angry with me.

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज है?
Is he angry with me?

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं है?
Is he not angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों है?
Why is he angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों नहीं है?
Why is he not angry with me?

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे हो।
You are good at English.

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं हो।
You are not good at English.

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे हो?
Are you good at English?

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं हो?
Are you not good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे क्यों है?
Why are you good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं क्यों है?
Why are you not good at English?

English Speaking Practice Online


Positive:- Sub + was / were + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Negative:- Sub +was / were + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Interrogative:- was / were + Sub + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Interrogative Neg.:- was / were + Sub + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Positive:- Wh. Word + was / were + Sub + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Negative:- Wh. Word + was / were + Sub + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Speak All these Sentences for at least 5 times

मैं खुश था।
I was happy.

मैं खुश नहीं था।
I was not happy.

क्या मैं खुश था?
Was I happy?

क्या मैं खुश नहीं था?
Was I not happy?

मैं क्यों खुश था?
Why was I happy?

मैं क्यों खुश नहीं था?
Why was I not happy?

वह मुझसे नाराज था।
He was angry with me.

वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं था।
He was not angry with me.

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज था?
Was he angry with me?

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं था?
Was he not angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों था?
Why was he angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों नहीं था?
Why was he not angry with me?

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे थे।
You were good at English.

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं थे।
You were not good at English.

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे थे?
Were you good at English?

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं थे?
Were you not good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे क्यों थे?
Why were you good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं क्यों थे?
Why were you not good at English?


Daily English Speaking Practice


Positive:- Sub + will be + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Negative:- Sub + will + Not + Be + Noun / Adjective / Adverb

Interrogative:- Will + Sub + Be + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Interrogative Neg.:- Will + Sub + Be + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Positive:- Wh. Word + will + Sub + Be + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

Wh. Word Negative:- Wh. Word + will + Sub + Be + Not + Noun / Adjective / Adverb + ?

English Speaking Practice Level-1

Speak All these Sentences for at least 5 times

मैं खुश रहूँगा।
I will be happy.

मैं खुश नहीं रहूँगा।
I will not not happy.

क्या मैं खुश रहूँगा?
Will I be happy?

क्या मैं खुश नहीं रहूँगा?
Will I not be happy?

मैं क्यों खुश रहूँगा?
Why will I be happy?

मैं क्यों खुश नहीं रहूँगा?
Why will I not be happy?

वह मुझसे नाराज रहूँगा।
He will be angry with me.

वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं रहेगा।
He will not be angry with me.

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज रहेगा?
Will he be angry with me?

क्या वह मुझसे नाराज नहीं रहेगा?
Will he not be angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों रहेगा?
Why will he be angry with me?

वह मुझसे नाराज क्यों नहीं रहेगा?
Why will he not be angry with me?

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे रहोगे।
You will be good at English.

तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं रहोगे।
You will not be good at English.

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे रहोगे?
Will you be good at English?

क्या तुम अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं रहोगे?
Will you not be good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे क्यों रहोगे?
Why will you be good at English?

आप अंग्रेजी में अच्छे नहीं क्यों रहोगे?
Why will you not be good at English?

Conclusion :- I hope you have done practice as I have mentioned in the beginning of the post. If you want to speak English, Do practice as many times as you can. If you love the post, do share among your friends. 

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