Daily Use English Sentences – Day-3

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Daily Use English Sentences – Day-3


Hello students from this series post you will learn ‘Daily Use English Sentences – Day-3’ that will help you learn spoken English in a very easy way. Here we will provide 70 sentences in one post that are frequently used in day to day conversation. I have tried my level best to provide as relevant as I can. You will also find Hindi of all the sentences and soon you will find audio or MP3 of all sentences. I promise if you do practice of these sentence you must start speaking English within a few days. If you like the post please do share and comment below.

                 Today, we are going to learn some miscellaneous sentences for daily uses. I would suggest you to practise at least five times.

1. सच में।


2. धीरे बोलो।

Speak slowly./Speak softly.

3. क्या हुआ?

What happened?

4. चलो टहलते हैं।

Let’s walk.

5. और कुछ नहीं।

Nothing else.

6. ढक्कन खोल दो।

Open the lid.

7. एक नल था।

There was a tap.

8. तुम कौन हो?

Who are you?

9. कौन जानता है?

Who knows?

10. भगवन जाने।

God knows

11. कौन जायेगा?

Who will go?

12. मेरे साथ रहो।

Stay with me.

13. आप कहाँ हो?

Where are you?

14. ये किसने किया?

Who did it?

15. नौकरी ढूँढ लो।

Find a job.

Daily Use English Sentences – Day-3

16. जाकर सो जाओ।

Go and sleep.

17. क्या हाल है?

How are you?

18. मैं नहीं गया।

I didn’t go.

19. सुबह हो गयी।

It’s Morning.

20. भाड़ में जाओ।

Go to hell.

21. ये लीजिए।

Have it please.

22. धैर्य रखो।

Have patience.

23. मेरे साथ रहो।

Be with me.

24. आँख मत मारो।

Do not wink.

25. ये बहुत है।

This is much.

26. ये बहुत है!

This is too much!

27. मैं पढूंगा।

I will study.

28. कोई बात नहीं।

No problem. .

29. बिल्कुल नहीं!

Not at all!

30. भरोसा रखें।

Rest Assured.

31. नौकरी कर लो।

Start a job.

32. क्या हुआ ?

What happened?

33. क्या है वो?

What is that?

34. बाल बना लो।

Comb the hair.

35. मुझे जाने दो।

Let me go.

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Read also:- 

Daily Use English Sentences – Day- 1

Daily Use English Sentences – Day-2


Daily Use English Sentences – Day-3

36. तेज़ बोलो।

Speak quickly.

37. दयालू बनो।

Be generous.

38. शर्माओ मत।

Don’t be shy.

39. तैयार हो जाओ।

Get ready.

40. आप कैसे हो?

How are you?

41. समझ आ गया।


42. यह प्यार है।

It is love.

43. हमेशा की तरह।

As usual!

44. सावधान रहो।

Be careful.

45. ये मत करो।

Don’t do it.

46. सीधे जाना।

Go Straight. .

47. तुरन्त जाओ।

Go at once.

48. ऊँचा बोलो।

Speak aloud.

49. ये पाप है।

It’s a sin.

50. दूर ले जाओ।

Take away.

51. यह क्या है?

What is it?

52. मैं कौन हूँ?

Who am I?

53. बहुत अच्छा!

Very good!

54. पता है

Do you know?

55. गंभीर बनो।

Be serious.

56. इसे साफ करो।

Clean it.

57. फटाफट!


58. खाया जाए?

Do we eat?

59. मस्ती करो।

Have fun.

60. किसने कहा?

Who said?

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61. शांत रहिये।

Be quiet. .

62. ये लीजिए।

Here it is.

63. कभी नहीं।

Not at all.

64. बहत अच्छा!

Well done!

65. समझ आया?

Got it?

66. दूर जाओ।

Go away.

67. चला जाए?

Shall we go?

68. भूल जाओ।

Forget it.

69. बहुत बुरा!

Very bad!

70. दूर जाइये!

Go away!

I hope this post will help you learn spoken English in a very manner.

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