CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing

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CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing

CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing – To write an informal letter in English, you just need to follow a simple format. Writing an informal letter is easier than it sounds. It’s like having a friendly chat with a friend or family member.

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What is the format of an informal letter?

1. Address
(Your address)
(City, State, ZIP Code)

2. Greeting
Dear [Friend\’s Name],

3. Opening Paragraph
Start with a friendly opening. Ask how they are and share a bit about yourself.

4. Main Content
Share the main reason for writing the letter. This might be news you want to share, updates on your life, or a response to something they wrote.

5. Closing Paragraph
Sum up your letter and include any final thoughts or plans for keeping in touch.

6. Sign-Off
Best wishes,
(Your Name)

CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing – Informal Letter with Answer

1. You just returned to your house in the hills after a trip to a big city. Write a letter to your friend sharing where you would prefer to live in a big city or in a hill station. Write the reasons for your preference.


Hilltop Cottage,
West Bengal, 734101

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Rohan,

I hope you’re doing well! I just got back home after spending a week in the big city, and I wanted to tell you all about it.

The city was super busy and full of life. There were so many people, cars, and tall buildings. It was fun at first—I went to shopping malls, ate at cool restaurants, and saw a lot of new things. Everything was so close by, and there was always something happening.

But you know what? After a few days, I started missing the peace and quiet of the hills. Here, I can wake up to the sound of birds singing and breathe in the fresh, cool air. The hills are so beautiful and calm, and it feels really nice to be surrounded by nature. I love how everything moves at a slower pace here. It gives me time to relax and enjoy the simple things.

If I had to choose, I’d definitely pick living in the hills over the city. The city is fun for a short visit, but I feel more at home in the hills. It’s peaceful, and I love being close to nature.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been thinking about. How have you been? I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to. Maybe one day you can visit me here, and I can show you around.

Take care and write back soon!

Your friend,

2. Your classmate met with a serious accident and has just been discharged from the hospital. Enquire about his / her well-being. Also share what he / she has missed during his/her absence from school.

123 West Vinod Nagar,
New Delhi,

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Simran,

I was so relieved to hear that you’ve been discharged from the hospital! I’ve been really worried about you ever since I found out about your accident. How are you feeling now? I hope you’re getting better every day.

School hasn’t been the same without you. Everyone’s been asking about you, and we all miss you a lot. You missed a few things while you were away, but don’t worry, I’ll help you catch up when you’re ready. We had a couple of new lessons in math and science, and there was a quiz in English. I took notes for you, and I can explain anything you don’t understand.

Also, we had a special assembly last week. The principal talked about staying safe, and it reminded me of you. I hope you’re taking it easy and following the doctor’s orders. Your health is the most important thing right now, so don’t rush to come back until you’re fully recovered.

Take good care of yourself, and don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything. I’m here to help with schoolwork or anything else. We all can’t wait to see you back at school, but only when you’re feeling strong and healthy again.

Get well soon, and write back when you can!

Your friend,

CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing – CBSE Class 8 English Letter Writing

3. You have been selected to represent your school in the spelling bee competition. Write a letter to your uncle, who knows orthography, for the rules of spelling words correctly. Seek his guidance on how to prepare for the competition.

123 Oak Street,
West Bengal, 734101

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Uncle,

I hope you’re doing well! I have some exciting news to share—I’ve been selected to represent my school in the upcoming spelling bee competition! I’m really happy about it, but also a bit nervous. Since you’re so good at orthography, I thought you’d be the best person to ask for help.

I know spelling can be tricky, and there are so many rules to remember. Could you please share some tips on how to spell words correctly? I want to make sure I’m following all the rules, like when to use “i before e” and how to remember silent letters. I’ve been practicing a lot, but I think your advice will really help me get better.

Also, if you have any suggestions on how to prepare for the competition, I’d love to hear them. Should I focus on learning the meanings of words, or is it better to just memorize their spellings? Any guidance you can give me would be amazing.

I’m really looking forward to representing our school, and I want to do my best. Thanks in advance for your help, Uncle! I can’t wait to hear your advice.

Take care, and write back soon!

Your loving nephew,

4. Thank your teacher whose encouragement, understanding and support has helped you enhance your personality.

123 Oak Street,
West Bengal, 734101

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Sir,

I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Your encouragement, understanding, and support have made such a big difference in my life, and I’m really grateful for it.

You’ve always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. Your kind words and guidance have helped me become more confident and sure of who I am. I’ve learned so much from you, not just about the subjects you teach, but also about life and how to be a better person.

Whenever I was struggling, you were always there to listen and help me figure things out. Your patience and understanding have made me feel comfortable asking questions and trying new things. Because of you, I’ve grown a lot, and I feel more ready to face challenges and succeed in whatever I do.

Thank you for being such an amazing teacher and for caring so much about your students. I’m lucky to have someone like you in my life. I’ll always remember the lessons you’ve taught me, both in and out of the classroom.

Take care, and I hope to continue learning from you in the future.

With heartfelt thanks,

CBSE Class 8 English Informal Letter Writing – Informal Letter Format Samples

5. Write an informal letter to enquire about the health of your grandmother who has been unwell for a few days.

456 Maple Lane,
Uttar Pradesh, 226001

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Grandma,

I hope you’re feeling better today. Mom told me that you’ve been unwell for the past few days, and I’ve been thinking about you a lot. How are you doing now? Are you getting enough rest?

I miss our chats and the stories you always tell me. It’s hard not being able to visit you right now, but I want you to know that I’m praying for your quick recovery. Please make sure you’re taking your medicines on time and following the doctor’s advice.

Is there anything you need? If you want me to send you some books or anything else, just let me know. I really hope you get well soon, so we can spend time together like we always do.

Take good care of yourself, Grandma. I love you very much, and I’m looking forward to hearing that you’re feeling better.

With lots of love,

6. One of your good friends has just moved to a new school. Enquire how he / she has adjusted to the new place and share how you are missing him / her.

456 Maple Lane,
Uttar Pradesh, 226001

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Harsh,

How are you doing? I’ve been thinking about you a lot since you moved to your new school. How’s everything going there? I hope you’re adjusting well and making new friends.

It must be exciting but also a bit challenging to be in a new place. Are you enjoying your classes and getting along with your new teachers? I’d love to hear all about your experiences so far. It’s probably very different from our old school, right?

I have to say, school isn’t the same without you. I really miss having you around during lunch breaks and in our classes. We used to have so much fun together, and now it feels a bit lonely without you. The others miss you too, and we often talk about the good times we had.

I’m sure you’ll make a lot of new friends and settle in soon, but don’t forget about your old friends here! Please write back and tell me how things are going. I can’t wait to hear all about your new school and what you’ve been up to.

Take care, and let’s stay in touch!

Your friend,

Informal Letter Format in English for Students with Examples

7. One of your cousins has gifted you some books from his personal library. Thank him and say how happy you are to receive the books.

789 Willow Street,
Maharashtra, 400001
Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Bhaya,

I hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to say a big thank you for the books you sent me from your personal library. I was so happy when I received them—I couldn’t believe my eyes!

You know how much I love reading, and these books are just perfect. I’ve already started reading one of them, and I can’t wait to dive into the others. It’s really special to have books that you’ve read and enjoyed, and I’m excited to see what new adventures I’ll find in them.

Thank you so much for thinking of me and sharing something so valuable. I’ll take good care of the books, and I’m sure they’ll become some of my favorites too. I can’t wait to tell you all about them when I’m done reading.

Take care, and I hope we can catch up soon!

With lots of love,

8. You have to move cities and thus change schools during your vacation. Share this news with your friend, and say goodbye.

101 Rosewood Avenue,
Sunshine City,
Rajasthan, 302001

Date: 18th August 2024

Dear Darpika,

I hope you’re doing well. I have some big news to share with you—I’m moving to a new city during the vacation. My family and I are shifting to Jaipur, and because of that, I’ll have to change schools.

I’m really going to miss you and everyone else here. It’s hard to think about not being able to hang out with you every day or share our lunch during breaks. We’ve had so many good times together, and I’ll always remember them.

The idea of starting at a new school is a bit scary, but I’m also kind of excited. It’s a chance to make new friends and experience new things, but I know it won’t be the same without you. I’ll definitely keep in touch, and I hope we can still talk and share what’s happening in our lives, even if we’re not in the same place.

Saying goodbye is really tough, but I’m sure we’ll meet again soon. Please stay in touch and let me know what’s going on with you. I’ll miss you a lot, but I’ll carry all the great memories with me.

Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Your friend,

10 Informal Letter Writing Questions

1. Write a letter to a friend inviting them to your birthday party. Describe the date, time, and activities planned for the party.

2. Write a letter to your cousin who has just returned from a vacation. Ask about their trip and share what you did while they were away.

3. Write a letter to a family member who is coming to visit you. Tell them about the things you are looking forward to doing together.

4. Write a letter to your best friend telling them about a new hobby or activity you’ve started. Explain why you like it and how they might enjoy it too.

5. Write a letter to a friend who is feeling sick. Wish them a speedy recovery and share a funny story or joke to cheer them up.

6. Write a letter to your teacher thanking them for their help with a recent project or assignment. Mention specific ways their help made a difference.

7. Write a letter to a friend who has recently moved to a new city. Ask how they are settling in and share what you miss about having them around.

8. Write a letter to a family member who lives far away. Update them on recent events in your life and ask about what’s new with them.

9. Write a letter to a friend who is going on vacation. Wish them a great trip and ask them to send you postcards or updates about their travels.

10. Write a letter to your grandparents telling them about your school activities and achievements. Ask about their recent activities and share your excitement about seeing them soon.

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