Adjectives Describing People with Hindi
Adjectives Describing People with Hindi – In this Post, I am sharing Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives with Hindi Meaning and examples. If you want to master your English Communication skills, you should learn these words and start using them in your conversation.
Adjectives Describing People with Hindi
1. Blunt: (-/+) [ब्लन्ट – स्पष्टवादी] – If sb is blunt, they say what they really think, even if what they say is impolite and will hurt or offend someone.
Example – To be perfectly blunt, I find her annoying.
स्पष्ट रूप से कहूं तो, मुझे वह कष्टप्रद लगती है।
2. Brash: (-) [ब्रैश – ढीठ] – If sb is brash, they are annoyingly loud, overconfident and aggressive.
Example – On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.
मंच पर वह सख्त, साहसी और समझौता न करने वाली दिखती हैं।
3. Calculating: (-) [कैल्क्यलेटिंग – चौकस / अग्रसोची] – If sb is calculating, they get what they want by careful and clever planning, without caring about anyone else.
Example – He was a coolly calculating, ruthless man.
वह बहुत हिसाब-किताब करने वाला, निर्दयी आदमी था।
4. Cantankerous: (-) [कैन्टैंगकरस – झगड़ालू / चिड़चिड़ा] – If sb is cantankerous, they are bad tempered and tend to argue with people about insignificant things.
Example – He almost behaved in his customary cantankerous manner.
उन्होंने लगभग अपने पारंपरिक झगड़ालू तरीके से व्यवहार किया।
5. Callous: (-) [कैलस – निर्दयी] – If sb is callous, they are cruel and heartless.
Example – I don’t mean to be callous, but I’m not loaning you any more money.
मेरा इरादा संवेदनहीन होने का नहीं है, लेकिन मैं आपको और पैसा उधार नहीं दे रहा हूँ।
Despite her wealth, the old lady was a callous woman who never gave to anyone in need.
अपनी संपत्ति के बावजूद, बुढ़िया एक निर्दयी महिला थी जो कभी किसी जरूरतमंद को दान नहीं देती थी।
6. Cheerful: (+) [चीर्फल – आनंदित / हँसमुख] – If sb is cheerful, they are happy and in a good mood.
Example – The scientist hopped up with a cheerful salute.
वैज्ञानिक प्रसन्नतापूर्वक सलाम करते हुए उछल पड़ा।
7. Curt: (-) [कर्ट – रूखा] – If sb is curt, they are very abrupt (and rude, as a result) when they talk to another person.
Example – He is rather curt when he’s in a bad mood.
जब उसका मूड ख़राब होता है तो वह रुखा हो जाता है।
8. Fickle: (-) [फिकल – चंचल / अस्थिर] – If sb is fickle, they are not faithful or loyal to their friends.
Example – She had been a fickle friend, even at the best of times.
वह सबसे अच्छे समय में भी एक चंचल दोस्त रही थी।
9. Inquisitive: (i) (-) [इन्क्विज़िटिव – जिज्ञासु / जानने का इच्छुक] – If sb is inquisitive, they are always trying to find out about other people’s lives, often by asking a lot of questions
(i) (+) interested in many different things and always wanting to know more about them (often used about children)
Example – She was nervous. The woman in front of her was being unusually inquisitive.
वह घबराई हुई थी। उसके सामने वाली महिला असामान्य रूप से जिज्ञासु थी।
Don’t be so inquisitive. It’s none of your business!
इतना जिज्ञासु मत बनो। इससे आपका कोई मतलब नहीं!
10. Meticulous: (-/+) [मटिक्यलस – कुशल / अवगुण ढूंढ़नेवाला] if sb is meticulous, they are very careful about what they do, paying attention to small details and making sure that everything is correct or in order
Example – She was so meticulous about everything.
वह हर चीज़ को लेकर बहुत सावधानी बरतती थी।
11. Persistent: (-/+) [पर्सिस्टन्ट – हठी / ज़िद्दी] – If sb is persistent, they refuse to give up, despile difficulties or opposition.
Example – He was persistent and wouldn’t leave me alone.
वह दृढ़ था और मुझे अकेला नहीं छोड़ता था।
She has been a persistent critic of the project.
वह इस परियोजना की लगातार आलोचक रही हैं।
12. Reckless: (-) [रेक्लस – लापरवाह / उतावला] – If sb is reckless, they do dangerous things without thinking about the consequences of their actions (a reckless driver)
[Note: reckless driving also used to describe actions]
Example – She was a good rider, but reckless.
वह एक अच्छी चालक थी, लेकिन लापरवाह थी।
13. Ruthless: (-) [रूथ्लस – निर्दयी / निर्मोही] – If sb is ruthless, they are cruel and cold and have no mercy or feelings for others [Note: also used to describe actions]
Example – All dissent was crushed with ruthless cruelty.
सारी असहमति को निर्मम क्रूरता से कुचल दिया गया।
The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless.
जिस तरह से उसने उसके प्रति व्यवहार किया वह बिल्कुल निर्मम था।
14. Squeamish: (-/+) [स्क्वीमिश – नकचढ़ा / अतिसंवेदनशील] – If sb is squeamish, they do not like the sight of, and are usually upset by, unpleasant things such as blood or needles.
Example – I am not squeamish in such cases when manners are concerned.
जब शिष्टाचार की बात आती है तो मैं ऐसे मामलों में झिझकता नहीं हूं।
He is very squeamish and can’t bear the sight of blood.
वह बहुत चिड़चिड़े स्वभाव का है और खून का दृश्य सहन नहीं कर पाता।
15. Sullen: (-) [सलन – बदमिजाज़ / चिड़चिड़ा] – If sb is sullen they are bad tempered and do not speak much
Example – She gave him a sullen glare.
उसने उसे तीखी दृष्टि से देखा।
She looked very sullen.
वह बहुत उदास लग रही थी।
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