English Conversation for Beginners

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English Conversation for Beginners

English Conversation for Beginners – Are you ready to take your English speaking skills to the next level? Let’s start with some basic English conversation for beginners! Whether you’re new to the language or need to brush up on your skills, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to learn how to introduce yourself, make small talk, and even order food in English. Let’s dive in and have some fun while we learn!

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English Conversation for Beginners – A Student and A Receptionist Conversation

Student: Hello, excuse me.

Receptionist: Hello! Good morning. Welcome to EnglishTak Classes. How can I help you today?

Student: Hi, I’m interested in learning how to speak English more fluently. Do you offer spoken English classes for beginners?

Receptionist: Absolutely! We have several spoken English courses designed for different levels. Would you mind telling me a little about your current English-speaking experience?

Student: Sure. I understand English pretty well when I read or listen, but I struggle to speak confidently.

Receptionist: That’s very common! Our beginner courses are perfect for people like you who want to improve their fluency and conversation skills. We offer various class schedules, so you can find one that fits your needs.

Student: Great! That sounds promising. Could you tell me more about the fees for the beginner course?

Receptionist: Certainly. The fees depend on the duration of the course and the class schedule you choose. Do you have any preference for how long you’d like the course to be?

Student: Ideally, I’d like something that fits into my busy schedule. Maybe a shorter course to start with?

Receptionist: We offer a six-week beginner course that meets twice a week in the evenings. The fee for that is Rs. 1800/Month and includes all the course materials.

Student: That sounds perfect. Is there any way I can get a placement test to see if that level is right for me?

Receptionist: Of course! We offer free placement tests to determine the best course fit for your current skill level. Would you like to schedule one today, or would you prefer some brochures with more information about our courses?

Student: I’d love to schedule a placement test if possible.

Receptionist: Excellent! Let me just grab a form for you to fill out. We can then schedule a test for your convenience.

A Student and A Teacher Conversation

Student (a little nervous): Hi, excuse me. Is this the Speaking Skills class?

Trainer (smiling): Yes, it is! Welcome! You must be a new student. Come in, come in. My name’s Ms. Lee. What’s yours?

Student: Hi, Ms. Lee. I’m David, nice to meet you.

Ms. Lee: Nice to meet you too, David. Have a seat, anywhere you like. First-day jitters?

David: (chuckles) A little bit, yeah. I’m not bad at understanding English, but speaking it…well, let’s just say I could use some practice.

Ms. Lee: That’s exactly what we’re here for! Don’t worry, everyone in this class is here to improve their speaking skills. Where are you from originally, David?

David: I’m from Brazil.

Ms. Lee: Ah, wonderful! Portuguese is a beautiful language. Did you learn any English in school?

David: Yes, of course. But it was mostly grammar and reading. Speaking in front of people is a whole different story!

Ms. Lee: Completely understandable. This class will focus on conversation, pronunciation, and building confidence. We’ll have a lot of fun activities and pair work, so you won’t be alone.

David: Pair work? Okay, that sounds interesting.

Ms. Lee: Excellent! Why don’t you take a seat and get comfortable? We’ll start with some introductions in just a few minutes.

David: Thanks, Ms. Lee. I feel a little better already.

English Conversation for Beginners

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