One Word Substitution Denoting Persons
Here I am sharing with you important One Word Substitution Denoting Persons with Hindi meaning which will help you in your upcoming ssc exams. These one word substitutions are frequently asked in the various exams of SSC.
One Word Substitution denoting a Person – Part 1
1. Agnostic [ऐग्नास्टिक] one who is not sure about God’s existence
[अनीश्वरवादी / अज्ञेयवादी]
2. Altruist A lover of mankind (Syn.–Philanthropist)
3. Amateur [ऐमचर] One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
[किसी विद्या या कला का प्रेमी / शौक़ीन व्यक्ति]
4. Ambidextrous One who can use either hand with ease
[उभयहस्त / द्विहत्थी]
5. Anarchist [ऐनर्किस्ट] One who is out to destroy all governments, peace and order
[अराजकतावादी / बागी]
6. Apostate [अपास्टेट] A person who has changed his faith
[पक्षत्यागी / धर्मत्यागी]
7. Arbitrator [आर्बिट्रेटर] A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
[न्यायकर्त्ता / मध्यस्थ]
8. Ascetic [असेटिक] One who leads an austere life
[आत्मसंयमी / तपस्वी / संन्यासी / वैरागी]
9. Atheist A person who does not believe in God (Ant.–Theist)
[नास्तिक / ईश्वर को न मानने वाला]
10. Bankrupt One who is unable to pay his debts (Syn.–Insolvent)
[दिवालिया / दिवालिया करना] bankrupts (noun plural) bankrupted, bankrupting, bankrupts
11. Bigot [बिगट] One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters (Syn.–Fanatic)
[कट्टर / धर्मान्ध / कट्टर व्यक्ति]
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One Word Substitution Denoting Persons
12. Cacographist One who is bad in spellings
13. Cannibal [कैनबल] One who feeds on human flesh
[नरभक्षी / आदमख़ोर]
14. Carnivorous [कार्निवरस] One who feeds on flesh
15. Chauvinist [शोविनिस्ट] A person who is blindly devoted to an idea
[अंधराष्ट्रीवादी / उग्र राष्ट्रवादी]
16. Connoisseur [कानसर] A critical judge of any art and craft
[कदरदान / पारखी / विशेषज्ञ / माहिर]
17. Contemporaries Persons living at the same time
[समकालीन व्यक्ति / समकालीन / समसामयिक]
18. Convalescent [कान्वलेसन्ट] One who is recovering health after illness
[स्वास्थ्य लाभ करने वाला / पुनः स्वास्थ्य प्राप्त]
19. Coquette [कोकेट] A girl / woman who flirts with men
[नखरेबाज़ / अपने सौंदर्य से पुरुषों को मोहित करने वाली]
20. Cosmopolitan [काज़्मपालिटन] A person who regards the whole world as his country
[विश्वप्रेमी / संसार भर को अपना देश मानने वाला / सर्वव्यापी]
21. Cynosure [साइनशुर] One who is a centre of attraction
22. Cynic [सिनिक] One who sneers at the beliefs of others
[निंदक / चिड़चिड़ा व्यक्ति / चिड़चिड़ा आदमी / नकचड़ा]
23. Debonair [डेबनेर] Polished and light hearted person
[नेकदिल व्यक्ति / ज़िंदादिल / नेकदिल / हँसमुख]
24. Demagogue [डेमगॉग] A leader who sways his followers by his oratory / नेता जो अपने भाषण से अपने अनुयायियों को प्रभावित करता है
[जनसमुदाय का नेता]
25. Dilettante [डिलिटैन्टी] A dabbler (not serious) in art, science and literature
[शौक़ीन / मस्तमौला / नौसिखुआ / अध्यवसायी कलाकार]
26. Effeminate [ईफेमिनट] A man who is womanish in his habits
[नारी जैसा / जनाना / मौगा]
27. Egoist A lover of oneself, of one’s advancement
[आत्महितैषी / स्वार्थी / स्वार्थवादी]
28. Egotist One who often talks of his achievements
29. Emigrant [एमग्रन्ट] A person who leaves his country to settle in another country (Ant.–Immigrant)
[देशत्यागी / उत्प्रवासी / परदेश जानेवाला व्यक्ति]
30. Epicure [एपिक्युर] One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking
[चटोरा / स्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति]
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