Article Spotting Error SSC Exams

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Article Spotting Error SSC Exams

Hi friends, In this post, you will get 25 important spotting error questions based on Article A/An and The. As we know ‘Article Spotting Error SSC Exams’  is very important for any exams like IBPS, SSC – CGL, CHSL, MTS, CDS, CPO and other exams.

In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. If the sentence is free from error, choose option D.

1. Mohit prefers (a) self-employment (b) to job in my office (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – ‘Job’ is a singular countable noun so article ‘A’ should be used before it.

2. Neha was reading (a) with such concentration (b) that she did not hear the doorbell (c) No Error (d).

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Use article after such. Such + A/An + Singular countable noun

3. What sort of (a) the people are they (b) who always fight for worthless matters (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (B) 

Explanation – Remove article ‘The’. No article is used after ‘Type of/sort of/kind of’ etc.

4. Rohan told the teacher (a) that they (b) did not make noise (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Make a noise is the correct phrase.

5. Sohan is the best artist (a) of the time but (b) unfortunately least recognized (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – ‘Least’ is the superlative degree so article ‘The’ must be used before it.

6. Reena doesn’t usually (a) wear jewellery but yesterday (b) she wore ring. (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Since ‘Ring’ is a singular countable noun so article ‘A’ must be used before it.

7. The police asked us (a) about our movements (b) on a night of crime. (c) No error. (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ should be used before ‘Night’ because it is being particularized. Remember one thing when there is a structure like ‘Noun + of + Noun’ article ‘The’ must be used before the first noun.

8. In science the credit goes to a man (a) who convinces the world, (b) not to the man to whom the idea first occurs. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (A)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ should replace article ‘A’ because ‘Man’ is being particularized here.

9. Of the two (a) sisters, she (b) is better. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – As we know, there is no article used before comparative degree but when ‘Of the two’ is used after comparative degree article ‘The’ must be used before comparative degree; in this case there is no comparison made instead ‘Choice’ is made. 

10. It is unfortunate enough (a) to lose few friends we make (b) during our school days. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ must be used before ‘Few’ when it is used before a particular noun; here ‘Friends’ is being particularized.

11. There were a number of intelligent gentlemen at the party (a) but it was Mr. Subhash, an eminent scientist, (b) who remained a centre of attraction. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ should replace ‘A’ see Explanation of question number 7.

12. Everybody knows that (a) the higher we climb (b) cooler we feel (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Use article ‘The’ before ‘Cooler’; when there is a parallel comparison, article ‘The’ must be used before both the comparative degrees.

13. Our teacher says that (a) on Tuesday or Saturday (b) we should go to the temple. (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Remove article ‘The’; When the name of places like ‘Temple, church, school, college, church, bed, jail, prison’ etc. is used for primary purpose no article is used but when the purpose is changed article ‘The’ must be used.

14. I have been informed that (a) Mr. Rohan, the director and the chairman (b) will visit us the following month. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Remove article ‘The’ which is used before chairman as Rohan is only one person, it needs only one determiner.

15. It is very authentic source (a) hence we must rely on it (b) if we want to know the real cause (c) No Error

Ans. (A)

Explanation – Article ‘A’ should be used before very as there is a singular countable noun used ‘Source’


16. Rohan is the tallest (a) and the best student of his class so (b) we teach him carefully. (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Remove ‘The’ as Rohan is only one person.

17. All the modern amenities of life that (a) we enjoy at present (b) lies in the science (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Remove ‘The’; when the names of subject is used in general sense, it does not require any article.

18. It is the most remarkable event (a) so the event which you find at present (b) is matter of pleasure (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ should be used before matter since it is being particularized.

19. He had no illusion (a) of being either (b) a distinguished writer or editor (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Article ‘An’ should be used before ‘Editor’; since we know when two nouns are used for one person only one article is required but in the same condition when both the nouns takes different articles (A/An), we need to use both the nouns with article. 

‘Editor’ से पहले Article ‘An’ का उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए; चूँकि हम जानते हैं कि जब दो संज्ञाएं एक व्यक्ति के लिए प्रयोग की जाती हैं, तो केवल एक ही Article की आवश्यकता होती है, लेकिन उसी स्थिति में जब दोनों संज्ञाएं अलग-अलग Article लेती हैं, तो हमें दोनों Nouns के साथ अलग-अलग Article (A/An) का प्रयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है।

20. He has come out (a) with a unique proposal (b) for his friends (c) No error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Article ‘An’ should be used in stead of ‘A’ since ‘Unique’ has a consonant sound.

21. When the house was (a) set on the fire, all the people (b) started shouting at the top of their voices. (c) No error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Set on fire is the correct phrase.


Article Spotting Error SSC Exams

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22. Gandhiji was a great (a) philosopher and a great (b) politician who served India (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (B)

Explanation – Remove article ‘A’ since there is only one person.

23. I am not wealthy (a) so I cannot afford to buy (b) a expensive car. (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (C)

Explanation – Article ‘An’ will replace article ‘A’ because there is vowel sound.

24. He was (a) first boy (b) to do the work (c) No Error (D)

Ans. (B) 

Explanation – Article ‘The’ must be used before ordinal number like first, second, third, next, last etc.

25. Ganga is one of the (a) longest rivers which (b) originates from the Himalayas (c) No Error (d)

Ans. (A)

Explanation – Article ‘The’ is used before the names of river.



I hope, you must have found these questions beneficial for your upcoming exams. I have tried to explain them in a very easy method still if you have any suggestion/advice, feel free to ask or comment below. If you love the post, please share it among your friends. Thank you.

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4 thoughts on “Article Spotting Error SSC Exams”

    • Dear Praveen Singh, कहने का अर्थ है की अगर दो नाउन and से जुड़े रहने पर एक ही व्यक्ति का बोध करा रहा हो लेकिन दोनों नाउन अलग अलग आर्टिकल लेता है तो दोनों के साथ आर्टिकल लगा देते है। Still not got it properly, whatsapp on 7827536116

  1. He has come out with a unique proposal for his friends
    Isme a shi to h because unique consonant sound de rha h unique k aage a shi h an q lgaya h… Plz explaination check kre apni or mera doubt clear kre..
    Thank you🙏


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