Parts of Speech in English

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Parts of Speech in English

Parts of Speech in English

Hello friends, Today, I am going to give you some amazing concepts of the Parts of speech (Parts of speech in English). As we know this is one of the most essential part of Advanced English learning. This is the part of Functional English Grammar.

As we know there are eight parts of speech in English but today I will teach two more parts of Speech. Let’s begin…

  1. What are parts of speech?

The words are divided into eight classes according to the functions they do in a sentence.

According to their functions, they are divided into eight kinds. But we have two more parts of speech.

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection
  9. Determiner
  10. Particle
  1. Q. What is a Noun?

Ans. It is reference of a person or thing; that’s why we have definition like ‘A noun is the name of a person place or anything. ‘

Ex. Ram is my friend.

Sita is playing cricket.

He has lost respect.

Playing is good for health.

Can you solve this sum at one go?

She has love for me.

To smoke is injurious to health.

Honesty is the best policy.

Beauty needs no ornaments at all.

Rest relaxes body.

Tomorrow never comes.

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Note:- To find out the Noun, Three Wh. Words can help you. A noun can be subject, object or complement in a sentence.

  1. Who
  2. Whom
  3. What
  1. Q. What is a Pronoun?

Ans. The pronoun is made of two words ‘Pro’ meaning ‘For’ and Noun. It means a pronoun is a word used in place of a noun to avoid its repetition is called pronoun.

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The most important is Personal Pronouns. So I feel, you all students have to know the different forms of Personal Pronoun. Read the given chart below…

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  1. Q. What is an Adjective?

Ans. An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun or its equivalent.

Ex. Sharda is a good girl.

She is polite.

Radha came in a red car.

He had a big house.

I met a gentle man yesterday.

Note:- How or what kind of gives you an adjective.

  1. Q. What is an Verb?

Ans. A word which describes actions, possession or states of being. This is the main part of the predicate. A verb may be a doing, happening or being verb.

Ex. I have everything which I need. (Possession)

They are farmers of India. (Being)

It was raining here yesterday. (Happening)

  1. Q. What is an Adverb?

Ans. A word which is used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a preposition, a conjunction or a complete sentence is called an Adverb.

  1. Q. What is a Preposition?

Ans. A word which is placed before a word that may be a noun or its equivalent to show its relation with another word that may be a noun, a verb or an adjective.

Ex. She is fond of playing cricket.

She was sitting on the grass.

She is in the sky.

We are in the class room.

  1. Q. What is a Conjunction?

Ans. A word which joins two or more words, sentences or clauses.

Ex. She is good at speaking English but poor at writing.

Ram and Shayam are best friends.

He is poor but generous.

She was angry with us, so she didn’t attend the party.

  1. Q. What is an Interjection?

Ans. An interjection is a word or phrase that is grammatically independent and mainly expresses feeling such as Annoyance, Joy, Disgust, Pain, Surprise, Dismay, Pleasure, etc. rather than meaning.

Ex. Hey! Get off that bus!

Oh, that is a surprise.

Good! Now we can go ahead.

Alas! He is no more.

Note:- There are two more parts of speech which will be discussed in next post.

Parts of Speech in English

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