Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams (Part-1)

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English is one of the most important sections as it is asked in both SSC CGL Tier I & Tier II and other exams of SSC. To help you score better, we are provideding you some  frequently asked questions based on ‘Error Spotting’ (Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams (Part-1). This article contains important error spotting questions with detailed solutions.

Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error.

1. Of the two answers (A) this is definitely (B) better one (C) No Error (D) 

Explanation:- Article ‘The’ should be used before ‘better’.

Reason:- When there is choice or option given even before the comparative degree article ‘The’ is used. Second thing you can see that there is ‘Of the two’ given instead of preposition ‘Than’.

2. He is unfortunate enough (A) to lose few friends he made (B) during his stay at Patna. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘The’ should be used before ‘Few’.

Reason:- As the given noun i.e ‘Friend’ is particularised and we know that article ‘The’ is used before a definite noun.

3. Soni is the tallest (A) and the best student (B) of her class. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘The’ should not be used before the second adjective that is ‘best’.

Reason:- As both the adjectives are used to denote the same person that is ‘Soni’.

4. Whenever Mr. Sinha finds (A) a student, a teacher (B) comes in him and he starts helping him. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘The’ should be used in place of ‘A teacher’.

Reason:- When a common noun is used as abstract noun, article ‘The’ should be used in the sense of ‘The feeling of’.

5. Number of intelligent students (A) is good but none of the students are (B) obliged to their teachers. (D) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘The’ should be used before ‘Number of’.

Reason:- When you want to show a definite number of something the phrase that we use is ‘The number of’ and remeber one thing that it takes a singular verb. Remember on point that there is also a phrase like ‘A number of’. There is a little difference between the two both take the plural noun but ‘A number of’ takes a plural verb whereas ‘The number of’ takes a singular verb.

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6. The Ganga is one of the (A) longest rivers which (B) originate from the Himalayas. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- That should be used in place of ‘Which’.

Reason:- When a superlative degree degree is used in the part of antecedent, the relative pronoun ‘That’ is used for all types of noun not any other relative pronoun. 

7. Sunil said that (A) he was employee of the gas company (B) and had come to read the meter. (C) No Error. (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘An’ should be used before the noun ‘Employee’.

Reason:- Article ‘A/An’ must be used before any singular countable noun when it is used to show profession.

8. Professor Singh, a man who (A) discovered the drug that everyone is talking about, (B) refused to give a press conference. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘The’ should be used before the noun ‘Man’.

Reason:- When a noun is particularised article ‘The’ is used. Remember one thing that any kind of noun that is particularised article ‘The’ must be used.

9. One of my friends (A) advised me to take a taxi, (B) another said that there was quite good bus-service. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Here article ‘A’ should be used after ‘Quite’.

Reason:- When there is a singular countable noun is used article ‘A/An’ must be used. But here one thing should be minded that article must be used after ‘Quite’ and before ‘Good’ because there are some adverbs which take an article after them such as ‘Too, Such, Quite, Rather’ Etc. 

10. After you will return (A) from Mumbai (B) I will come to meet you. (C) No Error.(D)

Explanation:- (A) Here ‘Will’ should be removed.

Reason:- Generally no modal auxiliary verb is used in the clause that begins with any conjunction or wh. word.

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Important Spotting Error Questions for SSC Exams (Part-1)

11. My father (A) has left (B) for Bombay last Saturday. (C) No Error.(D)

Explanation:- Remove ‘Has’ 

Reason:- ‘Sub + V2 + Obj’ should be used as the given sentence has a definite past time. Remember one point that any sentence having a past time like Yesterday, last week, last month, etc. should be written with the help of past indefinite tense not present perfect tense.

12. I used to study (A) till 10 pm and (B) and then I go to bed. (C) No error. (D)

Explanation:- Should be then I went to bed.

Reason:- The main clause is in the past tense so the subordinate clause should be in the past tense.

13. I will go (A) for the swimming classes tomorrow (B) if I have recovered from fever. (C) No error. (D)

Explanation:- If I recover from fever should be used

Reason:- If the conditional sentence is used and the result is given in the future tense, the condition must be in the present indefinite tense.

14. The thief did not (A) confessed his crime even till the very end (B) of his trail.(C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Confess should be used in place of Confessed

Reason:- Remember that only base form of verb that is also called Vis used after the helping verb ‘Do/Does/Did’.

15. The Statesman has (A) the larger circulation of all (B) English dailies. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Remove ‘The largest’ should be used. 

Reason:- When the comparison is clear, superlative degree is used.

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16. Sanjay boasts of having good knowledge (A) of mathematics (B) but all know how good he is at Mathematics. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Article ‘A’ should be used before good knowledge. 

Reason:- When an adjective is used before some uncountable nouns to specify, article ‘A/An’ must be used. If adjective is removed, article is also removed.

17. Sujeet is the friend (A) of Amit’s but he is leading (B) a miserable life these days. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- Article ‘A’ should be used in place of article ‘The’. 

Reason:- When ‘Of + Possessive pronoun or Noun + Apostrophe S’ is used, article A/An + Noun is used as it gives the meaning of ‘One of many’.

18. The landlord could not (A) tell which of the servant (B) broke the glass. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Which of the servants should be used. 

Reason:- When options or choices are given, the noun must be used in plural form.

19. Being a rainy (A) day I could (B) not go out. (C) No Error (D)

Explanation:- It should be used before ‘Being’. 

Reason:- When there is different subject is used in such sentences, both the subjects should be mentioned but when there is only subject performing both the actions, no need to mentoined the first subject.

20. The lawyer asked the complainant (A) to put his sign (B) on the paper. (C) No error (D)

Explanation:- Signature should be used in place of Sign. 

Reason:-The word ‘Sign’ is a verb, so there should be a noun after a possessive adjective like his, her, its etc.

I do not know (A) where could he have gone so early (B) in the morning. (C) No error. (D)

Explanation:- Where he could have gone should be used. 

Reason:- If a sentence is given and any wh. word is used after it, the structure ‘Wh. word + Sub + verb + other words’ should be used. In this case the wh. word functions as a conjunction and we all know that after a conjunction ‘Subject’ is used not a verb.

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