15 Advanced Words in English

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15 Advanced Words in English

In this post, I am sharing a collection of 15 Advanced English Words in English along with their Hindi meanings. These words are commonly used in both written and spoken English, and knowing their meanings will enhance your language skills.

By incorporating these words into your vocabulary, you can effectively express yourself in a more sophisticated manner.

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15 Advanced Words in English

1. Abstain from something – किसी चीज़ से परहेज़ करना
Meaning: Intentionally avoid doing something because it’s bad for you.
Example: The doctor suggested me to abstain from alcohol.

2. Accomplice – सह-अपराधी
Meaning: One who helps another to commit a crime.
Example: The police suspect that he had an accomplice.

3. Accustomed to – के आदी
Meaning: Familiar with something; customary; usual.
Example: This was not the kind of behaviour I was accustomed to.

4. Address oneself to something – किसी चीज़ के लिए स्वयं को संबोधित करना
Meaning: Fully focus on something.
Example: I need to address myself to the current problems.

5. Adhere to something – किसी चीज़ का पालन करना
Meaning: To obey a rule, contract, or law; act as required; continue to support or believe in something.
Example: For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.

6. Allow for – किसी योजना या गणना में कुछ शामिल करना।
Meaning: To include something in a plan or calculation.
Example: You should allow for delays when planning a journey to Dubai.

7. Amusing – मनोरंजक / हास्यप्रद
Meaning: Entertaining and funny; causing laugh; providing entertainment.
Example: I didn’t find the joke at all amusing.

8. Angel for – संकेत या सुझाव देकर परोक्ष रूप से कुछ पाने का प्रयास करना।
Meaning: Attempting to get something indirectly by hinting or suggesting.
Example: Meera has been angling for an invitation, but I don’t want her to come.

9. Anguish – पीड़ा / वेदना / पीड़ा
Meaning: Mental or physical pain; extreme unhappiness.
Example: She anguished over her failure.

10. Atone for something – किसी चीज़ का प्रायश्चित करना
Meaning: To show that you are sorry for doing something bad; to compensate.
Example: Rajendra promised to atone for his crime.

11. Atrocious – नृशंस / घोर / उद्दंड / घटिया
Meaning: Of a very bad quality; shockingly bad or wicked.
Example: Conditions in the prison were highly atrocious.

12. Augment – वृद्धि करना
Meaning: To make something greater or stronger by adding something to it.
Example: He wrote magazine articles in order to augment his income.

13. Back out – मुकरना
Meaning: Decide not to do what you agreed to do.
Example: He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.

14. Back to square one – बिना कोई प्रगति किए वापस वहीं पहुंच जाएं जहां से आपने शुरुआत की थी।
Meaning: Back to where you started without making any progress.
Example: If this suggestion isn’t accepted, we’ll be back to square one.

15. Bank on – भरोसा रखना
Meaning: Expecting something to happen and relying on it to happen.
Example: Our entire team is banking on him to save the match.

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