110 Commonly Used Adjectives in English

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110 Commonly Used Adjectives in English

110 Commonly Used Adjectives in English – These adjectives are widely used in everyday English conversations and can help in describing people, things, and situations effectively.

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110 Commonly Used Adjectives in English

1. Good – Of high quality or standard.
अच्छा (Achha)
2. Bad – Not good; of poor quality or low standard.
बुरा (Bura)
3. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
खुश (Khush)
4. Sad – Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
दुखी (Dukhi)
5. Big – Large in size.
बड़ा (Bada)
6. Small – Little in size.
छोटा (Chhota)
7. Easy – Not difficult; requiring little effort.
आसान (Aasaan)
8. Difficult – Hard to do or understand.
मुश्किल (Mushkil)
9. New – Recently made or introduced.
नया (Naya)
10. Old – Having lived for a long time; not new.
पुराना (Puraana)
11. Beautiful – Pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically.
सुंदर (Sundar)
12. Ugly – Unpleasant to look at; not beautiful.
बदसूरत (Badsurat)
13. Hot – Having a high temperature.
गर्म (Garam)
14. Cold – Having a low temperature.
ठंडा (Thanda)
15. Rich – Having a lot of money or wealth.
अमीर (Ameer)
16. Poor – Having little or no money or wealth.
गरीब (Gareeb)
17. Young – Having lived for only a short time; not old.
युवा (Yuva)
18. Old – Having lived for a long time; not young.
बुजुर्ग (Buzurg)
19. Tall – Of great or more than average height.
लंबा (Lamba)
20. Short – Of less than average height; not tall.
छोटा (Chhota)
21. Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
तेज़ (Tez)
22. Slow – Moving or operating at a low speed.
धीमा (Dheema)
23. Smart – Intelligent; having a quick mind.
समझदार (Samajhdaar)
24. Stupid – Lacking intelligence or common sense.
मूर्ख (Moorkh)
25. Strong – Having power and strength.
मजबूत (Mazboot)
26. Weak – Lacking strength or power.
कमज़ोर (Kamzor)
27. Clean – Free from dirt or impurities.
साफ (Saaf)
28. Dirty – Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
गंदा (Ganda)
29. Friendly – Kind and pleasant to others.
मित्रवत (Mitravat)
30. Unfriendly – Not friendly; aloof or hostile.
अमित्रवत (Amitravat)
31. Healthy – In good physical or mental condition.
स्वस्थ (Swasth)
32. Sick – Affected by illness.
बीमार (Beemar)
33. Important – Having great significance or value.
महत्वपूर्ण (Mahatvapoorna)
34. Unimportant – Not important; trivial.
महत्वहीन (Mahatvaheen)
35. Expensive – Costing a lot of money.
महंगा (Mehenga)
36. Cheap – Low in price; costing little money.
सस्ता (Sasta)
37. Interesting – Arousing curiosity or interest.
दिलचस्प (Dilchasp)
38. Boring – Not interesting; tedious.
उबाऊ (Ubaoo)
39. Safe – Free from harm or danger.
सुरक्षित (Surakshit)
40. Dangerous – Able or likely to cause harm or injury.
खतरनाक (Khatarnak)
41. Quiet – Making little or no noise.
शांत (Shaant)
42. Loud – Making a lot of noise.
जोरदार (Zordaar)
43. Brave – Ready to face and endure danger or pain; courageous.
बहादुर (Bahadur)
44. Cowardly – Lacking courage; fearful.
कायर (Kayar)
45. Polite – Having or showing good manners.
विनम्र (Vinarm)
46. Rude – Not showing concern or respect for others.
अशिष्ट (Ashisht)
47. Bright – Full of light; shining strongly.
चमकीला (Chamkeela)
48. Dark – With little or no light.
अंधेरा (Andhera)
49. Famous – Known about by many people.
प्रसिद्ध (Prasiddh)
50. Unknown – Not known or familiar.
अज्ञात (Agyat)
51. Fresh – Recently made or obtained; not old or stale.
ताज़ा (Taaza)
52. Stale – No longer fresh; old and decaying.
बासी (Basi)
53. Full – Containing or holding as much as possible.
पूर्ण (Poorn)
54. Empty – Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
खाली (Khaali)
55. Near – Close to someone or something.
पास (Paas)

Most Commonly Used Adjectives for Spoken English

56. Far – At a great distance.
दूर (Door)
57. Simple – Easy to understand or do; not complicated.
सरल (Sarl)
58. Complicated – Difficult to understand or deal with.
जटिल (Jatil)
59. Soft – Easy to touch; not hard or firm.
नरम (Naram)
60. Hard – Firm, solid, or rigid; not soft.
कठिन (Kathin)
61. Heavy – Of great weight; difficult to lift.
भारी (Bhaari)
62. Light – Not heavy; easy to lift.
हल्का (Halka)
63. Tasty – Having a pleasant, distinct flavor.
स्वादिष्ट (Swadisht)
64. Bitter – Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell.
कड़वा (Kadwa)
65. Sweet – Having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey.
मीठा (Meetha)
66. Sour – Having an acidic taste.
खट्टा (Khatta)
67. Spicy – Containing strong flavors from spices.
मसालेदार (Masaledar)
68. Calm – Peaceful, quiet, and without worry.
शांत (Shaant)
69. Anxious – Experiencing worry or nervousness.
चिंतित (Chintit)
70. Friendly – Showing kindness and friendliness.
मित्रवत (Mitravat)
71. Lonely – Sad because one has no friends or company.
अकेला (Akela)
72. Busy – Having a lot to do; actively engaged.
व्यस्त (Vyast)
73. Lazy – Unwilling to work or use energy.
आलसी (Aalsi)
74. Strong – Powerful; having or showing great strength.
मजबूत (Mazboot)
75. Weak – Lacking physical strength or power.
कमज़ोर (Kamzor)
76. Curious – Eager to know or learn something.
जिज्ञासु (Jigyaasu)
77. Careful – Taking care to avoid mistakes or accidents.
सावधान (Savdhaan)
78. Careless – Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm.
लापरवाह (Laparwah)
79. Lucky – Having good luck.
भाग्यशाली (Bhagyashaali)
80. Unlucky – Having bad luck.
दुर्भाग्यशाली (Durbhagyashaali)
81. Brave – Showing courage.
साहसी (Sahasi)
82. Timid – Showing a lack of courage or confidence.
डरपोक (Darpok)
83. Generous – Willing to give more than is usual or expected.
उदार (Udar)
84. Stingy – Not willing to give or spend; ungenerous.
कंजूस (Kanjoos)
85. Honest – Truthful; sincere.
ईमानदार (Imaandar)

110 Commonly Used Adjectives in English

86. Dishonest – Not honest; intending to mislead.
बेईमान (Beimaan)
87. Proud – Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction.
गर्वित (Garvit)
88. Humble – Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.
विनम्र (Vinarm)
89. Serious – Solemn or thoughtful in character.
गंभीर (Gambhir)
90. Funny – Causing laughter or amusement.
मज़ेदार (Mazedar)
91. Lively – Full of life and energy.
जीवंत (Jeevant)
92. Lazy – Unwilling to work or use energy.
आलसी (Aalsi)
93. Polite – Having or showing good manners.
विनम्र (Vinarm)
94. Rude – Not polite; offensive or disrespectful.
अशिष्ट (Ashisht)
95. Healthy – In good physical or mental condition.
स्वस्थ (Swasth)
96. Unhealthy – Not in good health.
अस्वस्थ (Aswasth)
97. Relaxed – Free from tension and anxiety.
आरामदायक (Aaramdayak)
98. Tense – Stretched tight or feeling nervous.
तनावपूर्ण (Tanavapoorn)
99. Successful – Achieving what one intends to achieve.
सफल (Safal)
100. Unsuccessful – Not achieving what one intends to achieve.
असफल (Asafal)
101. Brave – Willing to face and endure danger or pain.
बहादुर (Bahadur)
102. Fearful – Feeling afraid; showing fear.
भयभीत (Bhaybheet)
103. Patient – Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
धैर्यवान (Dhairyavaan)
104. Impatient – Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.
अधीर (Adheer)
105. Energetic – Showing or involving great activity or vitality.
ऊर्जावान (Oorjavaan)
106. Tired – In need of rest or sleep.
थका हुआ (Thaka Hua)
107. Bright – Giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
चमकीला (Chamkeela)
108. Dull – Lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen.
मंद (Mand)
109. Comfortable – Providing physical ease and relaxation.
आरामदायक (Aaramdayak)
110. Uncomfortable – Causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort.
असुविधाजनक (Asuvidhajanak)

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