100 Advanced Words to Use Instead of Very

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100 Advanced Words to Use Instead of Very

100 Advanced Words to Use Instead of Very – We’ve all been there—using the word “very” to intensify our feelings or add detail to descriptions. It’s convenient, right? But overusing “very” can make your writing and speech sound repetitive and less powerful. After years of honing my communication skills, I’ve noticed how frequently relying on “very” can actually weaken the message. While it may seem like an easy way to add emphasis—”very tired,” “very happy,” “very important”—this habit often lessens the impact of our words.

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100 Advanced Words to Use Instead of Very

1. Very afraid → Terrified (बहुत डरा हुआ → अत्यधिक भयभीत)
2. Very angry → Furious (बहुत गुस्से में → क्रोधित)
3. Very beautiful → Exquisite (बहुत सुंदर → अद्वितीय)
4. Very big → Massive (बहुत बड़ा → विशाल)
5. Very boring → Tedious (बहुत उबाऊ → नीरस)
6. Very brave → Courageous (बहुत बहादुर → साहसी)
7. Very bright → Radiant (बहुत चमकदार → दीप्तिमान)
8. Very busy → Swamped (बहुत व्यस्त → अत्यधिक व्यस्त)
9. Very careful → Cautious (बहुत सावधान → सतर्क)
10. Very clean → Immaculate (बहुत साफ → बेदाग)
11. Very clever → Intelligent (बहुत चतुर → बुद्धिमान)
12. Very cold → Icy (बहुत ठंडा → अत्यधिक ठंडा)
13. Very colorful → Vibrant (बहुत रंगीन → जीवंत)
14. Very complex → Intricate (बहुत जटिल → जटिल और सूक्ष्म)
15. Very confident → Assured (बहुत आत्मविश्वासी → निश्चिंत)

Words to use instead of “Very”

16. Very confused → Perplexed (बहुत उलझन में → भ्रमित)
17. Very content → Satisfied (बहुत संतुष्ट → संतुष्ट)
18. Very creative → Innovative (बहुत रचनात्मक → नवोन्मेषी)
19. Very crowded → Bustling (बहुत भीड़भाड़ वाला → हलचल भरा)
20. Very curious → Inquisitive (बहुत जिज्ञासु → जिज्ञासापूर्ण)
21. Very dangerous → Perilous (बहुत खतरनाक → जोखिम भरा)
22. Very dark → Gloomy (बहुत अंधेरा → उदास)
23. Very detailed → Thorough (बहुत विस्तृत → सम्पूर्ण)
24. Very difficult → Arduous (बहुत कठिन → दुष्कर)
25. Very difficult → Challenging (बहुत कठिन → चुनौतीपूर्ण)
26. Very dirty → Filthy (बहुत गंदा → अत्यधिक गंदा)
27. Very easy → Effortless (बहुत आसान → बिना मेहनत वाला)
28. Very effective → Efficient (बहुत प्रभावी → कुशल)
29. Very exciting → Exhilarating (बहुत रोमांचक → उत्साहजनक)
30. Very expensive → Costly (बहुत महंगा → महंगा)

100 Advanced Words to Use Instead of Very

31. Very fast → Swift (बहुत तेज़ → तीव्र)
32. Very friendly → Amicable (बहुत मित्रवत → सौम्य)
33. Very full → Stuffed (बहुत भरा हुआ → ठूसा हुआ)
34. Very funny → Hilarious (बहुत मज़ेदार → बेहद हास्यजनक)
35. Very generous → Charitable (बहुत उदार → दानशील)
36. Very good → Excellent (बहुत अच्छा → उत्कृष्ट)
37. Very harsh → Severe (बहुत कठोर → गंभीर)
38. Very high → Elevated (बहुत ऊंचा → ऊंचा)
39. Very high → Towering (बहुत ऊंचा → विशाल)
40. Very hot → Scorching (बहुत गर्म → तपता हुआ)
41. Very hungry → Famished (बहुत भूखा → भूखा-प्यासा)
42. Very important → Vital (बहुत महत्वपूर्ण → अनिवार्य)
43. Very interesting → Fascinating (बहुत दिलचस्प → आकर्षक)
44. Very loud → Thunderous (बहुत तेज़ → गगनभेदी)
45. Very lovely → Adorable (बहुत प्यारा → मनमोहक)

70 Other Words To Use Instead of VERY

46. Very low → Subdued (बहुत धीमा → मंद)
47. Very new → Novel (बहुत नया → नवीन)
48. Very noisy → Boisterous (बहुत शोरगुल वाला → हंगामेदार)
49. Very old → Ancient (बहुत पुराना → प्राचीन)
50. Very old → Elderly (बहुत बूढ़ा → वृद्ध)
51. Very perfect → Flawless (बहुत सही → निर्दोष)
52. Very poor → Impoverished (बहुत गरीब → निर्धन)
53. Very quiet → Silent (बहुत शांत → मौन)
54. Very rich → Wealthy (बहुत अमीर → समृद्ध)
55. Very sad → Miserable (बहुत दुखी → दयनीय)
56. Very safe → Secure (बहुत सुरक्षित → संरक्षित)
57. Very scared → Petrified (बहुत डरा हुआ → भयभीत)
58. Very serious → Grave (बहुत गंभीर → गम्भीर)
59. Very short → Petite (बहुत छोटा → नाजुक कद)
60. Very simple → Basic (बहुत साधारण → बुनियादी)

Spoken English Vocabulary

61. Very slow → Sluggish (बहुत धीमा → सुस्त)
62. Very small → Tiny (बहुत छोटा → बहुत छोटा)
63. Very strong → Powerful (बहुत शक्तिशाली → ताकतवर)
64. Very successful → Prosperous (बहुत सफल → समृद्ध)
65. Very sweet → Thoughtful (बहुत मीठा → विचारशील)
66. Very thick → Dense (बहुत घना → सघन)
67. Very thirsty → Parched (बहुत प्यासा → अत्यधिक प्यासा)
68. Very tight → Constricting (बहुत तंग → कसने वाला)
69. Very tired → Exhausted (बहुत थका हुआ → अत्यधिक थका हुआ)
70. Very unusual → Uncommon (बहुत असामान्य → असामान्य)
71. Very upset → Distraught (बहुत परेशान → व्यथित)
72. Very valuable → Priceless (बहुत कीमती → अमूल्य)
73. Very warm → Balmy (बहुत गर्म → सुखद गर्म)
74. Very weak → Feeble (बहुत कमजोर → दुर्बल)
75. Very wet → Drenched (बहुत भीगा हुआ → भीगा-भागा)
76. Very worried → Distressed (बहुत चिंतित → परेशान)
77. Very young → Youthful (बहुत युवा → जवान)

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