The Tiger King Summary

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The Tiger King Summary

The Tiger King Summary – “The Tiger King” by Kalki is a satirical story that highlights the foolishness of power, the unpredictability of fate, and human arrogance. The story revolves around the life of the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, often referred to as the Tiger King.

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Early Life and the Prophecy – The Tiger King Summary

The story begins by introducing the Tiger King, whose real name is Maharaja Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur. When he was born, astrologers predicted that he would grow up to be a mighty warrior and king, but they also foretold that his death would come from a tiger. This news shocked everyone, but the young prince, even as a 10-day-old baby, shocked people by speaking. He confidently questioned the astrologers and declared that he had nothing to fear from tigers.

The chief astrologer, however, warned that the Maharaja would only die after killing 100 tigers. Despite the warning, the young prince wasn’t frightened. Instead, he grew up determined to defy the prophecy by killing 100 tigers.

Becoming the Tiger King

As the prince grew up, he followed the typical lifestyle of royal children, raised in an English manner with English tutors, nannies, and films. Once he became the king at the age of 20, he remembered the astrologer’s prediction and decided that he would protect himself by hunting and killing 100 tigers.

Thus, the Tiger King began his journey to hunt tigers. He declared that only he had the right to kill tigers in his kingdom. Anyone who harmed a tiger would face severe punishment. He started hunting tigers with great enthusiasm, killing his first tiger and showing it to the astrologer, who warned him to be cautious of the 100th tiger, as it would be the one to potentially cause his death.

Challenges in Tiger Hunting

The Tiger King continued his mission, killing many tigers in his kingdom. However, after killing 70 tigers, a problem arose: the tiger population in his state began to decline. He could no longer find tigers to hunt. The king decided to marry a princess from a kingdom that had a large number of tigers so that he could continue his hunt in her state. Every time he visited his in-laws, he killed several tigers, bringing his total to 99.

The Search for the 100th Tiger

After killing 99 tigers, the king became desperate to find the last one. He had grown obsessed with his mission, knowing that his life depended on it. One day, he heard news that a tiger had been spotted in a village. The king immediately set out to hunt it down. The tiger, however, was difficult to find, and the king’s frustration grew.

Eventually, the king found the tiger and shot it. Believing he had finally fulfilled his goal of killing 100 tigers, the king was overjoyed. However, in reality, the bullet had missed the tiger, and the animal had simply fainted from the sound. The hunters, afraid of losing their jobs, decided to shoot the tiger themselves, ensuring it was truly dead. The king never knew he hadn’t killed the 100th tiger himself.

The Irony of Fate

After the supposed 100th tiger was killed, the king was content. He believed he had conquered the prophecy and was now safe. A few days later, he decided to buy a gift for his young son’s birthday. He found a wooden tiger toy at a shop and decided to buy it. The toy was poorly made, with rough surfaces and tiny splinters.

While playing with the toy, one of the sharp splinters pricked the Maharaja’s hand. What seemed like a minor injury became infected, and the infection spread. Despite the efforts of three surgeons, the king died during surgery. In a cruel twist of fate, the 100th tiger had indeed caused the Maharaja’s death—not a real tiger, but a tiny wooden one.

Themes and Message 0f The Tiger King Summary

The story is a satirical commentary on the arrogance of power and the futility of trying to escape fate. The Maharaja’s obsession with defying his destiny led to his ultimate downfall. Despite his efforts to control his future, it was the smallest and most unexpected thing—a toy tiger—that eventually led to his death. The story also critiques the ego and recklessness of rulers who misuse their power for personal gain.

In simple terms, the story tells us that no matter how powerful or confident we are, we cannot escape fate, and sometimes, our biggest fears come true in the most unexpected ways.

The Tiger King Summary in Hindi

“द टाइगर किंग” की कहानी महाराजा जंग जंग बहादुर के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जिन्हें टाइगर किंग के नाम से जाना जाता है। उनके जन्म के समय ज्योतिषियों ने भविष्यवाणी की थी कि उनकी मृत्यु एक बाघ के कारण होगी। यह सुनकर, युवा महाराजा ने ठान लिया कि वह 100 बाघों को मार देंगे ताकि वह इस भविष्यवाणी को झुठला सकें।

जैसे ही महाराजा बड़े हुए और राज्य का शासन संभाला, उन्होंने बाघों का शिकार करना शुरू किया। उनका लक्ष्य 100 बाघों को मारना था। उन्होंने 99 बाघों को मार दिया, लेकिन 100वां बाघ ढूंढने में समस्या आने लगी क्योंकि उनके राज्य और आसपास के इलाकों में बाघ खत्म हो चुके थे।

इसी दौरान एक ब्रिटिश अधिकारी ने उनसे बाघ के शिकार की अनुमति मांगी, लेकिन महाराजा ने मना कर दिया। इससे महाराजा की गद्दी खतरे में पड़ गई, इसलिए उन्होंने अधिकारी की पत्नी को महंगे हीरे की अंगूठियां भेजकर अपनी गद्दी बचाई।

जब महाराजा को 100वें बाघ की जरूरत थी, उनके दीवान ने एक पुराना बाघ मद्रास के चिड़ियाघर से लाकर जंगल में छोड़ा। महाराजा ने उस बाघ को देखने के लिए जंगल में शिकार पर निकल पड़े। बाघ को देखकर महाराजा ने उस पर गोली चलाई, लेकिन गोली बाघ को छू भी नहीं पाई और बाघ बेहोश हो गया।

महाराजा को लगा कि उन्होंने सौवां बाघ मार दिया है और खुशी से लौट आए। लेकिन असल में बाघ जीवित था और बेहोश हो गया था। बाद में, बाघ को एक और गोली से मारा गया, ताकि महाराजा को पता न चले कि गोली पहले चूकी थी। बाघ को दफनाया गया और महाराजा ने अपने शिकार को पूरा करने की खुशी में उसे भव्य समारोह के साथ दफनाया।

कुछ दिन बाद, महाराजा ने अपने बेटे के जन्मदिन पर उसे एक लकड़ी का बाघ उपहार में दिया। खेलते समय, लकड़ी का बाघ महाराजा के हाथ में एक कांटा छोड़ गया, जिससे हाथ में संक्रमण हो गया। यह संक्रमण इतना बढ़ गया कि ऑपरेशन के बावजूद महाराजा की मृत्यु हो गई। इस तरह, सौवां बाघ अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से महाराजा की मृत्यु का कारण बना, जैसा कि भविष्यवाणी में कहा गया था।

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