The Last Leaf Summary & Characters CBSE Class 9 English

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The Last Leaf Summary & Characters CBSE Class 9 English

The Last Leaf Summary & Characters CBSE Class 9 English – Chapter 7 of the Class 9 English Supplementary Reader ‘Moments’ features a beautiful story by O. Henry titled The Last Leaf. This touching tale is about an old artist who saves a young girl’s life by giving her hope to keep going. Curious to find out what happens next? Read the full summary of CBSE Class 9 English Prose Notes – The Last Leaf here at to learn more. We hope this summary will help students prepare well for their English exams and boost their confidence.

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The Last Leaf Summary & Characters CBSE Class 9 English

In “The Last Leaf,” two young artists, Sue and Johnsy, live together in a small apartment in Greenwich Village, New York. The story is set during a harsh winter when Johnsy falls seriously ill with pneumonia. Despite the doctor’s care, Johnsy loses hope, believing that she will die soon. She becomes fixated on an ivy vine growing outside her window, counting its leaves as they fall one by one. Johnsy convinces herself that when the last leaf falls, she will die.

“द लास्ट लीफ” की कहानी में दो युवा कलाकार, सू और जॉन्सी, न्यूयॉर्क के ग्रीनविच विलेज में एक छोटे से अपार्टमेंट में रहती हैं। सर्दियों का मौसम बहुत कठिन है और इसी दौरान जॉन्सी को निमोनिया हो जाता है। डॉक्टर की देखभाल के बावजूद, जॉन्सी को लगता है कि वह जल्द ही मर जाएगी। उसकी उम्मीद टूट जाती है और उसकी निगाहें खिड़की के बाहर एक बेल पर टिक जाती हैं, जहां से पत्ते एक-एक करके गिर रहे होते हैं। जॉन्सी मान लेती है कि जब आखिरी पत्ती गिरेगी, तब वह मर जाएगी।

Sue, her devoted friend, tries to lift Johnsy’s spirits, encouraging her to stay positive and fight the illness. Sue is deeply worried but doesn’t know how to change Johnsy’s mindset. Meanwhile, an elderly painter named Behrman lives downstairs. He has always dreamed of painting a masterpiece but has never achieved it. He is a gruff but kind man, and Sue tells him about Johnsy’s condition and her strange belief about the ivy leaves.

सू, जो जॉन्सी की सच्ची दोस्त है, उसकी हिम्मत बढ़ाने की कोशिश करती है और उसे सकारात्मक रहने और बीमारी से लड़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है। हालांकि, सू को बहुत चिंता है, लेकिन उसे समझ नहीं आता कि जॉन्सी की सोच कैसे बदली जाए। वहीं, नीचे की मंजिल पर बहरमैन नाम का एक बूढ़ा चित्रकार रहता है। उसकी हमेशा से एक शानदार पेंटिंग बनाने की इच्छा रही है, लेकिन वह कभी सफल नहीं हुआ। वह दिखने में सख्त लेकिन दिल से दयालु है। सू उसे जॉन्सी की हालत और पत्तियों को लेकर उसकी अजीब मान्यता के बारे में बताती है।

The Last Leaf Summary & Characters CBSE Class 9 English

On a stormy night, with only one leaf left on the vine, Johnsy prepares for her death. However, when she wakes up the next morning, the last leaf is still clinging to the vine despite the rain and wind. This sight gives Johnsy a renewed sense of hope, and she slowly begins to recover. She realizes how foolish she had been to give up so easily.

एक तूफानी रात में, जब बेल पर सिर्फ एक पत्ती बची होती है, जॉन्सी अपने अंत की तैयारी कर लेती है। लेकिन अगली सुबह जब वह जागती है, तो देखती है कि बारिश और तेज हवाओं के बावजूद आखिरी पत्ती अभी भी बेल पर टिकी हुई है। यह दृश्य देखकर जॉन्सी के मन में फिर से उम्मीद जाग जाती है और वह धीरे-धीरे ठीक होने लगती है। उसे अहसास होता है कि इतनी जल्दी हार मानना कितना मूर्खतापूर्ण था।

Later, Sue tells Johnsy the truth: the last leaf was not real. Behrman, who had always cared about them, had painted it on the wall during the stormy night after the real leaf had fallen. Tragically, Behrman catches pneumonia from being out in the cold while painting the leaf and dies a few days later. The painted leaf becomes Behrman’s masterpiece, a symbol of hope and sacrifice.

बाद में, सू जॉन्सी को सच बताती है कि वह आखिरी पत्ती असली नहीं थी। बहरमैन, जो हमेशा उनकी चिंता करता था, ने असली पत्ती गिरने के बाद तूफानी रात में दीवार पर वह पत्ती पेंट कर दी थी। दुखद रूप से, ठंड में पेंटिंग करते समय बहरमैन को निमोनिया हो जाता है और कुछ दिनों बाद उसकी मृत्यु हो जाती है। वह चित्रित पत्ती बहरमैन की सर्वश्रेष्ठ कृति बन जाती है, जो उम्मीद और बलिदान का प्रतीक है।

The story concludes on a bittersweet note, highlighting the power of hope and selflessness. Behrman’s sacrifice saves Johnsy’s life, and the story leaves a lasting message about the importance of never giving up.

यह कहानी एक भावुक अंत पर खत्म होती है, जिसमें आशा और निस्वार्थता की ताकत को दिखाया गया है। बहरमैन के बलिदान से जॉन्सी की जान बच जाती है, और यह कहानी यह संदेश देती है कि कभी हार नहीं माननी चाहिए।

Theme of “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry:

The central theme of “The Last Leaf” revolves around hope, sacrifice, and the power of selflessness. The story explores how hope can be a powerful force in overcoming despair and illness, and how selfless acts of kindness can profoundly impact others’ lives. Johnsy’s belief that her life is connected to the falling leaves represents her loss of hope, but the sight of the last leaf staying on the vine reignites her will to live. This change is made possible through Behrman’s selfless sacrifice, as he paints the leaf to give her hope, even at the cost of his own life.

The story also touches on themes like the artist’s quest for meaning, the fragility of life, and how one small act of love and care can make a huge difference.

Central Idea of “The Last Leaf”:

The central idea of the story is that hope and the human will to survive can overcome even the toughest challenges, and sometimes, it is the quiet, selfless acts of others that give us the strength to carry on. Behrman’s painting of the last leaf symbolizes this idea, as it becomes a source of hope for Johnsy, ultimately saving her life. The story also emphasizes the value of sacrifice—Behrman’s final masterpiece is not just a work of art, but an act of profound compassion, underscoring how deep human connections and kindness can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Character Analysis of “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry:

1. Johnsy (Joanna):

  • Character Overview: Johnsy is one of the two young artists living in Greenwich Village. She is a sensitive and imaginative woman who becomes critically ill with pneumonia. Her despair takes a toll on her health as she begins to believe that her life is tied to the ivy leaves falling outside her window.
  • Analysis: Johnsy represents the fragility of the human spirit when faced with illness and hopelessness. Her fixation on the falling leaves shows how mental and emotional states can deeply influence physical well-being. Her belief that she will die when the last leaf falls reflects her inner turmoil and sense of helplessness. However, her eventual recovery symbolizes the power of hope. When she sees the “last leaf” still clinging to the vine, it sparks a renewed desire to live, illustrating how a small shift in perspective can change one’s outlook on life.

2. Sue:

  • Character Overview: Sue is Johnsy’s best friend and roommate. She is a caring, optimistic, and practical person who works hard to support both herself and Johnsy. Throughout Johnsy’s illness, Sue remains a source of emotional strength and tries her best to uplift Johnsy’s spirits.
  • Analysis: Sue embodies the theme of friendship and unconditional care. Despite her own fears and worries, she never gives up on Johnsy and continuously provides encouragement. Her character represents resilience and the importance of standing by loved ones in their darkest moments. Sue’s practicality also stands in contrast to Johnsy’s despair, as she focuses on tangible efforts to help, such as bringing in the doctor and involving Behrman to save her friend. Sue’s devotion shows the impact of love and loyalty in healing and recovery.

3. Behrman:

  • Character Overview: Behrman is an old, gruff painter who lives downstairs from Sue and Johnsy. He has always dreamt of painting a masterpiece but has never succeeded. Despite his rough exterior, Behrman is kind-hearted and protective of Sue and Johnsy.
  • Analysis: Behrman’s character plays a pivotal role in the story, as he performs the ultimate act of selflessness. Though he speaks harshly at times, his actions reveal his deep affection for the young women. His long-awaited “masterpiece” turns out to be the simple yet profound painting of the last leaf, which he creates to give Johnsy hope. This act of painting the leaf in the freezing cold, knowing it might endanger his own life, highlights his immense sacrifice. Behrman represents the theme of selflessness, as his final contribution to the world is not a grand artistic achievement, but a quiet, life-saving gesture that costs him his life. His character shows that true masterpieces are not always on canvases, but in acts of kindness and love.

4. Relationship Dynamics:

  • The interactions between these three characters are central to the story’s emotional depth. Sue’s nurturing and Johnsy’s vulnerability highlight the power of friendship, while Behrman’s ultimate sacrifice underscores the value of compassion. The story shows how individuals, even with limited means, can make a profound difference in each other’s lives.

5. Symbolism in Characters:

  • Behrman’s “last leaf” becomes a symbol of hope, endurance, and life, much like Behrman himself, who was enduring life with unrealized dreams but left behind a lasting legacy through his sacrifice.
  • Johnsy’s journey from despair to hope represents the emotional battle that many face when dealing with illness or hardship, emphasizing how support from loved ones can change the course of one’s life.

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