The Enemy Extra Short Questions

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The Enemy Extra Short Questions

The Enemy Extra Short Questions – Looking for NCERT solutions for CBSE Class 12 English, Chapter 4, “The Enemy”? You’re in the right place! Our collection of important questions will enhance your understanding and help improve your board exam performance.

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The Enemy Extra Short Questions

1. What role did the American professor play in bringing Hana and Sadao together? (All India 2015)

Answer: The American professor and his wife were kind and eager to help foreign students. One night, Sadao visited their home and fortuitously met Hana, a new student, leading to their relationship.

2. Why did Dr. Sadao treat the American soldier even though it was considered unpatriotic? (Compartment 2014)

Answer: Dr. Sadao felt it was his moral and ethical duty as a doctor to treat the injured, regardless of nationality. Thus, he treated the wounded American soldier, despite the perception of unpatriotism.

3. What efforts did Dr. Sadao and Hana make to save the American soldier? (All India 2020)

Answer: Dr. Sadao and Hana brought the wounded man to their home and provided care. Sadao performed surgery to remove the bullet, while Hana washed and tended to him, despite their servants’ refusal. They even helped him escape.

4. In what condition did Dr. Sadao find the American soldier at the seashore? (All India 2015)

Answer: Initially, Sadao thought the man was a fisherman washed ashore, but upon closer inspection, he found a critically injured white man bleeding from a bullet wound. Without surgery, he would surely die.

5. Why did the General not order the immediate arrest of Dr. Sadao, who had sheltered a white man? (Compartment 2014)

Answer: The General valued Dr. Sadao’s expertise and could not risk losing him. He recognized that if Sadao were arrested, there would be no one else as skilled to treat him in case of an emergency.

6. How did Dr. Sadao ensure that the American soldier left his house while he remained safe? (Delhi 2012)

Answer: Dr. Sadao waited for the General’s assassins, but when they did not arrive, he arranged for a boat to help the soldier escape. He later informed the General that the prisoner had fled, ensuring his own safety.

7. What made a cool surgeon like Sadao speak sharply to his wife, and what was her reaction? (All India 2013)

Answer: When Sadao started operating, Hana, who had never seen an operation, became overwhelmed by the sight of blood. He sharply told her not to faint, as stopping would mean the wounded man would die. Hana covered her mouth and ran out, where Sadao later heard her vomiting.

8. Why did Dr. Sadao seek Hana’s help to treat the American soldier?

Answer: Dr. Sadao sought Hana’s help because he could not operate alone, and their servants refused to assist due to the soldier being from an enemy nation.

9. Why did the messenger come to Dr. Sadao? What did he think about it? (All India 2010)

Answer: The messenger came because the General was in pain and required Dr. Sadao’s assistance. Sadao thought it was time to get rid of the white man, considering his wife’s fears.

10. On the seventh day after the American soldier was found by Sadao, two things happened. Why did Hana feel scared of the second? (Foreign 2015)

Answer: Hana was frightened when a messenger from the General visited, fearing that the servants had informed the authorities about the enemy soldier. However, her fear was unfounded; the messenger simply needed Dr. Sadao due to the General’s illness.

The Enemy Extra Short Questions Pdf

11. Sadao and Hana have a moral compass urging them to save the prisoner’s life. Do we all need this moral compass? Why? (CBSE Question Bank 2021)

Answer: Yes, we all need a moral compass. It helps guide our ethical decisions, especially in a world where selfishness is common. With a moral compass, we can uphold the values that make us humane.

12. Why did Hana have to wash the wounded man herself? (Delhi 2012)

Answer: The wounded soldier was very dirty and needed washing before treatment. When Hana asked her maid, Yumi, to wash him, Yumi refused, stating she had never washed a white man. Faced with Yumi’s resistance, Hana took it upon herself to wash the soldier.

13. What efforts did Dr. Sadao make to treat the American soldier despite the risks?

Answer: Dr. Sadao faced moral dilemmas, balancing his duty as a physician with societal expectations. He treated the soldier, knowing it was seen as an act of treason, but felt compelled to do so.

14. How do we know that Dr. Sadao was conscientious as well as loyal? (CBSE SQP 2023)

Answer: Dr. Sadao demonstrated his conscientiousness and loyalty by balancing his duties to his profession and his nation. He saved the life of the POW while ensuring that Japanese authorities were informed, maintaining his integrity.

15. What made Dr. Sadao impatient and irritable with his patient? (All India 2013)

Answer: The urgent need for the soldier’s operation made Sadao impatient. While trying to assist Hana, who was vomiting from distress, he could not leave his patient, causing his irritability.

16. The author uses ‘blood’ as a symbol in the story. Comment on its impact on the reader. (CBSE Question Bank 2021)

Answer: Blood symbolizes both the unity of humanity and the toxic nature of nationalism. The phrase “blood is the best of fertilizers” suggests that while blood connects us, it can also breed prejudice and racism, as seen in the contrasting treatments of soldiers.

17. Why did Sadao’s father have specific expectations for him?

Answer: Sadao’s father wanted him to receive the best education, which led to Sadao being sent to America to study surgery and medicine. This dream influenced Sadao’s career and achievements.

18. How did the writer indicate that Dr. Sadao’s father was a traditional and conventional man? (Delhi 2011)

Answer: The writer illustrates Dr. Sadao’s father’s traditional views by showing that Sadao did not marry Hana until he confirmed she was Japanese, knowing his father would not approve otherwise. The old man also forbade any foreign objects from entering his room.

19. Why did the General spare the American soldier? (All India 2009)

Answer: The General was in pain and forgot his promise to Dr. Sadao regarding the soldier’s fate. Thus, he did not actively spare the soldier; he simply lost track of the situation.

20. Pearl Buck depicts the servants to convey a message about Japanese people and culture. Support your answer with textual evidence.

Answer: Pearl Buck illustrates the servants’ loyalty and patriotism, as they abandoned their jobs when they learned of Dr. Sadao helping an enemy soldier. This reflects the deep sense of duty and traditional values prevalent in Japanese culture.

21. Sadao and Hana regard their time in America with disdain due to prejudice. How does racial prejudice taint a person’s soul forever? (CBSE Question Bank 2021)

Answer: Racial prejudice fosters bitterness and hinders empathy, tainting a person’s perspective permanently. However, Sadao and Hana chose to rise above their negative experiences and still helped the American POW.

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