Should Be and Should have Been Difference
Table of Contents
In this blog post, I am sharing the difference between ‘should be’ and ‘should have been’ rules in Hindi. As you know, the modal verb should is highly useful for both written and spoken English. If you want to improve your skills, make sure to read this blog till the end.
Uses of Should Be+ Complement
Structure: Subject + should be + complement |
This structure is used to express:
1. Advisability or Expectation about the current or future state.
2. Obligation or Suggestion in a mild or polite manner.
3. Speculation or Possibility about the current situation.
1. Uses of “Should Be + Complement”
(a) Advisability or Expectation: This use conveys what is appropriate or expected in a given situation.
You should be careful while driving.
तुम्हें गाड़ी चलाते समय सावधान रहना चाहिए।
She should be more punctual.
उसे अधिक समय का पाबंद होना चाहिए।
They should be at the station by now.
उन्हें अब तक स्टेशन पर होना चाहिए।
(b) Obligation or Suggestion: It suggests a recommendation or mild obligation for someone’s state or behavior.
Students should be respectful to their teachers.
छात्रों को अपने शिक्षकों के प्रति सम्मानजनक होना चाहिए।
You should be polite to your elders.
तुम्हें बड़ों के प्रति विनम्र होना चाहिए।
(c) Speculation or Possibility: It indicates what might be true in the present or what is likely to happen.
The weather should be pleasant today.
आज का मौसम सुखद होना चाहिए।
He should be at home right now.
वह अभी घर पर होना चाहिए।
2. Formation of Negative Sentences:
To express a negative idea, add not after “should.”
Structure: Subject + should not be + complement |
You should not be rude to others.
तुम्हें दूसरों के प्रति असभ्य नहीं होना चाहिए।
He should not be late for the meeting.
उसे बैठक के लिए देर नहीं करनी चाहिए।
3. Formation of Questions
To form a question, place “should” before the subject.
Structure: Should + subject + be + complement? |
Should I be responsible for this task?
क्या मुझे इस कार्य के लिए जिम्मेदार होना चाहिए?
Should they be aware of the situation?
क्या उन्हें स्थिति के बारे में पता होना चाहिए?
4. Common Mistakes to Avoid
(a) Using the Wrong Verb Form
Incorrect: You should being polite to others.
Correct: You should be polite to others.
(b) Mixing “Should Be” with Action Verbs
“Should be” is not followed by an action verb in its base form; it is followed by a complement (adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase).
Incorrect: He should be complete the project.
Correct: He should be responsible for completing the project.
5. Complements in the Structure
The complement can take different forms: अब बात आती है की complement वाले Part में क्या-क्या प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
(a) Adjectives
You should be honest.
तुम्हें ईमानदार होना चाहिए।
She should be careful.
उसे सावधान होना चाहिए।
(b) Nouns
He should be a leader.
उसे नेता होना चाहिए।
You should be a good listener.
तुम्हें एक अच्छा श्रोता होना चाहिए।
(c) Prepositional Phrases
They should be in the office by now.
उन्हें अब तक कार्यालय में होना चाहिए।
She should be at the library.
उसे पुस्तकालय में होना चाहिए।
Usage Tips
1. Use “should be” to talk about someone’s expected state, not their action.
2. Practice forming positive, negative, and question sentences with adjectives, nouns, and prepositions as complements.
Practice Exercise Should Be – Hindi to English Translation
1. तुम्हें और सतर्क होना चाहिए।
2. उसे इस समय घर पर होना चाहिए।
3. यह बैठक उपयोगी होनी चाहिए।
4. यह उत्तर सही होना चाहिए।
5. हमें इस पर खुश होना चाहिए।
6. तुम्हें ईमानदार होना चाहिए।
7. उसे काम में रुचि लेनी चाहिए।
8. बैठक का माहौल शांत होना चाहिए।
9. यह यात्रा आरामदायक होनी चाहिए।
10. तुम्हें प्रेरित महसूस करना चाहिए।
11. छात्रों को अनुशासित होना चाहिए।
12. यह योजना तार्किक होनी चाहिए।
13. बच्चों को स्कूल में सुरक्षित होना चाहिए।
14. तुम्हें परिणाम से संतुष्ट होना चाहिए।
15. यह प्रस्ताव स्वीकृत होना चाहिए।
16. तुम्हें इस बारे में आश्वस्त होना चाहिए।
17. परीक्षा का परिणाम सकारात्मक होना चाहिए।
18. यह उपाय प्रभावी होना चाहिए।
19. बैठक का समय उपयुक्त होना चाहिए।
20. तुम्हें शांत और संयमित होना चाहिए।
21. कमरे का तापमान संतुलित होना चाहिए।
22. योजना पूरी तरह से व्यावहारिक होनी चाहिए।
23. यह उत्तर सत्यापित होना चाहिए।
24. उसका योगदान महत्वपूर्ण होना चाहिए।
25. यह काम समय पर पूरा होना चाहिए।
Translation Exercise English Sentences (Should Be and Should have Been Difference)
1. You should be more cautious.
2. He/She should be at home at this time.
3. This meeting should be useful.
4. This answer should be correct.
5. We should be happy about this.
6. You should be honest.
7. He/She should be interested in the work.
8. The atmosphere of the meeting should be calm.
9. This journey should be comfortable.
10. You should feel motivated.
11. Students should be disciplined.
12. This plan should be logical.
13. Children should be safe at school.
14. You should be satisfied with the result.
15. This proposal should be approved.
16. You should be confident about this.
17. The exam result should be positive.
18. This solution should be effective.
19. The timing of the meeting should be appropriate.
20. You should be calm and composed.
21. The room temperature should be balanced.
22. The plan should be completely practical.
23. This answer should be verified.
24. His/Her contribution should be significant.
25. This work should be completed on time.
Uses of Should Have Been + Complement
Structure: Subject + should have been + complement |
This structure is used to express:
1. Missed Opportunities or Regrets about what someone’s state or condition should have been in the past but wasn’t.
2. Past Expectations that were unfulfilled.
3. Criticism for not meeting a past expectation.
1. Uses of “Should Have Been + Complement”
(a) Missed Opportunities or Regrets: This use expresses regret about a past condition that should have occurred but did not.
You should have been more careful.
तुम्हें अधिक सावधान होना चाहिए था।
She should have been present at the meeting.
उसे बैठक में उपस्थित होना चाहिए था।
(b) Unfulfilled Past Expectations: It expresses something that was expected to happen but didn’t.
The food should have been ready by now.
खाना अब तक तैयार हो जाना चाहिए था।
They should have been at the airport an hour ago.
उन्हें एक घंटे पहले हवाई अड्डे पर होना चाहिए था।
(c) Criticism: This use expresses mild criticism or disapproval about someone’s past condition or behavior.
You should have been more respectful to your elders.
तुम्हें अपने बड़ों के प्रति अधिक सम्मानजनक होना चाहिए था।
He should have been honest with his friends.
उसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ ईमानदार होना चाहिए था।
2. Formation of Negative Sentences:
To express a negative idea, add not after “should.”
Structure: Subject + should not have been + complement |
You should not have been rude to him.
तुम्हें उसके प्रति असभ्य नहीं होना चाहिए था।
The decision should not have been so hasty.
निर्णय इतना जल्दबाज़ी में नहीं होना चाहिए था।
3. Formation of Questions
To form a question, place “should” before the subject.
Structure: Should + subject + have been + complement + ? |
Should she have been more responsible?
क्या उसे अधिक जिम्मेदार होना चाहिए था?
Should they have been at the station earlier?
क्या उन्हें पहले स्टेशन पर होना चाहिए था?
4. Common Mistakes to Avoid
(a) Using Action Verbs Instead of Complements
“Should have been” is followed by a complement (adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase), not an action verb.
Incorrect: You should have been completed the task.
Correct: You should have been responsible for completing the task.
(b) Mixing Up Tenses
This structure refers to the past, so avoid using it for present or future situations.
Incorrect: You should have been ready tomorrow.
Correct: You should be ready tomorrow.
5. Complements in the Structure
The complement can take different forms: अब बात आती है की complement वाले Part में क्या-क्या प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
(a) Adjectives
She should have been more polite.
उसे अधिक विनम्र होना चाहिए था।
You should have been careful.
तुम्हें सावधान रहना चाहिए था।
(b) Nouns
He should have been a leader in this project.
उसे इस परियोजना में नेता होना चाहिए था।
They should have been better teammates.
उन्हें बेहतर साथी होना चाहिए था।
(c) Prepositional Phrases
You should have been at the party.
तुम्हें पार्टी में होना चाहिए था।
They should have been in the classroom earlier.
उन्हें पहले कक्षा में होना चाहिए था।
Usage Tips – Should Be and Should have Been Difference
1. Use “should have been” only for past states or conditions, not actions.
2. Focus on regrets, missed opportunities, or criticism when applying this structure.
3. Practice forming sentences with different types of complements (adjectives, nouns, prepositions).
Exercises for Practice Hindi-English Translation (Should Be and Should have Been Difference)
1. तुम्हें अधिक सतर्क होना चाहिए था।
2. उसे मीटिंग में होना चाहिए था।
3. यह काम समय पर पूरा होना चाहिए था।
4. बच्चों को स्कूल में होना चाहिए था।
5. यह रिपोर्ट तैयार हो जानी चाहिए थी।
6. तुम्हें खुश होना चाहिए था।
7. मुझे वहाँ होना चाहिए था।
8. तुम्हें परीक्षा में बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना चाहिए था।
9. छात्रों को अधिक ध्यान देना चाहिए था।
10. यह योजना पहले ही पूरी हो जानी चाहिए थी।
11. उसे इस समस्या का समाधान करना चाहिए था।
12. मुझे अधिक अनुशासित होना चाहिए था।
13. तुम्हें ईमानदार होना चाहिए था।
14. रिपोर्ट में सटीकता होनी चाहिए थी।
15. बच्चों को कक्षा में होना चाहिए था।
16. बैठक का वातावरण शांत होना चाहिए था।
17. यह अवसर सफल होना चाहिए था।
18. तुम्हें दूसरों के प्रति सहानुभूति रखनी चाहिए थी।
19. हमें समस्या को गंभीरता से लेना चाहिए था।
20. इस काम का निष्पादन बेहतर होना चाहिए था।
21. तुम्हें अपनी गलती समझनी चाहिए थी।
22. यह कार्य समय पर समाप्त होना चाहिए था।
23. हमें योजना को सुधारना चाहिए था।
24. तुम्हें अपने शिक्षकों से सलाह लेनी चाहिए थी।
25. उसे इन परिणामों से संतुष्ट होना चाहिए था।
English Sentences Based on Should Have Been
1. You should have been more cautious.
2. He/She should have been in the meeting.
3. This work should have been completed on time.
4. The children should have been at school.
5. This report should have been prepared.
6. You should have been happy.
7. I should have been there.
8. You should have performed better in the exam.
9. The students should have paid more attention.
10. This plan should have been completed earlier.
11. He/She should have resolved this issue.
12. I should have been more disciplined.
13. You should have been honest.
14. The report should have been accurate.
15. The children should have been in the class.
16. The atmosphere of the meeting should have been calm.
17. This opportunity should have been successful.
18. You should have been empathetic towards others.
19. We should have taken the problem seriously.
20. The execution of this work should have been better.
21. You should have understood your mistake.
22. This task should have been completed on time.
23. We should have improved the plan.
24. You should have taken advice from your teachers.
25. He/She should have been satisfied with these results.
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