Present Perfect Tense Quiz

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Present Perfect Tense Quiz – English Grammar

Present Perfect Tense Quiz – English Grammar – In this post, I am sharing an MCQ Test of Present Perfect Tense. If you want to test your Tense skills, you should try this test.

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Present Perfect Tense Quiz – English Grammar

1. He ___ (take) breakfast already.
(a) has taken
(b) have taken
(c) took
(d) taking

2. They ___ (finish) their homework.
(a) finishing
(b) has finished
(c) finished
(d) have finished

3. I ___ (see) that movie three times.
(a) has seen
(b) have seen
(c) seeing
(d) saw

4. She ___ (write) five letters today.
(a) has written
(b) have written
(c) wrote
(d) writing

5. We ___ (live) here for ten years.
(a) living
(b) has lived
(c) have lived
(d) lived

6. The dog ___ (run) away.
(a) have run
(b) has run
(c) running
(d) ran

7. You ___ (make) a lot of progress.
(a) have made
(b) has made
(c) made
(d) making

8. I ___ (finish) my project.
(a) have finished
(b) has finished
(c) finished
(d) finishing

9. They ___ (be) to Paris twice.
(a) being
(b) has been
(c) were
(d) have been

10. She ___ (lose) her keys.
(a) have lost
(b) has lost
(c) lost
(d) losing

11. I ___ (never/see) such a beautiful sunset.
(a) have never seen
(b) has never seen
(c) never seeing
(d) never saw

12. He ___ (just/arrive) at the airport.
(a) just arriving
(b) have just arrived
(c) has just arrived
(d) just arrived

13. The train ___ (leave) the station.
(a) are leaving
(b) have left
(c) left
(d) has left

14. We ___ (already/had) dinner.
(a) has already had
(b) have already had
(c) are already having
(d) already had

15. She ___ (just/get) home.
(a) has just got
(b) have just got
(c) just got
(d) just getting

16. I ___ (not/finish) my homework yet.
(a) am not finishing
(b) has not finished
(c) have not finished
(d) not finished

17. They ___ (visit) the museum many times.
(a) visited
(b) has visited
(c) visiting
(d) have visited

18. The cat ___ (catch) a mouse.
(a) have caught
(b) has caught
(c) caught
(d) catching

19. You ___ (read) that book before.
(a) have read
(b) has read
(c) reading
(d) read

20. He ___ (never/ride) a horse.
(a) have never ridden
(b) is never riding
(c) has never ridden
(d) never rode

21. We ___ (already/finish) our work.
(a) already finished
(b) has already finished
(c) already finishing
(d) have already finished

22. She ___ (just/call) me.
(a) have just called
(b) has just called
(c) just called
(d) just calling

23. I ___ (see) that movie before.
(a) have seen
(b) has seen
(c) seeing
(d) saw

24. They ___ (never/go) to Japan.
(a) have never gone
(b) has never gone
(c) never going
(d) never went

25. He ___ (already/finish) his dinner.
(a) already finished
(b) have already finished
(c) already finishing
(d) has already finished

Present Perfect Tense Quiz with Answer

26. We ___ (just/get) the news.
(a) just got
(b) has just got
(c) have just got
(d) just getting

27. I ___ (never/meet) her before.
(a) have never met
(b) has never met
(c) never meeting
(d) never met

28. They ___ (already/see) that film.
(a) have already seen
(b) has already seen
(c) already seeing
(d) already saw

29. She ___ (just/arrive).
(a) have just arrived
(b) has just arrived
(c) just arriving
(d) just arrived

30. I ___ (not/see) him lately.
(a) am not seeing
(b) has not seen
(c) have not seen
(d) not saw

31. We ___ (just/move) into a new house.
(a) just moving
(b) has just moved
(c) just moved
(d) have just moved

32. He ___ (already/read) that book.
(a) has already read
(b) have already read
(c) already reading
(d) already read

33. They ___ (never/travel) by plane.
(a) are never travelled
(b) has never travelled
(c) never travelling
(d) have never travelled

34. She ___ (just/bake) a cake.
(a) have just baked
(b) has just baked
(c) just baked
(d) just baking

35. I ___ (already/finish) my work.
(a) have already finished
(b) has already finished
(c) already finishing
(d) already finished

36. We ___ (never/see) such a beautiful place.
(a) are never seeing
(b) has never seen
(c) have never seen
(d) never saw

37. He ___ (just/buy) a new car.
(a) just buying
(b) have just bought
(c) just bought
(d) has just bought

38. They ___ (already/arrive) at the hotel.
(a) have already arrived
(b) has already arrived
(c) already arriving
(d) already arrived

39. She ___ (never/try) sushi before.
(a) have never tried
(b) has never tried
(c) never trying
(d) never tried

40. I ___ (just/finish) my meal.
(a) just finished
(b) has just finished
(c) have just finished
(d) just finishing

41. We ___ (never/be) to Australia.
(a) have never been
(b) has never been
(c) never being
(d) never was

42. He ___ (already/go) home.
(a) has already gone
(b) already gone
(c) already going
(d) have already gone

43. They ___ (just/start) their new job.
(a) has just started
(b) have just started
(c) just started
(d) just starting

44. She ___ (never/see) the ocean.
(a) has never seen
(b) have never seen
(c) never seeing
(d) never saw

45. I ___ (just/take) a shower.
(a) just taken
(b) has just taken
(c) have just taken
(d) just taking

46. We ___ (never/eat) at that restaurant.
(a) never ate
(b) has never eaten
(c) never eating
(d) have never eaten

47. He ___ (already/pay) the bill.
(a) have already paid
(b) has already paid
(c) already paying
(d) already paid

48. They ___ (just/leave) the party.
(a) have just left
(b) has just left
(c) just left
(d) just leaving

49. She ___ (never/ride) a bike.
(a) never riding
(b) have never ridden
(c) has never ridden
(d) never rode

50. I ___ (already/do) my chores.
(a) already did
(b) has already done
(c) already doing
(d) have already done

Present Perfect Tense Quiz Answer & Explanation

1. (a) has eaten
2. (d) have finished
3. (b) have seen
4. (a) has written
5. (c) have lived
6. (b) has run
7. (a) have made
8. (a) have finished
9. (d) have been
10. (b) has lost
11. (a) have never seen
12. (c) has just arrived
13. (d) has left
14. (b) have already had
15. (a) has just got
16. (c) have not finished
17. (d) have visited
18. (b) has caught
19. (a) have read
20. (c) has never ridden
21. (d) have already finished
22. (b) has just called
23. (a) have seen
24. (a) have never gone
25. (d) has already finished
26. (c) have just got
27. (a) have never met
28. (a) have already seen
29. (b) has just arrived
30. (c) have not seen
31. (d) have just moved
32. (a) has already read
33. (d) have never travelled
34. (b) has just baked
35. (a) have already finished
36. (c) have never seen
37. (d) has just bought
38. (a) have already arrived
39. (b) has never tried
40. (c) have just finished
41. (a) have never been
42. (d) have already gone
43. (b) have just started
44. (a) has never seen
45. (c) have just taken
46. (d) have never eaten
47. (b) has already paid
48. (a) have just left
49. (c) has never ridden
50. (d) have already done

English Grammar Quiz

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