Present Indefinite Tense Quiz

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Present Indefinite Tense Quiz – English Grammar

Present Indefinite Tense Quiz – English Grammar – In this post, I am sharing a comprehensive MCQ Test on the Present Indefinite Tense. Perfect for anyone looking to assess their tense skills, this quiz will challenge and improve your understanding. Dive in and see how well you know the Present Indefinite Tense!

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Present Indefinite Tense Quiz – English Grammar

1. She ___(go) to school every day.
(a) go
(b) going
(c) goes
(d) gone

2. They ___(not/eat) meat.
(a) don’t eat
(b) eats
(c) not eating
(d) doesn’t eat

3. Do you ___(like) pizza?
(a) like
(b) likes
(c) liking
(d) liked

4. He ___(play) football every weekend.
(a) plays
(b) playing
(c) play
(d) played

5. We ___(not/have) any pets.
(a) doesn’t have
(b) don’t have
(c) have
(d) having

6. Does she ___(read) books often?
(a) reads
(b) read
(c) reading
(d) readed

7. The sun ___(rise) in the east.
(a) rises
(b) rising
(c) rise
(d) rised

8. They ___(not/live) in New York.
(a) doesn’t live
(b) don’t live
(c) live
(d) living

9. Do you ___(watch) TV every night?
(a) watches
(b) watching
(c) watch
(d) watched

10. She ___(cook) dinner every evening.
(a) cooks
(b) cooking
(c) cook
(d) cooked

11. We ___(not/go) to the gym.
(a) doesn’t go
(b) go
(c) don’t go
(d) going

12. Does he ___(work) here?
(a) works
(b) working
(c) work
(d) worked

13. They ___(play) tennis every Saturday.
(a) playing
(b) plays
(c) played
(d) play

14. She ___(not/drink) coffee.
(a) drinks
(b) doesn’t drink
(c) don’t drink
(d) drink

15. Do you ___(visit) your grandparents often?
(a) visits
(b) visiting
(c) visit
(d) visited

16. He ___(teach) math.
(a) teaches
(b) teach
(c) teaching
(d) teached

17. They ___(not/know) the answer.
(a) knows
(b) knowing
(c) don’t know
(d) doesn’t know

18. Does she ___(sing) well?
(a) sings
(b) singing
(c) sing
(d) singed

19. The dog ___(bark) loudly.
(a) barking
(b) barks
(c) barked
(d) bark

20. We ___(not/need) help.
(a) doesn’t need
(b) need
(c) needing
(d) don’t need

21. Do you ___(enjoy) music?
(a) enjoys
(b) enjoy
(c) enjoying
(d) enjoyed

22. She ___(speak) Spanish fluently.
(a) speaks
(b) speaking
(c) speak
(d) spoke

23. They ___(not/drive) to work.
(a) drives
(b) driving
(c) don’t drive
(d) doesn’t drive

24. Does he ___(run) every morning?
(a) runs
(b) run
(c) running
(d) runned

25. The cat ___(sleep) on the sofa.
(a) sleeps
(b) sleeping
(c) sleep
(d) slept

Present Indefinite Tense Quiz with Answer

26. We ___(not/read) newspapers.
(a) don’t read
(b) read
(c) reading
(d) doesn’t read

27. Do you ___(need) a pen?
(a) need
(b) needing
(c) needed
(d) needs

28. He ___(drive) a car.
(a) driving
(b) drives
(c) drive
(d) drived

29. They ___(not/eat) out often.
(a) eating
(b) don’t eat
(c) eats
(d) doesn’t eat

30. Does she ___(dance)?
(a) dances
(b) dancing
(c) dance
(d) danced

31. She ___(run) every day.
(a) running
(b) run
(c) runs
(d) runned

32. We ___(not/watch) movies often.
(a) watch
(b) watches
(c) watching
(d) don’t watch

33. Do you ___(take) sugar in your tea?
(a) takes
(b) taking
(c) take
(d) took

34. He ___(write) stories.
(a) writes
(b) write
(c) writing
(d) wrote

35. They ___(not/use) a computer.
(a) doesn’t use
(b) uses
(c) using
(d) don’t use

36. Does she ___(wear) glasses?
(a) wears
(b) wearing
(c) wear
(d) weared

37. The baby ___(cry) a lot.
(a) cries
(b) cry
(c) crying
(d) cryed

38. We ___(not/speak) French.
(a) don’t speak
(b) speaks
(c) speaking
(d) doesn’t speak

39. Do you ___(walk) to school?
(a) walks
(b) walking
(c) walk
(d) walked

40. He ___(listen) to music.
(a) listening
(b) listens
(c) listen
(d) listened

41. They ___(not/read) books.
(a) don’t read
(b) reading
(c) reads
(d) doesn’t read

42. Does she ___(like) chocolate?
(a) likes
(b) liking
(c) like
(d) liked

43. She ___(paint) beautifully.
(a) painting
(b) paints
(c) paint
(d) painted

44. We ___(not/sell) our car.
(a) selling
(b) don’t sell
(c) sells
(d) doesn’t sell

45. Do you ___(write) letters?
(a) writes
(b) writing
(c) write
(d) written

46. He ___(study) hard.
(a) studies
(b) studying
(c) study
(d) studied

47. They ___(not/watch) TV.
(a) watching
(b) don’t watch
(c) watches
(d) doesn’t watch

48. Does she ___(play) the piano?
(a) plays
(b) playing
(c) play
(d) played

49. She ___(read) a book.
(a) reading
(b) reads
(c) read
(d) readed

50. We ___(not/have) breakfast at home.
(a) doesn’t have
(b) don’t have
(c) having
(d) have

Present Indefinite Tense Quiz Answer & Explanation

1. c) goes
2. a) don’t eat
3. a) like
4. a) plays
5. b) don’t have
6. b) read
7. a) rises
8. b) don’t live
9. c) watch
10. a) cooks
11. c) don’t go
12. c) work
13. d) play
14. b) doesn’t drink
15. c) visit
16. a) teaches
17. c) don’t know
18. c) sing
19. b) barks
20. d) don’t need
21. b) enjoy
22. a) speaks
23. c) don’t drive
24. b) run
25. a) sleeps
26. a) don’t read
27. a) need
28. b) drives
29. b) don’t eat
30. c) dance
31. c) runs
32. d) don’t watch
33. c) take
34. a) writes
35. d) don’t use
36. c) wear
37. a) cries
38. a) don’t speak
39. c) walk
40. b) listens
41. a) don’t read
42. c) like
43. b) paints
44. b) don’t sell
45. c) write
46. a) studies
47. b) don’t watch
48. c) play
49. b) reads
50. b) don’t have

English Grammar Quiz

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