Top Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi
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Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi – Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other parts of a sentence. They help indicate time, place, direction, cause, manner, possession, and comparison. Understanding the rules of prepositions is essential for constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences.
Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi
Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi
Let’s explore the rules of different types of prepositions along with examples in both English and Hindi.
Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi
1. Rules of Prepositions of Place (स्थान दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “In” when something is inside an enclosed space.
The book is in the bag. (किताब बैग में है।)
She lives in Delhi. (वह दिल्ली में रहती है।)
Rule 2: Use “On” when something is on a surface.
The phone is on the table. (फ़ोन टेबल पर है।)
The painting is on the wall. (चित्र दीवार पर है।)
Rule 3: Use “At” when referring to a specific point or location.
She is at the door. (वह दरवाजे पर है।)
We met at the restaurant. (हम रेस्टोरेंट पर मिले।)
Rule 4: Use “Under” when something is below another object.
The cat is under the chair. (बिल्ली कुर्सी के नीचे है।)
He found his shoes under the bed. (उसने अपने जूते बिस्तर के नीचे पाए।)
Rule 5: Use “Between” when referring to something in the middle of two objects.
The park is between the school and the mall. (पार्क स्कूल और मॉल के बीच है।)
2. Rules of Prepositions of Time (समय दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “In” for months, years, centuries, and long periods.
We were born in January. (हम जनवरी में पैदा हुए थे।)
The company was founded in 2000. (कंपनी 2000 में स्थापित हुई थी।)
Rule 2: Use “On” for specific dates and days of the week.
My birthday is on Monday. (मेरा जन्मदिन सोमवार को है।)
Independence Day is on 15th August. (स्वतंत्रता दिवस 15 अगस्त को है।)
Rule 3: Use “At” for specific times.
The train arrives at 5 PM. (ट्रेन शाम 5 बजे को आएगी।)
We will meet at noon. (हम दोपहर को मिलेंगे।)
Rule 4: Use “Since” for a point in time (starting time).
She has been working since morning. (वह सुबह से काम कर रही है।)
I have lived here since 2010. (मैं 2010 से यहाँ रह रहा हूँ।)
Rule 5: Use “For” for a duration of time.
He lived in Delhi for two years. (वह दो साल के लिए दिल्ली में रहा।)
3. Rules of Prepositions of Direction (दिशा दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “To” to indicate movement toward a specific destination.
We are going to the market. (हम बाजार की ओर जा रहे हैं।)
She went to school. (वह स्कूल गई।)
Rule 2: Use “Into” to indicate movement inside a place.
She went into the room. (वह कमरे में गई।)
He jumped into the pool. (वह पूल में कूदा।)
Rule 3: Use “From” to indicate the starting point of a movement.
He came from Mumbai. (वह मुंबई से आया।)
The flight departs from Delhi. (फ्लाइट दिल्ली से उड़ान भरेगी।)
4. Rules of Prepositions of Manner & Cause (तरीका और कारण दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “With” to show the instrument used to do something.
He wrote with a pen. (उसने पेन से लिखा।)
Rule 2: Use “By” to show the doer of an action (passive voice).
The book was written by him. (किताब उसके द्वारा लिखी गई थी।)
Rule 3: Use “Because of” to indicate the reason.
She was late because of traffic. (वह ट्रैफिक की वजह से लेट हुई।)
5. Rules of Prepositions of Possession (स्वामित्व दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “Of” to show possession.
The colour of the car is red. (कार का रंग लाल है।)
Rule 2: Use “With” to indicate a characteristic or feature.
The house with a red door is mine. (लाल दरवाजे के साथ वाला घर मेरा है।)
6. Rules of Prepositions of Comparison & Contrast (तुलना और विरोधाभास दर्शाने वाले प्रीपोज़िशन)
Rule 1: Use “Like” to show similarity.
He sings like a professional. (वह प्रोफेशनल जैसा गाता है।)
Rule 2: Use “Unlike” to show contrast.
Unlike his brother, he is quiet. (अपने भाई के विपरीत, वह शांत है।)
Rule 3: Use “As” to indicate a role or function.
He works as a teacher. (वह एक शिक्षक के रूप में काम करता है।)
Prepositions Rules in English Grammar In Hindi
Conclusion (निष्कर्ष)
Understanding and correctly using prepositions is crucial for effective communication in both English and Hindi. By following these rules and practicing regularly, you can improve your language skills and avoid common errors.
👉 Keep practicing, and soon, using prepositions will become second nature!
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