Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

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Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences: Welcome to this post on Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercises! Here, you’ll find 100 carefully curated sentences categorized into Positive, Negative, Interrogative, and Wh-Interrogative forms. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is crucial for describing actions that started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. This exercise is designed to simplify the learning process and help you practice sentence construction and translation effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your English skills, this post is tailored to make mastering grammar easy and enjoyable. Let’s dive into learning with confidence!

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Tense Translation Exercise with Solution

This exercise helps you practice translating sentences into different tenses with solutions provided for better understanding. It includes positive, negative, interrogative, and Wh-interrogative forms, making it easier to master tense usage. Perfect for students and learners looking to improve their grammar and translation skills effectively!

100 Sentences in Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation (Positive)

Str. [Sub + had + been + V1 + ING + Obj + Since / For + Time]

Positive Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense (सकारात्मक वाक्य)

1. मैं सुबह से किताब पढ़ रहा था।
2. वह कई घंटे से गाना गा रहा था।
3. वे पार्क में लंबे समय से दौड़ रहे थे।
4. हम कई दिनों से इस समस्या पर काम कर रहे थे।
5. तुम काफी समय से उसे पत्र लिख रहे थे।
6. वह दोपहर से पेंटिंग बना रहा था।
7. बच्चे घंटों से क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे।
8. मैं पिछले महीने से एक कहानी लिख रहा था।
9. वह अपने दोस्तों से लंबे समय से बात कर रहा था।
10. हम दो घंटे से कमरे सफाई कर रहे थे।
11. वह सुबह से कुछ नहीं कर रहा था।
12. तुम सुबह से गाड़ी चला रहे थे।
13. मैं सुबह से व्यायाम कर रहा था।
14. वह काफी समय से नौकरी ढूंढ रहा था।
15. हम शाम से टीवी देख रहे थे।
16. वे लोग वर्षो से गरीबो की मदद कर रहे थे।
17. मैं सुबह से अपनी बहन को पढ़ा रहा था।
18. वह छः महीने से अंग्रेजी सीख रहा था।
19. उसकी माँ सुबह से भोजन बना रही थी।
20. भिखारी लोग सुबह से भीख मांग रहे थे।
21. मैं काफी समय से पियानो बजा रहा था।
22. वह एक घन्टेब से पहाड़ पर चढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा था।
23. हम लोग सुबह से क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे।
24. तुम कई घंटे से सफाई कर रहे थे।
25. वह एक घंटे से ट्रेन की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे था।

25 Past Perfect Continuous Tense Positive Sentences in English

1. I had been reading a book since morning.
2. He had been singing a song for several hours.
3. They had been running in the park for a long time.
4. We had been working on this problem for several days.
5. You had been writing a letter to him for quite some time.
6. He had been making a painting since afternoon.
7. The children had been playing cricket for hours.
8. I had been writing a story since last month.
9. He had been talking to his friends for a long time.
10. We had been cleaning the rooms for two hours.
11. He had not been doing anything since morning.
12. You had been driving the car since morning.
13. I had been exercising since morning.
14. He had been searching for a job for quite some time.
15. We had been watching TV since evening.
16. They had been helping the poor for years.
17. I had been teaching my sister since morning.
18. He had been learning English for six months.
19. His mother had been cooking food since morning.
20. The beggars had been begging since morning.
21. I had been playing the piano for quite some time.
22. He had been trying to climb the mountain for an hour.
23. We had been playing cricket since morning.
24. You had been cleaning for several hours.
25. He had been waiting for the train for an hour.

Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Negative)

Str. [Sub + had + Not + been + V1 + ING + Obj + Since / For + Time]

Negative Sentences of Past Continuous Perfect Tense (नकारात्मक वाक्य)

1. मैं सुबह से खाना नहीं बना रहा था।
2. वह आधे घंटे से किताब नहीं पढ़ रहा था।
3. वे सुबह से मैदान में फुटबॉल नहीं खेल रहे थे।
4. हम एक साल से परीक्षा की तैयारी नहीं कर रहे थे।
5. तुम आधे घंटे से अपना होमवर्क नहीं कर रहे थे।
6. वह तीन महीने से गाड़ी चलाना नहीं सीख रहा था।
7. बच्चे एक महीने से स्कूल नहीं जा रहे थे।
8. मैं दो महीने से अपनी डायरी नहीं लिख रहा था।
9. वह एक वर्षो से अपने माता-पिता से बात नहीं कर रहा था।
10. हम सुबह से कमरे को सजाने का काम नहीं कर रहे थे।
11. वे लोग कई दिनों से पार्टी की तैयारी नहीं कर रहे थे।
12. तुम एक घंटे से बाइक नहीं चला रहे थे।
13. मैं दो घंटे से दौड़ नहीं रहा था।
14. वह एक घंटे से नई किताब नहीं ढूंढ रहा था।
15. हम ७ बजे से फिल्म नहीं देख रहे थे।
16. वे दो महीनो से परीक्षा के लिए नोट्स नहीं बना रहे थे।
17. मैं सुबह से अपने भाई को नहीं पढ़ा रहा था।
18. वह ९ महीनो से शॉपिंग मॉल नहीं जा रहा था।
19. हम सुबह से नाश्ता नहीं बना रहे थे।
20. बच्चे शाम से झूले पर नहीं खेल रहे थे।
21. मैं एक एक घंटे से गिटार नहीं बजा रहा था।
22. वह सुबह से नदी पार करने की कोशिश नहीं कर रहा था।
23. हम ४ बजे से वॉलीबॉल नहीं खेल रहे थे।
24. तुम दो घंटे से कपड़े नहीं धो रहे थे।
25. वह आधे घंटे से बस का इंतजार नहीं कर रहा था।

25 English Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. I had not been cooking food since morning.
2. He had not been reading a book for half an hour.
3. They had not been playing football in the field since morning.
4. We had not been preparing for the exam for a year.
5. You had not been doing your homework for half an hour.
6. He had not been learning to drive a car for three months.
7. The children had not been going to school for a month.
8. I had not been writing my diary for two months.
9. He had not been talking to his parents for years.
10. We had not been decorating the room since morning.
11. They had not been preparing for the party for several days.
12. You had not been riding a bike for an hour.
13. I had not been running for two hours.
14. He had not been searching for a new book for an hour.
15. We had not been watching the movie since 7 o’clock.
16. They had not been making notes for the exam for two months.
17. I had not been teaching my brother since morning.
18. He had not been going to the shopping mall for nine months.
19. We had not been preparing breakfast since morning.
20. The children had not been playing on the swing since evening.
21. I had not been playing the guitar for an hour.
22. He had not been trying to cross the river since morning.
23. We had not been playing volleyball since 4 o’clock.
24. You had not been washing clothes for two hours.
25. He had not been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Interrogative)

Str. [Had + Sub + been + V1 + ING + Obj + Since / For + Time + ?]

Interrogative Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

1. क्या मैं सुबह से निबंध लिख रहा था?
2. क्या वह एक घंटे कहानी सुना रहा था?
3. क्या वे सुबह से सड़क पर साइकिल चला रहे थे?
4. क्या हम दस घंटे से पुस्तकालय में किताबें पढ़ रहे थे?
5. क्या तुम एक साल से अपने मित्र को पत्र भेज रहे थे?
6. क्या वह छः महीनो से चित्रकारी सीख रहा था?
7. क्या बच्चे ६ बजे से मैदान में छिपन-छिपाई खेल रहे थे?
8. क्या मैं पिछले सोमवार से उपन्यास पढ़ रहा था?
9. क्या वह वर्षो से अपनी बहन से सलाह ले रहा था?
10. क्या हम दस दिनों से घर की मरम्मत कर रहे थे?
11. क्या राधा चार महीनो से अंग्रेजी सीख रही थी?
12. क्या तुम एक घंटे से मोटरसाइकिल चला रहे थे?
13. क्या मैं सुबह से दौड़ लगा रहा था?
14. क्या वह जनवरी से नई कंपनी में काम ढूंढ रहा था?
15. क्या हम दोपहर से रेडियो सुन रहे थे?
16. क्या वे तीन घंटे से स्टेशन की सफाई कर रहे थे?
17. क्या मैं जनवरी से अपने पिता को मोबाइल चलाना सिखा रहा था?
18. क्या वह वर्षो से ऑनलाइन सामान खरीद रहा था?
19. क्या हम लोग वर्षो से गरीबो की मदद कर रहे थे?
20. क्या बच्चे सुबह से मिट्टी के घर बना रहे थे?
21. क्या मैं एक घंटे से बांसुरी बजा रहा था?
22. क्या वह एक साल से समुंदर में तैरने की कोशिश कर रहा था?
23. क्या वे लोग सुबह से बैडमिंटन खेल रहे थे?
24. क्या तुम सुबह से बगीचे में पौधे काट रहे थे?
25. क्या वह एक महीनो से नई किताब का इंतजार कर रहा था?

25 Interrogative Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English

1. Had I been writing an essay since morning?
2. Had he been narrating a story for an hour?
3. Had they been riding bicycles on the road since morning?
4. Had we been reading books in the library for ten hours?
5. Had you been sending letters to your friend for a year?
6. Had he been learning painting for six months?
7. Had the children been playing hide-and-seek in the field since 6 o’clock?
8. Had I been reading a novel since last Monday?
9. Had he been taking advice from his sister for years?
10. Had we been repairing the house for ten days?
11. Had Radha been learning English for four months?
12. Had you been riding a motorcycle for an hour?
13. Had I been running since morning?
14. Had he been searching for a job in the new company since January?
15. Had we been listening to the radio since the afternoon?
16. Had they been cleaning the station for three hours?
17. Had I been teaching my father how to use a mobile phone since January?
18. Had he been buying things online for years?
19. Had we been helping the poor for years?
20. Had the children been making mud houses since morning?
21. Had I been playing the flute for an hour?
22. Had he been trying to swim in the sea for a year?
23. Had they been playing badminton since morning?
24. Had you been trimming plants in the garden since morning?
25. Had he been waiting for a new book for a month?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Wh. Interrogative)

[Wh. Word + had + Sub + been + V1 + ING + Obj + Since / For + Time + ?]

Wh-Interrogative Sentences of Past Perfect Continuous Tense (व्ह-प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

1. मैं सुबह से किस विषय को पढ़ रहा था?
2. वह छः महीनो से अंग्रेजी क्यों सीख रहा था?
3. वे मैदान में कब से दौड़ लगा रहे थे?
4. हम दो महीनो से किस समस्या का समाधान कर रहे थे?
5. बच्चे सुबह से स्कूल में कहाँ खेल रहे थे?
6. वह 2023 से किस उपन्यास को लिख रहा था?
7. वह छः महीनो से अपने माता-पिता से क्यों बात कर रहा था?
8. हम सुबह से कमरे की सफाई क्यों कर रहे थे?
9. वे लोग सुबह से योग क्यों कर रहे थे?
10. वे दीपावली की तैयारी कब से कर रहे थे?
11. वह सुबह से अपनी बहन को गणित क्यों पढ़ा रहा था?
12. वह कब से सामान खरीद रहा था?
13. वह सुबह से गिटार क्यों बजा रहा था?
14. वे लोग एक घंटे से स्टेडियम में क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे?
15. तुम सुबह से अपने कमरे की सफाई कैसे कर रहे थे?

15 Wh. Interrogative of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

1. What subject had I been studying since morning?
2. Why had he been learning English for six months?
3. Since when had they been running in the field?
4. Which problem had we been solving for two months?
5. Where had the children been playing in the school since morning?
6. Which novel had he been writing since 2023?
7. Why had he been talking to his parents for six months?
8. Why had we been cleaning the room since morning?
9. Why had they been practicing yoga since morning?
10. Since when had they been preparing for Diwali?
11. Why had he been teaching mathematics to his sister since morning?
12. Since when had he been buying things?
13. Why had he been playing the guitar since morning?
14. Had they been playing cricket in the stadium for an hour?
15. How had you been cleaning your room since morning?

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