Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

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Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences – In this post, I am sharing a Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise with 100 sentences. These sentences are categorized into Positive, Negative, Interrogative, and Wh-Interrogative forms to make it easier for you to grasp this tense. The Past Continuous Tense is essential for describing actions that were happening at a specific time in the past. Whether you are a beginner or aiming to enhance your English skills, this exercise will help you practice translation and sentence construction effectively. Let’s make learning grammar both simple and enjoyable!

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Tense Translation Exercise with Solution

Enhance your grammar and spoken English with this practical and effective Past Continuous Tense translation exercise! Covering all key aspects of this tense, this resource offers clear and accurate solutions, making it perfect for building a strong foundation in English. Whether you’re practicing for fluency or aiming to master the basics, this guide will help you gain confidence and proficiency with ease.

100 Sentences in Past Continuous Tense Translation (Positive)

Str. [Sub + was / were + V1 + ING + Obj]

Positive Sentences of Past Continuous Tense (सकारात्मक वाक्य)

1. मैं सुबह में एक किताब पढ़ रहा था।
2. वह कल इस समय बाजार जा रहा था।
3. हम अंग्रेजी जी किताबें पढ़ रहे थे।
4. वे पार्क में क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे।
5. तुम गाना गा रहे थे।
6. वह कल इस समय टीवी देख रही थी।
7. बच्चे कल शाम को बगीचे में दौड़ रहे थे।
8. मैं अपना होमवर्क कर रहा था।
9. वह सभी के लिए खाना बना रही थी।
10. वे लोग बारिश में भीग रहे थे।
11. तुम कहानी सुन रहे थे।
12. वे जानवरो की तस्वीरें खींच रहे थे।
13. मैं अपनी बहन से बात कर रहा था।
14. वह पिछले साल एक किताब लिख रहा था।
15. हम नया गाना सीख रहे थे।
16. वे जंगल में पेड़ काट रहे थे।
17. मैं कमरे को साफ कर रहा था।
18. वह सुबह में लड्डू खा रहा था।
19. हम सुबह में पार्क में दौड़ रहे थे।
20. वे गाड़ी चला रहे थे।
21. तुम खेत में काम कर रहे थे।
22. मैं किताब लिख रहा था।
23. वह घर सजा रही थी।
24. हम लोग पिछले साल परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे थे।
25. बच्चे शाम को झूला झूल रहे थे।

25 Past Continuous Tense Positive Sentences in English

1. I was reading a book in the morning.
2. He was going to the market at this time yesterday.
3. We were reading English books.
4. They were playing cricket in the park.
5. You were singing a song.
6. She was watching TV at this time yesterday.
7. The children were running in the garden yesterday evening.
8. I was doing my homework.
9. She was cooking food for everyone.
10. They were getting drenched in the rain.
11. You were listening to a story.
12. They were clicking pictures of animals.
13. I was talking to my sister.
14. He was writing a book last year.
15. We were learning a new song.
16. They were cutting trees in the forest.
17. I was cleaning the room.
18. He was eating sweets in the morning.
19. We were running in the park in the morning.
20. They were driving a car.
21. You were working in the field.
22. I was writing a book.
23. She was decorating the house.
24. We were preparing for the exam last year.
25. The children were swinging in the evening.

Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Negative)

Str. [Sub + was / were + Not + V1 + ING + Obj]

Negative Sentences of Past Continuous Tense (नकारात्मक वाक्य)

1. मैं सुबह नाश्ता नहीं कर रहा था।
2. वह दोस्तों से मिलने नहीं जा रहा था।
3. हम टीवी पर समाचार नहीं देख रहे थे।
4. वे सड़क पर साइकिल नहीं चला रहे थे।
5. तुम अपने कमरे में पढ़ाई नहीं कर रहे थे।
6. वह फोन पर बात नहीं कर रही थी।
7. बच्चे लॉन में क्रिकेट नहीं खेल रहे थे।
8. मैं किताब नहीं पढ़ रहा था।
9. वह कपड़े नहीं धो रही थी।
10. हम छत पर नहीं खेल रहे थे।
11. तुम रेडियो नहीं सुन रहे थे।
12. वे फूलों का गुलदस्ता नहीं बना रहे थे।
13. मैं अपनी मां की मदद नहीं कर रहा था।
14. वह कुर्सी ठीक नहीं कर रहा था।
15. हम नयी भाषा नहीं सीख रहे थे।
16. वे मैदान साफ नहीं कर रहे थे।
17. मैं अपनी अलमारी नहीं सजा रहा था।
18. वह मिठाई नहीं खा रहा था।
19. हम सुबह व्यायाम नहीं कर रहे थे।
20. वे ट्रक नहीं चला रहे थे।
21. तुम बगीचे में पौधों की देखभाल नहीं कर रहे थे।
22. मैं नई कहानी नहीं लिख रहा था।
23. वह दीवार पर रंग नहीं कर रही थी।
24. हम शाम को किताबें नहीं पढ़ रहे थे।
25. बच्चे मैदान में खेल नहीं रहे थे।

25 English Sentences of Past Continuous Tense

1. I was not having breakfast in the morning.
2. He was not going to meet his friends.
3. We were not watching the news on TV.
4. They were not riding bicycles on the road.
5. You were not studying in your room.
6. She was not talking on the phone.
7. The children were not playing cricket on the lawn.
8. I was not reading a book.
9. She was not washing clothes.
10. We were not playing on the terrace.
11. You were not listening to the radio.
12. They were not making a flower bouquet.
13. I was not helping my mother.
14. He was not fixing the chair.
15. We were not learning a new language.
16. They were not cleaning the ground.
17. I was not organizing my wardrobe.
18. He was not eating sweets.
19. We were not exercising in the morning.
20. They were not driving a truck.
21. You were not taking care of the plants in the garden.
22. I was not writing a new story.
23. She was not painting the wall.
24. We were not reading books in the evening.
25. The children were not playing in the field.

Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Interrogative)

Str. [Was / were + Sub + V1 + ING + Obj + ?]

Interrogative Sentences of Past Continuous Tense (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

1. क्या आप सुबह में दूध उबाल रहा था?
2. क्या वह बाजार से सब्जी ला रहा था?
3. क्या हम छत पर पतंग उड़ा रहे थे?
4. क्या वे नदी में तैर रहे थे?
5. क्या तुम कमरे में साफ-सफाई कर रहे थे?
6. क्या वह मोबाइल चार्ज कर रही थी?
7. क्या बच्चे क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे?
8. क्या वह अपनी डायरी लिख रहा था?
9. क्या वह मेज साफ कर रही थी?
10. क्या वे लोग बारिश में छाता लेकर चल रहे थे?
11. क्या तुम अपने दोस्त को कॉल कर रहे थे?
12. क्या वे अपनी गाड़ी धो रहे थे?
13. क्या रोहन अपने पालतू जानवर को खाना खिला रहा था?
14. क्या वह अलमारी में कपड़े रख रहा था?
15. क्या हम मैदान में अभ्यास कर रहे थे?
16. क्या वे बगीचे में पौधे काट रहे थे?
17. क्या मैं अपनी किताबें व्यवस्थित कर रहा था?
18. क्या वह मिठाई बना रहा था?
19. क्या हम लोग सुबह पार्क में टहल रहे थे?
20. क्या वे शाम में इस समय बाइक चला रहे थे?
21. क्या तुम खेत में पानी दे रहे थे?
22. क्या मैं कंप्यूटर पर काम कर रहा था?
23. क्या वह घर की दीवारें पेंट कर रही थी?
24. क्या हम लोग अंग्रजी सीख रहे थे?
25. क्या बच्चे अंग्रेजी बोलने की कोशिश कर रहे थे?

25 Interrogative Sentences of Past Continuous Tense in English

1. Was I boiling milk in the morning?
2. Was he bringing vegetables from the market?
3. Were we flying kites on the terrace?
4. Were they swimming in the river?
5. Were you cleaning the room?
6. Was she charging her mobile?
7. Were the children playing cricket?
8. Was he writing his diary?
9. Was she cleaning the table?
10. Were they walking in the rain with umbrellas?
11. Were you calling your friend?
12. Were they washing their car?
13. Was Rohan feeding his pet?
14. Was he putting clothes in the wardrobe?
15. Were we practicing on the field?
16. Were they trimming plants in the garden?
17. Was I organizing my books?
18. Was he making sweets?
19. Were we walking in the park in the morning?
20. Were they riding a bike at this time in the evening?
21. Were you watering the field?
22. Was I working on the computer?
23. Was she painting the walls of the house?
24. Were we learning English?
25. Were the children trying to speak English?

Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences (Wh. Interrogative)

[Wh. Word + was / were + Sub + V+ ING + Obj + ?]

Wh-Interrogative Sentences of Past Continuous Tense (व्ह-प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

1. आप सुबह किसके साथ बातें कर रहे थे?
2. वह स्टेशन पर क्यों जा रहा था?
3. वे लोग किस विषय पर चर्चा कर रहे थे?
4. वे स्कूल के बाद कहाँ खेल रहे थे?
5. तुम कौन सा वाद्य यंत्र बजा रहे थे?
6. वह कौन सी फिल्म देख रही थी?
7. बच्चे पार्क में क्यों दौड़ रहे थे?
8. रोहन अपना काम क्यों कर रहा था?
9. वह सलाद कैसे बना रही थी?
10. तुम गीले कपड़े क्यों नहीं सुखा रहे थे?
11. तुम रेडियो पर कौन सा गाना सुन रहे थे?
12. वे फोटोशूट के लिए किस जगह पर खड़े थे?
13. तुम अपने दोस्त को क्या बता रहे था?
14. वह खिड़की क्यों नहीं बंद कर रहा था?
15. वे लोग कौन सी भाषा का अभ्यास कर रहे थे?
16. वे लोग लकड़ियाँ किस काम के लिए काट रहे थे?
17. तुम फर्श को किससे साफ कर रहा था?
18. वह नाश्ते में क्या खा रहा था?
19. आपके पिता जी सुबह कहाँ योग कर रहे थे?
20. मोहन स्कूटर किस तरह चला रहे थे?
21. तुम खेत में फसल क्यों काट रहे थे?
22. मैं अपनी नई कहानी कब लिख रहा था?
23. वह घर को किस अवसर के लिए सजा रही थी?
24. हम पढ़ाई के लिए समय कब निकाल रहे थे?
25. तुम स्कूल क्यों नहीं जा रहे थे?

25 Wh. Interrogative of Past Continuous Tense Translation Exercise: 100 Sentences

1. Whom were you talking to in the morning?
2. Why was he going to the station?
3. What topic were they discussing?
4. Where were they playing after school?
5. Which musical instrument were you playing?
6. Which movie was she watching?
7. Why were the children running in the park?
8. Why was Rohan doing his work?
9. How was she making the salad?
10. Why weren’t you drying the wet clothes?
11. Which song were you listening to on the radio?
12. At which place were they standing for the photoshoot?
13. What were you telling your friend?
14. Why wasn’t he closing the window?
15. Which language were they practicing?
16. For what purpose were they cutting the wood?
17. With what were you cleaning the floor?
18. What was he eating for breakfast?
19. Where was your father doing yoga in the morning?
20. How was Mohan riding the scooter?
21. Why were you harvesting the crops in the field?
22. When was I writing my new story?
23. For what occasion was she decorating the house?
24. When were we setting aside time for studying?
25. Why weren’t you going to school?

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