One Words Substitution Denoting Governments

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One Words Substitution Denoting Governments

In this post, I am sharing some important One Words Substitution Denoting Governments with their Hindi meaning, which is important for your upcoming ssc exams 2023-24.

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SSC Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning

One Words Denoting Kinds of Governments:

1. Anarchy – शासनहीनता (absence of Government)
2. Aristocracy – महानों की सरकार (Government by the nobles/lords)
3. Autocracy – एक व्यक्ति द्वारा सरकार (Government by one person, समानांतरतावाद के साथ उपयोग होता है)
4. Autonomy – स्व-सरकार का अधिकार (the right of self-government)
5. Bureaucracy – अधिकारियों द्वारा संचालित सरकार (Government run by officials)
6. Democracy – जनता द्वारा सरकार (Government by the people)
7. Gerontocracy – बुज़ुर्गों द्वारा सरकार (Government by old men)
8. Kekistocracy – सबसे खराब नागरिक द्वारा सरकार (Government by the worst citizen)
9. Neocracy – अनअनुभवी व्यक्तियों द्वारा सरकार (Government by the inexperienced persons)
10. Ochlocracy – जनमोब द्वारा सरकार (Government by the mob)

One Word Substitution in English

11. Oligarchy – कुछ व्यक्तियों द्वारा सरकार (Government by a few persons)
12. Panarchy – वैश्विक रूप से संचालित सरकार (Government run universally)
13. Plutocracy – धनी लोगों द्वारा सरकार (Government by the rich)
14. Secular – धर्म के नियमों द्वारा नहीं, धर्मनिरपेक्ष सरकार (Government not by the laws of religion)
15. Monarchy – राजा/रानी द्वारा सरकार (Government by a King/Queen)
16. Thearchy – देवताओं द्वारा सरकार (Government by the Gods)
17. Theocracy – धर्म के नियमों द्वारा सरकार (Government by the laws of religion)

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