On Killing a Tree Summary Theme

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On Killing a Tree Summary Theme

Introduction: “On Killing a Tree Summary Theme” by Gieve Patel is a powerful poem that illustrates the difficulty of killing a tree, which stands as a metaphor for the resilience of nature. The poet emphasizes that simply cutting a tree is not enough to kill it; it requires a much more destructive approach. Through this poem, Patel critiques human efforts to destroy nature and reminds us of the deep connection between the earth and all living things.

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On Killing a Tree Summary by GIEVE PATE

गिव पटेल की कविता “On Killing a Tree” एक सशक्त रचना है जो पेड़ को मारने की कठिनाई को दर्शाती है। यह पेड़ प्रकृति की सहनशीलता का प्रतीक है। कवि इस बात पर जोर देते हैं कि केवल पेड़ को काटने से उसे मारा नहीं जा सकता; इसके लिए और भी अधिक विनाशकारी तरीके की आवश्यकता होती है। इस कविता के माध्यम से, पटेल मानव प्रयासों की आलोचना करते हैं, जो प्रकृति को नष्ट करने की कोशिश करते हैं, और हमें धरती और सभी जीवित चीजों के बीच गहरे संबंध की याद दिलाते हैं।

Stanza 1: On Killing a Tree Summary

“It takes much time to kill a tree,
Not a simple jab of the knife
Will do it. It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth,
Rising out of it, feeding
Upon its crust, absorbing
Years of sunlight, air, water,
And out of its leprous hide
Sprouting leaves.”

In this stanza, the poet explains that killing a tree is not an easy or quick task. A simple stab with a knife cannot kill it because the tree has grown gradually over the years, deeply rooted in the earth. It has absorbed nutrients, sunlight, air, and water for a long time, which has made it strong and resilient. The poet uses the phrase “leprous hide” to describe the rough, diseased-looking bark, which continues to sprout leaves despite its appearance.

Meaning: The poet is emphasizing the strong connection between the tree and the earth. The tree is not just a fragile entity that can be killed easily; it is a product of years of nourishment from the environment. The tree’s resilience symbolizes the strength of nature, which cannot be easily defeated by superficial harm.

हिंदी अनुवाद:
इस पद में कवि बताते हैं कि पेड़ को मारना कोई आसान या त्वरित काम नहीं है। सिर्फ एक छुरी से मारने से पेड़ नहीं मरेगा क्योंकि पेड़ वर्षों से धीरे-धीरे धरती से पोषण लेकर बड़ा हुआ है। यह लंबे समय से पोषक तत्व, धूप, हवा और पानी को ग्रहण करता रहा है, जिससे यह मजबूत और सहनशील बन गया है। कवि “leprous hide” शब्द का प्रयोग पेड़ की खुरदरी और रोगग्रस्त छाल का वर्णन करने के लिए करते हैं, जो इसके बावजूद पत्तियाँ उत्पन्न करती रहती है।

Stanza 2: On Killing a Tree Summary

“So hack and chop
But this alone won’t do it.
Not so much pain will do it.
The bleeding bark will heal
And from close to the ground
Will rise curled green twigs,
Miniature boughs
Which if unchecked will expand again
To former size.”

In this stanza, the poet continues to emphasize the difficulty of killing a tree. Chopping and cutting the tree is not enough to kill it, even though it might cause visible damage. The “bleeding bark” refers to the wounds on the tree, but these will eventually heal. The tree will regrow from the ground as small green twigs, which, if left unchecked, will grow back into a full-sized tree.

Meaning: The poet is showing that the tree’s resilience allows it to regenerate even after being injured. Nature has the ability to recover and heal itself. This can be seen as a metaphor for the indomitable spirit of life that continues to thrive even after facing hardships and challenges.

हिंदी अनुवाद:
इस पद में कवि पेड़ को मारने की कठिनाई को और स्पष्ट करते हैं। पेड़ को काटने और छाँटने से इसे पूरी तरह से मारा नहीं जा सकता, भले ही इससे पेड़ को नुकसान पहुंचे। “bleeding bark” का मतलब पेड़ की घायल छाल से है, लेकिन समय के साथ यह घाव भर जाएंगे। पेड़ फिर से छोटे हरे अंकुर के रूप में जमींन के पास से उगने लगेगा, जो अगर रोका न गया, तो एक बार फिर से बड़े पेड़ के आकार में बढ़ सकता है।

Stanza 3: On Killing a Tree Summary

The root is to be pulled out —
Out of the anchoring earth;
It is to be roped, tied,
And pulled out — snapped out
Or pulled out entirely,
Out from the earth-cave,
And the strength of the tree exposed
The source, white and wet,
The most sensitive, hidden
For years inside the earth.”

In this stanza, the poet reveals the true method to kill a tree. The only way to kill it completely is to remove it from its roots. The roots are the source of its strength, deeply anchored in the earth. The tree must be tied and pulled out entirely from the ground, exposing the roots that are “white and wet” – the most sensitive part of the tree. The roots, which have been hidden underground for years, must be destroyed for the tree to die.

Meaning: The poet highlights that the root represents the core strength of the tree. Just cutting the trunk or branches won’t kill it; you have to attack its foundation. This can be seen as a metaphor for life itself – to destroy something deeply rooted, one must attack its core, not just its surface.

हिंदी अनुवाद:
इस पद में कवि बताते हैं कि पेड़ को पूरी तरह से मारने का असली तरीका है उसकी जड़ों को उखाड़ना। जड़ें पेड़ की असली ताकत होती हैं, जो धरती में गहराई से धंसी होती हैं। पेड़ को जमींन से बांधकर पूरी तरह से उखाड़ा जाना चाहिए, जिससे उसकी जड़ें जो “सफेद और नम” होती हैं, प्रकट हो जाएँ। पेड़ की जड़ें जो वर्षों से धरती के अंदर छिपी हुई हैं, उन्हें नष्ट किए बिना पेड़ मर नहीं सकता।

Stanza 4: On Killing a Tree Summary

“Then the matter
Of scorching and choking
In sun and air,
Browning, hardening,
Twisting, withering,
And then it is done.”

In the final stanza, the poet describes the last stage of killing the tree. Once the roots are pulled out, the tree is left exposed to the sun and air. Over time, the tree begins to dry up, turn brown, and harden. It twists and withers, losing all its vitality, until it is completely dead.

Meaning: This stanza shows the slow and inevitable process of death after the roots have been removed. The tree cannot survive without its roots, and the harsh conditions of the sun and air cause it to die. This represents the destruction of nature when its foundation is attacked, and the death of life that once thrived.

हिंदी अनुवाद:
अंतिम पद में, कवि पेड़ के मरने की अंतिम अवस्था का वर्णन करते हैं। एक बार जब जड़ें उखाड़ दी जाती हैं, तो पेड़ को धूप और हवा के संपर्क में छोड़ दिया जाता है। धीरे-धीरे पेड़ सूखने लगता है, भूरे रंग का हो जाता है और सख्त हो जाता है। यह मुरझा जाता है और अपनी सारी जीवन शक्ति खो देता है, जब तक कि यह पूरी तरह से मर नहीं जाता।


“On Killing a Tree” presents a powerful message about the difficulty of destroying nature. The tree, deeply rooted in the earth, symbolizes the strength and resilience of life. Despite human attempts to kill it, the tree fights back, regenerating until its roots are fully removed. The poem serves as a metaphor for the damage humans inflict on nature, but it also highlights nature’s persistence and the difficulty of overcoming it.

कविता “On Killing a Tree” यह दर्शाती है कि पेड़ को मारना इतना आसान नहीं है जितना लोग सोचते हैं। यह प्रकृति की शक्ति और जीवन की दृढ़ता को दर्शाता है। कवि यह संदेश देते हैं कि केवल सतही नुकसान से प्रकृति को समाप्त नहीं किया जा सकता, उसके गहरे जड़ों को नष्ट करना ही असली विनाश है।

On Killing a Tree Poetic Devices

1. Metaphor
– Tree as a metaphor for nature’s resilience: The tree symbolizes nature and its ability to withstand human destruction. The act of trying to kill the tree represents humanity’s attempts to harm nature, but the tree’s regrowth symbolizes nature’s ability to recover.

2. Personification
– “The bleeding bark”: The tree is personified by describing its bark as “bleeding,” giving it human qualities. This emphasizes the pain and injury inflicted upon the tree, making it more relatable and poignant.
– “The strength of the tree exposed”: The tree is treated as if it has emotions and strength, portraying it as a living entity with a will to survive.

3. Imagery
– Visual imagery: The poet uses vivid descriptions like “leprous hide,” “bleeding bark,” and “white and wet” roots to create strong mental images of the tree, allowing readers to visualize the scene of its destruction.
– Tactile imagery: Words like “hardening,” “twisting,” and “withering” evoke sensations that make the poem more immersive, showing the physical degradation of the tree.

4. Repetition
– “Pulled out”: This phrase is repeated to emphasize the forceful action required to kill the tree. It highlights the effort involved in uprooting the tree, showing that destruction takes significant force.
– “Out of the earth”: The repetition stresses the connection between the tree and the earth, reinforcing the idea that the tree’s strength lies deep in its roots.

5. Alliteration
-“Bleeding bark”: The repetition of the ‘b’ sound creates a rhythmic effect, making the line more memorable and adding to the imagery of pain and injury.

6. Irony
– Human effort versus nature’s resilience: The irony in the poem is that despite the repeated attempts to destroy the tree, it continues to survive and heal itself, symbolizing nature’s enduring strength against human interference.

7. Enjambment
– The lines in the poem often run into the next without a pause, as seen in:
_”It takes much time to kill a tree,
Not a simple jab of the knife
Will do it.”_
This creates a flowing, continuous effect that mirrors the long, ongoing struggle to kill the tree, showing the persistence of nature.

8. Symbolism
– The roots: The roots symbolize the deep connection between nature and the earth. Uprooting the tree symbolizes severing nature from its foundation, representing the ultimate destruction of life.
– Sunlight, air, and water: These symbolize the essential elements required for life and growth, further emphasizing the idea that nature draws its strength from its surroundings.

9. Tone
– The tone of the poem is serious and contemplative, highlighting the gravity of harming nature. The detailed description of the tree’s destruction creates a somber mood, encouraging reflection on human actions.

Theme of On Killing a Tree

The central theme of “On Killing a Tree” by Gieve Patel revolves around **nature’s resilience** and **human destruction of the environment**. The poem highlights how difficult it is to kill a tree, symbolizing nature’s enduring strength and ability to regenerate, even after suffering significant harm. Patel critiques human actions that harm nature and emphasizes the deep-rooted connection between living beings and the earth.

Another theme is the **violence and cruelty involved in human attempts to dominate nature**. The process of killing a tree is not easy and requires forceful, almost violent methods, which can be seen as a metaphor for how humans often exploit and damage nature without understanding its true value and importance.

Central Idea of On Killing a Tree

The central idea of the poem is that **nature cannot be easily destroyed**; it requires more than superficial harm to completely eradicate a tree or any natural life form. The poem reflects on the strength of nature, which heals and regrows despite human attempts to cut it down. The tree’s roots, deeply anchored in the earth, symbolize the connection between nature and its source of life. Only by uprooting and exposing the roots can the tree be killed, but even this process requires a significant amount of time and effort, indicating that nature’s life force is tenacious.

Through the imagery of the tree’s destruction, the poet also suggests that humans often fail to recognize how deeply intertwined they are with nature. The destruction of the tree can be seen as a metaphor for the broader ecological destruction caused by human greed and thoughtlessness.

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