Lost Spring Difficult Words Hindi

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Lost Spring Difficult Words Hindi

Lost Spring Difficult Words Hindi – Difficult Words form Flamingo Chapter 2 with Hindi Meaning. Important for CBSE Class 12th Board Exams.

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Hard Words : Lost Spring Page No.- 13

1. Advice – suggestion, guidance (सलाह)
2. Encounter – meet, come across (मुलाकात होना)
3. Glibly – easily, fluently (धाराप्रवाह)
4. Hollow – empty, void (खोखला)
5. Memory – recollection, remembrance (याद)
6. Mutter – murmur, whisper (बड़बड़ाना)
7. Neighbourhood – locality, area (पड़ोस)
8. Scrounging – searching, rummaging (तलाश करना)
9. Storms – tempest, weather (तूफान)

Lost Spring Difficult Words in English Page No.- 14

1. Announces – declares, states (घोषित करना)
2. Barefoot – without shoes, unshod (नंगे पाँव)
3. Bleak – desolate, grim (सुनसान)
4. Embarrassed – ashamed, self-conscious (शरमिंदा)
5. Excuse – justification, reason (बहाना)
6. Perpetual – continuous, everlasting (शाश्वत)
7. Recognise – identify, know (पहचानना)
8. Roams – wanders, meanders (घूमना)
9. Shelf – rack, ledge (अलमारी की खिड़की)
10. Tradition – custom, practice (परंपरा)
11. Universe – cosmos, world (ब्रह्मांड)

English Difficult Words of the Lesson Lost Spring Class 12 Page No.- 15

1. Acquaintance – knowledge, familiarity (परिचितता)
2. Backyard – rear area, back space (पिछवाड़ा)
3. Desolation – emptiness, bleakness (सुनापन)
4. Drainage – outflow, runoff (नाली सिस्टम)
5. Elders – seniors, aged (बुजुर्ग)
6. Fenced – enclosed, barricaded (बाड़ लगा हुआ)
7. Goddess – deity, divine (देवी)
8. Identity – recognition, persona (पहचान)
9. Metaphorically – symbolically, figuratively (रूपक रूप में)
10. Panting – gasping, puffing (सांस फूलना)
11. Periphery – edge, boundary (सीमा)
12. Proportions – scale, size (आयाम)
13. Scrounging – searching, seeking (तलाशना)
14. Sewage – waste, effluent (सीवेज)
15. Squatters – settlers, occupiers (अवैध बसेरा करने वाले)
16. Survival – existence, life (अस्तित्व)
17. Tattered – torn, ragged (फटा हुआ)
18. Tarpaulin – waterproof sheet, covering (टारपोलिन)
19. Transit – movement, shift (अस्थायी)
20. Wilderness – wasteland, barren (जंगल)

Class 12 Flamingo Lost Spring Word Meaning in English Page No.- 16

1. Bangles – bracelets, ornaments (चूड़ी)
2. Barefoot – without shoes, unshod (नंगे पैर)
3. Booth – stall, kiosk (बूथ)
4. Canister – container, tin (डिब्बा)
5. Carefree – untroubled, relaxed (चिंता-मुक्त)
6. Discarded – thrown away, cast off (फेंका हुआ)
7. Discoloured – faded, stained (रंग उतरा हुआ)
8. Engaged – involved, occupied (लगे हुए)
9. Famous – well-known, renowned (प्रसिद्ध)
10. Gatekeeper – guard, watchman (चौकीदार)
11. Industry – business, sector (उद्योग)
12. Inside – within, interior (अंदर)
13. Intently – closely, keenly (ध्यानपूर्वक)
14. Looms – appears, emerges (उभरता है)
15. Master – owner, leader (स्वामी)
16. Mechanic – technician, repairman (मैकेनिक)
17. Mirage – illusion, optical illusion (मृगमरीचिका)
18. Swing – playground seat, pendulum seat (झूला)

Chapter 2 Lost Spring English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 17

1. Beam – shine, glow (चमक)
2. Crumbling – breaking down, deteriorating (टूटता हुआ)
3. Destiny – fate, future (भाग्य)
4. Dingy – dark, gloomy (मैला)
5. Frail – weak, delicate (नाजुक)
6. Furnaces – ovens, heaters (भट्टी)
7. Generations – eras, age groups (पीढ़ी)
8. Hovels – shacks, small houses (कुटिया)
9. Impoverished – poor, destitute (गरीब)
10. Lineage – ancestry, descent (वंशावली)
11. Primeval – ancient, primitive (प्राचीन)
12. Renovate – restore, refurbish (नवीनीकरण)
13. Sizzling – frying, crackling (करारा)
14. Slog – work hard, toil (मेहनत करना)
15. Spirals – coils, twists (घुमावदार)
16. Stinking – smelly, foul-smelling (बदबूदार)
17. Thatched – covered, roofed (छप्पर)
18. Veil – cover, mask (घूंघट)
19. Welding – joining, fusing (जोड़ना)

Class 12 English Lost Spring Word Meaning English Page No.- 18

1. Auspiciousness – Luck, Blessing (शुभता)
2. Cooperative – Joint, Shared (सहकारी)
3. Eyesight – Vision, Sight (दृष्टि)
4. Flickering – Glinting, Flashing (झिलमिलाती)
5. Forefathers – Ancestors, Elders (पूर्वज)
6. Handcarts – Trolleys, Pushcarts (ठेला)
7. Hutments – Huts, Dwellings (झोंपड़ीयाँ)
8. Initiative – Drive, Effort (पहल)
9. Lament – Mourn, Grieve (विलाप)
10. Middlemen – Brokers, Agents (दलाल)
11. Sanctity – Purity, Holiness (पवित्रता)
12. Shanty – Hut, Shack (झोंपड़ी)
13. Suhaag – Marital, Wedded (सुहाग)
14. Unkempt – Messy, Disheveled (असजा हुआ)
15. Veil – Scarf, Cover (घूंघट)
16. Vicious circle – Loop, Cycle (अनंत चक्र)
17. Welding – Joining, Bonding (जोड़ना)

Lost Spring Lesson Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 19

1. Apathy – Indifference, Disinterest (उदासीनता)
2. Baggage – Burden, Load (बोझ)
3. Bureaucrats – Officials, Administrators (नौकरशाह)
4. Dare – Challenge, Brave (साहस करना)
5. Embarrassment – Discomfort, Shame (शरम)
6. Garage – Workshop, Carport (गैराज)
7. Greed – Avarice, Covetousness (लालच)
8. Hauled up – Dragged, Pulled (खींचकर लाना)
9. Hurtling – Speeding, Racing (तेजी से चलना)
10. Illegal – Unlawful, Forbidden (अवैध)
11. Injustice – Unfairness, Wrongdoing (अन्याय)
12. Mechanic – Repairman, Technician (मैकेनिक)
13. Middlemen – Intermediaries, Brokers (दलाल)
14. Murmur – Whisper, Mumble (गुनगुनाहट)
15. Poverty – Destitution, Neediness (गरीबी)
16. Regret – Remorse, Sorrow (पछतावा)
17. Sahukars – Moneylenders, Creditors (साहुकार)
18. Spiral – Coil, Helix (घुमावदार)
19. Stigma – Disgrace, Shame (कलंक)

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