List of Conjunctions and Rules in English Grammar

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List of Conjunctions and Rules in English Grammar

List of Conjunctions and Rules in English Grammar – Welcome to our simple guide on English conjunctions and grammar rules. In this post, you’ll learn about words like “and,” “but,” and “or” that connect ideas and make your sentences clear.

List of Conjunctions and Rules in English Grammar

1. AND – Used to add information. [जोड़ने के लिए (“और”)]
Example: I like apples and oranges.
मुझे सेब और संतरे पसंद हैं।

2. BUT – Used to show contrast. [विरोध दर्शाने के लिए (“लेकिन/पर”)]
Example: She is smart but lazy.
वह होशियार है लेकिन आलसी है।

3. OR – Used to present alternatives or choices. [विकल्प दिखाने के लिए (“या”)]
Example: Would you like tea or coffee?
क्या तुम चाय या कॉफी चाहोगे?

4. NOR – Used to join two negative alternatives. [दोनों विकल्पों में नकारात्मकता दिखाने के लिए (“और नहीं”)]
Example: He neither smiled nor laughed.
वह न तो मुस्कुराया और न ही हंसा।

5. FOR – Used to give a reason (similar to “because”). [कारण बताने के लिए (“क्योंकि”)]
Example: I must leave, for I have an appointment.
मुझे जाना होगा, क्योंकि मेरी मुलाकात है।

6. SO – Used to indicate result or consequence. [परिणाम बताने के लिए (“तो”)]
Example: It was raining, so we stayed indoors.
बारिश हो रही थी, तो हम अंदर रहे।

7. YET – Used to show contrast despite expectations. [फिर भी, बावजूद (“फिर भी”)]
Example: It is early, yet I feel tired.
अभी तो सुबह है, फिर भी मुझे थकान महसूस हो रही है।

8. AFTER – Indicates something happening later in time. [के बाद]
Example: I will call you after I finish my work.
मैं अपना काम खत्म करने के बाद तुम्हें कॉल करूँगा।

9. ALTHOUGH – Concedes a point despite a contrasting fact. [हालांकि]
Example: Although it was cold, we went swimming.
हालांकि ठंड थी, हम तैरने गए।

10. AS – Can mean “because” or “while” depending on context. [जैसा कि/चूंकि]
Example: As it was late, we returned home.
चूंकि देर हो गई थी, हम घर लौट आए।

Conjunction List in English with Hindi

11. BECAUSE – Explains the reason for something. [क्योंकि]
Example: I left because I was tired.
मैंने इसलिए छोड़ा क्योंकि मैं थका हुआ था।

12. BEFORE – Indicates an earlier time. [से पहले]
Example: Finish your homework before you play.
खेल से पहले अपना होमवर्क पूरा करो।

13. IF – Introduces a condition. [यदि/अगर]
Example: If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.
अगर बारिश हुई तो हम पिकनिक रद्द कर देंगे।

14. ONCE – Means “as soon as” or “when.” [एक बार जब]
Example: Once you learn, you will not forget.
एक बार जब आप सीख जाते हैं, आप भूलेंगे नहीं।

15. SINCE – Indicates time elapsed or a reason. [क्योंकि/से]
Example: Since you are here, let’s start the meeting.
क्योंकि आप यहाँ हैं, चलिए मीटिंग शुरू करते हैं।

16. THOUGH – Similar to “although,” showing contrast. [हालांकि]
Example: Though he is rich, he is not happy.
हालांकि वह अमीर है, वह खुश नहीं है।

17. UNLESS – Means “if not.” [जब तक नहीं]
Example: I won’t go unless you come with me.
जब तक तुम मेरे साथ नहीं आते, मैं नहीं जाऊंगा।

18. UNTIL – Up to the time that. [तक]
Example: Wait here until I return.
यहाँ रुको जब तक मैं वापस न आऊं।

19. WHEN – At the time that something happens. [जब]
Example: Call me when you arrive.
जब तुम पहुँचो, मुझे कॉल करो।

20. WHENEVER – At any time that. [जब भी]
Example: You can call me whenever you want.
तुम जब भी चाहो, मुझे कॉल कर सकते हो।

Hindi Conjunctions: List of Hindi Linking Words

21. WHERE – Indicates a place. [जहाँ]
Example: Show me the place where you grew up.
मुझे वह जगह दिखाओ जहाँ तुम बड़े हुए।

22. WHEREVER – In any place that. [जहाँ भी]
Example: She will follow you wherever you go.
वह तुम्हारा अनुसरण करेगी जहाँ भी तुम जाओ।

23. WHILE – Indicates that two actions occur at the same time. [जबकि]
Example: She read while waiting for the bus.
उसने बस का इंतजार करते हुए पढ़ा।

24. BOTH…AND – Connects two elements, emphasizing inclusion of both. [दोनों…और]
Example: Both the teacher and the students were excited.
दोनों, शिक्षक और छात्र, उत्साहित थे।

25. EITHER…OR – Presents two alternatives. [या…या]
Example: You can either come with us or stay home.
तुम हमारे साथ आ सकते हो या घर पर रह सकते हो।

26. NEITHER…NOR – Negates both options. [न तो…न ही]
Example: He is neither rich nor famous.
वह न तो अमीर है, न ही प्रसिद्ध।

27. NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO – Emphasizes that both elements are true. [न केवल…बल्कि भी]
Example: She is not only intelligent but also hardworking.
वह न केवल बुद्धिमान है, बल्कि मेहनती भी है।

28. WHETHER…OR – Introduces alternatives, often with uncertainty. [चाहे…या]
Example: Decide whether you will go or stay.
निर्णय करो कि तुम जाओगे या रहोगे।

29. AS LONG AS – On the condition that. [जब तक]
Example: You can borrow my car as long as you drive carefully.
जब तक तुम सावधानी से ड्राइव करते हो, तुम मेरी कार उधार ले सकते हो।

30. IN ORDER THAT – For the purpose that. [ताकि]
Example: She saved money in order that she could travel.
उसने यात्रा करने के लिए पैसे बचाए।

List of Conjunctions in English Grammar

31. PROVIDED THAT – On condition that. [बशर्ते कि]
Example: You can succeed provided that you work hard.
बशर्ते कि तुम मेहनत करो, तुम सफल हो सकते हो।

32. RATHER THAN – Instead of. [की बजाय]
Example: He chose to walk rather than drive.
उसने ड्राइव करने की बजाय पैदल चलना चुना।

33. LEST – For fear that; so that not (often used in a preventive sense). [ताकि … न हो (अक्सर साहित्यिक)]
Example: Take an umbrella lest you get wet.
छाता ले लो ताकि तुम गीले न हो जाओ।

34. AS IF – In a way that suggests; as though. [मानो जैसे]
Example: He talks as if he knew everything.
वह ऐसे बात करता है मानो उसे सब कुछ पता हो।

35. AS THOUGH – Similar to “as if.” [मानो जैसे]
Example: She sings as though she were a professional.
वह ऐसे गाती है मानो वह पेशेवर हो।

36. OTHERWISE – Or else; if not. [अन्यथा]
Example: Hurry up, otherwise we will be late.
जल्दी करो, अन्यथा हम देर हो जाएंगे।

37. AS WELL AS – Used to add an additional element. [और के साथ-साथ]
Example: I enjoy reading as well as writing.
मुझे पढ़ने के साथ-साथ लिखना भी पसंद है।

38. THEREFORE – Indicates a result or conclusion. [इसलिए]
Example: It was raining; therefore, the match was postponed.
बारिश हो रही थी; इसलिए, मैच स्थगित कर दिया गया।

39. HENCE – Indicates a consequence or result. [इस कारण]
Example: She was the eldest, hence she took charge.
वह सबसे बड़ी थी, इस कारण उसने जिम्मेदारी संभाली।

40. CONSEQUENTLY – Indicates a result or outcome. [नतीजतन]
Example: He did not study; consequently, he failed the exam.
उसने पढ़ाई नहीं की; नतीजतन, वह परीक्षा में फेल हो गया।

List of Conjunctions and Rules in English Grammar

41. ELSE – Indicates an alternative. [अन्यथा]
Example: Hurry up, else you’ll miss the train.
जल्दी करो, अन्यथा तुम ट्रेन छोड़ दोगे।

42. TOO … TO – Indicates an excessive degree that prevents an action. [इतना … कि नहीं]
Example: The movie was too boring to watch.
फिल्म देखने के लिए इतनी उबाऊ थी।

43. SO … THAT – Indicates a result; it was so (adjective) that… [इतना … कि]
Example: The water was so cold that I couldn’t swim.
पानी इतना ठंडा था कि मैं तैर नहीं सका।

44. AS … AS – Used for comparison showing equality. [जितना … उतना]
Example: He is as tall as his brother.
वह अपने भाई जितना लंबा है।

45. (NOT) SO … AS – Used for comparison showing inequality. [उतना … नहीं जितना]
Example: She is not so smart as her friend.
वह अपने दोस्त जितनी होशियार नहीं है।

46. AS … SO – Used for comparison implying “in the same way” or “to the same extent.” [जितना … वैसे ही]
Example: As you sow, so shall you reap.
जैसा बोओगे, वैसा काटोगे।

47. AS SOON AS – Indicates immediate occurrence after an event. [जैसे ही]
Example: Call me as soon as you arrive.
जैसे ही तुम पहुँचो, मुझे कॉल करो।

48. NO SOONER … THAN – Indicates that one event happens immediately after another. [जैसे ही … वैसे ही]
Example: No sooner had I left than it started raining.
जैसे ही मैं निकला, वैसे ही बारिश शुरू हो गई।

49. SCARCELY/HARDLY … WHEN – Indicates that something happened almost immediately. [मुश्किल से … जब]
Example: Scarcely had he finished speaking when the audience applauded.
मुश्किल से ही उसने बात पूरी की जब दर्शकों ने ताली बजाई।

50. SUCH … THAT – Indicates that something is of a particular degree causing a result. [इतना … कि]
Example: It was such a beautiful day that we went to the beach.
दिन इतना सुंदर था कि हम समुद्र तट पर गए।

All Conjunctions list with Hindi Meaning Pdf

51. WHEREAS – Used to contrast two facts. [जबकि]
Example: He is strict, whereas his brother is lenient.
वह सख्त है, जबकि उसका भाई दयालु है।

52. NEVERTHELESS – Indicates a contrast or unexpected outcome despite the previous fact. [फिर भी]
Example: It was raining; nevertheless, we went hiking.
बारिश हो रही थी; फिर भी, हम पैदल यात्रा पर गए।

53. EVEN IF – Introduces a conditional clause that presents a potential exception. [भले ही/यदि]
Example: Even if it rains, we will go hiking.
भले ही बारिश हो, हम पैदल यात्रा पर जाएंगे।

54. EVEN THOUGH – Concedes a fact while contrasting it. [हालांकि, फिर भी]
Example: Even though he was tired, he continued working.
हालांकि वह थका हुआ था, फिर भी उसने काम करना जारी रखा।

55. AS MUCH AS – Used to express a comparison or introduce a contrasting fact. [जितना भी]
Example: As much as I appreciate your help, I must do this myself.
जितना भी मैं आपकी मदद की सराहना करता हूँ, मुझे यह खुद करना होगा।

56. ALBEIT – A literary form of “although,” indicating concession. [हालांकि]
Example: He is making progress, albeit slowly.
वह प्रगति कर रहा है, हालांकि धीरे-धीरे।

57. WHEREFORE – Used to mean “for that reason.” [इसलिए]
Example: He did not come, wherefore we left early.
वह नहीं आया, इसलिए हमें जल्दी निकलना पड़ा।

58. IN THE EVENT THAT – Introduces a conditional clause for a possible situation. [यदि ऐसा होता है कि]
Example: In the event that you cannot come, please call ahead.
यदि आप नहीं आ सकते, तो कृपया पहले से कॉल करें।


Using conjunctions helps you build clear and smooth sentences. Keep practicing these simple rules, and your writing will improve. Happy learning!

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