Heteronym Meaning Pronunciation & Examples

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Heteronym Meaning Pronunciation & Examples

Heteronym Meaning Pronunciation & Examples – Words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings are called heteronyms.

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Heteronym Meaning Pronunciation & Examples

1. Lead
☛To go in front or guide (leed)
☛A type of metal (led)

2. Tear
☛To rip (tehr)
☛A drop of liquid from the eye (teer)

3. Bass
☛A type of fish (bass)
☛Low, deep sound (base)

4. Wind
☛Moving air (wind)
☛To twist or turn (wined)

5. Bow
☛To bend forward (bau)
☛A type of knot or weapon (boh)

6. Read
☛Present tense: to look at and understand written words (reed)
☛Past tense: looked at and understood written words (red)

7. Wound
☛An injury (woond)
☛Past tense of wind (wound)

8. Close
☛To shut (klohs)
☛Near (klohs)

9. Desert
☛To abandon (dih-ZURT)
☛A dry, sandy region (DEH-zert)

10. Object
☛To oppose (ub-JEKT)
☛A thing (OB-jekt)

11. Excuse
☛To forgive or pardon (iks-KYOOZ)
☛A reason or explanation (ik-SKYOOS)

12. Minute
☛Very small (MY-noot)
☛A unit of time (MIN-it)

13. Sewer
☛A person who sews (SOH-er)
☛An underground conduit for waste (SOO-er)

14. Row
☛A line or series (roh)
☛To propel a boat with oars (row)
☛An argument or dispute (rou)

15. Live
☛To be alive (liv)
☛Happening in real-time (lahyv)

16. Polish
☛From Poland (PAW-lish)
☛To make something shiny (POH-lish)

17. Refuse
☛To decline (ree-FYOOZ)
☛Waste or garbage (REF-yoos)

18. Contest
☛To compete (kun-TEST)
☛A competition (KON-test)

19. Content
☛Satisfied (kun-TENT)
☛The subject matter (KON-tent)

20. Invalid
☛Not valid (in-VAL-id)
☛A person with a disability (ˈɪn.və.lɪd)

21. Does
☛Female deer (doze)
☛Third person singular present of “do” (duz)

22. Present
☛To show or offer (pri-ZENT)
☛Current time (PREZ-ent)

23. Separate
☛To divide (SEP-uh-rate)
☛Distinct (SEP-uh-rit)

24. Conduct
☛To lead or guide (kun-DUKT)
☛Behavior (KON-dukt)

25. Attribute
☛To regard as caused by (uh-TRIB-yoot)
☛A quality or feature (AT-trib-yoot)

26. Console
☛To comfort (kun-SOLE)
☛A control panel (KON-sole)

27. Incense
☛To infuriate (in-SENSE)
☛A substance producing a fragrant odor when burned (IN-sense)

Frequently Asked Questions about Heteronyms:

1. What are heteronyms?
Heteronyms are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings. They are a type of homograph (words that share the same spelling) but differ in pronunciation and often in origin and meaning.

2. Can you give examples of heteronyms?
☛Tear: (Noun) A drop of clear salty liquid secreted by glands in the eyes. / (Verb) To pull or rip something apart.
☛Bow: (Noun) A knot tied with two loops and two loose ends. / (Verb) To bend the upper part of the body forward as a sign of respect.
☛Lead: (Noun) A heavy metal. / (Verb) To guide or show the way.

3. Why do heteronyms exist in English?
Heteronyms often arise due to the historical development of the English language, which has borrowed words from various sources (e.g., Germanic, Latin, French). Over time, words may retain their original spellings but adapt different pronunciations and meanings.

4. How do you know which pronunciation to use for a heteronym?
The pronunciation and meaning of a heteronym usually depend on its part of speech in a sentence. Context clues, such as surrounding words or phrases, help determine the correct pronunciation and meaning.

5. Are heteronyms common in English?
While not as common as other types of words, heteronyms are present in English and add to its complexity and richness. They are often highlighted in language lessons to demonstrate variations in pronunciation and meaning.

6. Do all languages have heteronyms?
Heteronyms exist in other languages as well, although their prevalence and characteristics may differ depending on the language’s phonetic and lexical rules.

7. Are there any tips for understanding and using heteronyms correctly?
Pay attention to context and the part of speech of the word in a sentence. Context clues such as nearby words or the overall sentence structure can often clarify which pronunciation and meaning are intended.

Understanding heteronyms can be challenging but adds depth to language learning and usage.

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