Footprints without Feet Summary

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Footprints without Feet Summary

In this post, I am sharing Footprints without Feet Summary Class 10 English with Quick revision Notes. This is beneficial for those who are going to appear at board exam 2023-24.

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Summary of Chapter 4 Footprints without Feet – Footprints without Feet Class 10th

This is a fascinating story about a scientist named Griffin. He had been working on a way to make a person invisible. Eventually, he succeeded and created a formula that could turn him invisible, but he could still be touched and felt by others. Griffin took the formula and became invisible.

However, he made a mistake and stepped in mud, leaving footprints. Two young men noticed the footprints and followed them until they faded away. Griffin was walking along the roads, feeling cold. To stay warm, he decided to go into a shopping center.

After the stores closed, he decided to put on some comfortable clothes and have something to eat.

He began by unpacking and wearing a few pieces of clothing. After that, he went to a café’s kitchen and had some cold meat and coffee. Later, he chose to sleep on a pile of quilts in a store.

The next morning, store employees noticed him and began following him. To escape, he quickly removed all his clothes and became invisible again. Now, he was wandering around London in the winter with no clothes.

He decided to visit a theater company to find clothing and something to cover his face. He stole dark glasses, a fake nose, a hat, and some bandages to conceal his face. Afterward, he went to a shopkeeper’s place and stole all his money.

He soon realized that living like this in busy London was challenging, so he decided to move to the village of Iping.

He booked two rooms in a village hotel and arrived there. The villagers found it strange to have an outsider with such an odd appearance staying at the hotel throughout the winter.

After a while, he ran out of money and started stealing from people. Additionally, he hit the hotel owner and his wife when they tried to check his room while he was away. Since they couldn’t see anyone, the owners believed there were ghosts in the inn and thought the unusual guest was responsible.

So, they called the town constable to find out who he was and what he did to their belongings. This angered him, and he decided to reveal his identity by pretending to be a headless man. They couldn’t catch Griffin because he took off all his clothes and became invisible.

Conclusion of Footprints without Feet

The story teaches us that humans sometimes misuse their own inventions and discoveries.

Quick Revision Notes of Footprints without Feet Summary

1. A scientist named Griffin finds a special drug that can make a person invisible.

2. The person who owns the house where Griffin lives doesn’t like him. Griffin wants to get back at him.

3. Griffin takes the drug, sets the house on fire, becomes invisible by taking off his clothes, and escapes.

4. Since it’s cold outside, Griffin realizes he needs clothes.

5. He sneaks into a clothing store, eats, and spends the night there.

6. The next morning, two employees from the store chase him away. Griffin is once again without a place to stay and without clothes.

7. To get money, he steals from a clergyman’s desk to pay for a place to live.

8. People start to suspect the scientist when he pays his rent with the stolen money.

9. Mrs. Hall sees the scientist’s room door open. She’s curious and wants to peek inside. But then, a hat suddenly jumps out and hits her in the face.

10. The chair in the room seems to come to life and pushes Mr. and Mrs. Hall out of the room.

11. Out of nowhere, Griffin appears all of a sudden.

12. Mr. and Mrs. Hall ask Griffin about the stolen things, and this makes Griffin very angry.

13. He takes off his bandages, and there’s no head under them. He’s now headless.

14. They call a police officer to arrest the headless man, but the invisible scientist hurts the officer, making him wounded.

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