English Verbs Start with Letter A
English Verbs Start with Letter A – In this post, I am sharing Verbs with Letter A with meaning in English and Hindi. These words [A to Z dictionary words with meaning pdf] from Dictionary which are used frequently in the daily life.
English Verbs Start with Letter A with Meaning
1. Abandon:
English: To leave or desert someone or something.
Hindi: छोड़ देना, त्यागना (Chhod dena, Tyagana)
2. Abolish:
English: To officially end or eliminate something, such as a law or system.
Hindi: समाप्त करना, उन्मूलन करना (Samaapt karna, Unmoolan karna)
3. Absorb:
English: To take in or soak up something.
Hindi: शोषित करना, अवशोषित करना (Shoshit karna, Avshoshit karna)
4. Abuse:
English: To use something improperly or to treat someone with cruelty.
Hindi: गाली देना, शोषण करना (Gali dena, Shoshan karna)
5. Accelerate:
English: To increase in speed or to make something happen faster.
Hindi: तेजी से बढ़ाना, त्वरित करना (Teji se badhana, Tvarit karna)
6. Accept:
English: To agree to receive or take something that is offered.
Hindi: स्वीकार करना, मान लेना (Svikaar karna, Maan lena)
7. Accompany:
English: To go somewhere with someone as a companion.
Hindi: साथ चलना, सहित होना (Saath chalna, Sahit hona)
8. Accomplish:
English: To achieve or complete a task or goal.
Hindi: पूरा करना, सिद्ध करना (Pura karna, Siddh karna)
9. Accumulate:
English: To gather or collect over time.
Hindi: जमा करना, संचित करना (Jama karna, Sanchit karna)
10. Accuse:
English: To charge someone with an offense or crime.
Hindi: आरोप लगाना, इलज़ाम लगाना (Aarop lagana, Ilzaam lagana)
11. Ache:
English: To feel a continuous pain that is not severe
Hindi: दर्द देना, कष्ट देना (Dard dena, Kasht dena)
12. Achieve:
English: To successfully reach a goal or result.
Hindi: प्राप्त करना, हासिल करना (Prapt karna, Hasil karna)
13. Acquire:
English: To gain or obtain something, usually through effort or purchase.
Hindi: प्राप्त करना, हासिल करना (Prapt karna, Hasil karna)
14. Act:
English: To take action or perform a deed.
Hindi: क्रिया करना, अभिनय करना (Kriya karna, Abhinay karna)
15. Adapt:
English: To adjust to new conditions or environment; to modify.
Hindi: अनुकूलित करना
16. Add:
English: To combine or join things together; to increase.
Hindi: जोड़ना
17. Address:
English: To speak or write to; to deal with a matter.
Hindi: पता बताना / संबोधित करना
18. Adjust:
English: To alter or change to fit a particular purpose; to adapt.
Hindi: समायोजित करना
19. Administer:
English: To manage or direct the execution of something; to oversee.
Hindi: प्रशासन करना
20. Admire:
English: To regard with respect, approval, or pleasure; to look at with wonder or delight.
Hindi: प्रशंसा करना
English Verbs Start with Letter A with Hindi
21. Admit:
English: To allow entry; to confess or acknowledge the truth.
Hindi: स्वीकार करना / प्रवेश देना
22. Adopt:
English: To take up and use as one’s own; to choose and follow.
Hindi: अपनाना
23. Adore:
English: To regard with deep, often rapturous love.
Hindi: पूजना / बहुत प्रेम करना
33. Adorn:
English: To decorate or add beauty to something.
Hindi: सजाना / सजवट करना
34. Advance:
English: To move forward or make progress; to promote or introduce.
Hindi: बढ़त / प्रगति
35. Advertise:
English: To promote or make known a product, service, or event through public notice.
Hindi: प्रचार करना
36. Advise:
English: To offer suggestions or recommendations; to give counsel.
Hindi: सलाह देना
37. Affect:
English: To have an influence on or make a change in.
Hindi: प्रभावित करना
38. Affirm:
English: To assert as true; to confirm or ratify.
Hindi: पुष्टि करना
39. Afford:
English: To have the financial means for; to be able to buy or do.
Hindi: साधना / करने की साधना
40. Agitate:
English: To stir up or disturb; to make someone feel nervous or troubled.
Hindi: उत्तेजित करना / किसी को परेशान करना
41. Agree:
English: To have the same opinion; to consent or be in harmony with.
Hindi: सहमत होना / मिलना
42. Aim:
English: To have a specific purpose or goal; to direct towards a target.
Hindi: लक्ष्य / उद्देश्य
43. Allow:
English: To permit or give permission; to make possible.
Hindi: अनुमति देना / देना
44. Amaze:
English: To fill with wonder or astonishment.
Hindi: हैरान करना
45. Amuse:
English: To entertain or make someone laugh; to provide enjoyment.
Hindi: मनोरंजन करना
46. Analyse:
English: To examine in detail, typically for the purpose of explanation or interpretation.
Hindi: विश्लेषण करना
47. Angle:
English: To fish with a hook and line; to approach or present something in a particular way.
Hindi: कोण / दृष्टिकोण
48. Announce:
English: To make a formal or public statement; to declare.
Hindi: घोषणा करना
49. Annoy:
English: To irritate or disturb; to cause slight anger.
Hindi: परेशान करना
50. Answer:
English: A spoken or written reply to a question; to respond.
Hindi: उत्तर / जवाब देना
English words start with A Letter
51. Anticipate:
English: To expect or foresee; to act in advance of.
Hindi: पूर्वानुमान करना / संग्रहित करना
52. Apologize:
English: To express regret or say sorry for a mistake or wrongdoing.
Hindi: माफी मांगना
53. Appeal:
English: To make a request or plea; to attract or interest.
Hindi: आग्रह करना / आपत्ति करना
54. Appear:
English: To come into sight; to become visible.
Hindi: दिखाई देना / प्रकट होना
55. Applaud:
English: To show approval or praise, typically by clapping hands.
Hindi: तालियाँ बजाना / सराहना
56. Apply:
English: To put into operation or use; to submit a request or effort.
Hindi: लागू करना / आवेदन करना
57. Appoint:
English: To assign a job or role to someone; to designate or nominate.
Hindi: नियुक्त करना
58. Appreciate:
English: To recognize the value or quality of something; to be grateful for.
Hindi: प्रशंसा करना / मूल्यांकन करना
59. Approach:
English: To come near or closer; to begin to deal with a task or problem.
Hindi: निकट जाना / दृष्टिकोण
60. Approve:
English: To officially agree or sanction; to express favorable opinion.
Hindi: स्वीकृति देना / मंजूरी देना
61. Argue:
English: To present reasons or evidence to support a position; to engage in a verbal dispute.
Hindi: बहस करना / विवाद करना
62. Arise:
English: To emerge or become apparent; to stand up or get up.
Hindi: उत्पन्न होना / उठना
63. Arrange:
English: To organize or put in order; to plan or prepare.
Hindi: व्यवस्थित करना / संगठित करना
64. Arrest:
English: To take someone into custody by legal authority; to stop or check the progress of.
Hindi: गिरफ्तार करना / रोकना
65. Arrive:
English: To reach a destination; to come to a place.
Hindi: पहुंचना / आना
66. Articulate:
English: To express ideas clearly and coherently; to pronounce distinctly.
Hindi: स्पष्ट रूप से कहना / सुस्तु सुनाना
67. Ask:
English: To inquire or request information; to pose a question.
Hindi: पूछना / मांगना
68. Assault:
English: A violent attack; to make a physical attack.
Hindi: हमला / प्रहार
69. Assemble:
English: To gather together; to put together parts to create a whole.
Hindi: इकट्ठा करना / समूहित करना
70. Assess:
English: To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.
Hindi: मूल्यांकन करना / आंकलन करना
71. Assist:
English: To help or give support; to aid.
Hindi: सहायता करना / मदद करना
72. Associate:
English: To connect or link in the mind; to join or connect with others socially.
Hindi: जोड़ना / संबंधित करना
73. Assume:
English: To take for granted or without proof; to adopt as a premise.
Hindi: मान लेना / धारण करना
74. Assure:
English: To make someone confident or certain; to promise or guarantee.
Hindi: आश्वासन देना / सुनिश्चित करना
75. Astonish:
English: To greatly surprise or amaze; to fill with wonder.
Hindi: चौंका देना / अचंभित करना
76. Attach:
English: To fasten or join one thing to another; to associate oneself with.
Hindi: जोड़ना / संलग्न करना
77. Attack:
English: To aggressively act against; to engage in offensive action.
Hindi: हमला करना / आक्रमण करना
78. Attempt:
English: To make an effort or try; to undertake with effort.
Hindi: प्रयास करना / कोशिश करना
79. Attend:
English: To be present at; to take care of or be in charge of.
Hindi: उपस्थित रहना / सुनिश्चित करना
80. Attract:
English: To draw or pull towards; to cause interest or admiration.
Hindi: आकर्षित करना / मोहित करना
81. Avoid:
English: To stay away from or prevent something undesirable; to evade.
Hindi: टालना / बचना
82. Await:
English: To wait for or expect; to be ready for.
Hindi: प्रतीक्षा करना / इंतजार करना
83. Awake:
English: To stop sleeping; to become conscious.
Hindi: जागरूक होना / जागना
84. Award:
English: To give or present officially; to grant as a result of a decision.
Hindi : पुरस्कार देना
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