Binomial Expressions in English

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Binomial Expressions in English

In this post, I am delighted to share a compilation of the top 25 Binomial Expressions in English, along with their meanings and illustrative examples. These linguistic pairings, consisting of two words joined by a conjunction, hold significant relevance in everyday conversation, enriching our ability to communicate concisely and effectively.

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List of Binomial Expressions in English

1. Bits and pieces

Meaning: Small individual things / A collection of different things.

Example: I’ve finished packing except for a few bits and pieces.

2. Rain or shine

Meaning: Under any circumstances (work done)

Example: He runs six miles every morning, rain or shine.

3. High and dry

Meaning: Without resources or help

Example: Your family would be left high and dry by the death of the breadwinner.

4. Down and out

Meaning: Without money, a job, or a place to live in

Example: Nobody loves you when you’re down and out.

5. Done and dusted

Meaning: Be completely finished or ready

Example: By now the deal was done and dusted.

6. Slice and dice

Meaning: to break down or analyze something systematically into smaller parts for better understanding or manipulation.

Example: You can slice and dice the data any way you want.

7. Five and dime

Meaning: A store that sells many different small items at low prices

Example: He opened a small five and dime in downtown Detroit.

8. By and large

Meaning: Mostly, generally; with few exceptions

Example: By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.

9. Give or take

Meaning: Approximately; plus or minus some unknown amount.

Example: It’ll take about three weeks, give or take a day or so.

10. Hustle and bustle

Meaning: Busy noisy activity of a lot of people in one place

Example: We escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend.

11. Pure and simple

Meaning: with nothing other than what has been mentioned. used after a noun or phrase to add emphasis.

It’s laziness, pure and simple.

Example: It was fraud, pure and simple.

12. Bells and whistles

Meaning: Special features that are added to a product or system to attract more buyers:

Example: My car has all the latest bells and whistles.

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Common Binomials Expressions in English

13. More or less

Meaning: Mostly/ approximately/ almost

Example: There are a hundred people in the room, more or less.

14. On and off

Meaning: Intermittently / Occasionally

Example: I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself.

15. Part and parcel

Meaning: An integral or essential piece; that which must be done or accepted as part of something else

Example: Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job.

16. Peace and quiet

Meaning: A period of calm, silence, etc., especially after disturbance.

Example: Can we have a little peace and quiet, please?

17. Pros and cons

Meaning: The advantages and disadvantages of something, especially something that you are considering doing

Example: We’re just weighing up the pros and cons of moving to a bigger house.

18. Safe and sound

Meaning: Safe from danger and free from injury or harm

Example: After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound.

19. Sick and tired

Meaning: Thoroughly fatigued or bored

Example: Elina is sick and tired of doing her lengthy homework assignment.

20. Sick and tired

Meaning: Annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.

Example: I am sick and tired of all the criticism.

21. Short and sweet

Meaning: Not lasting a long time but pleasant while it lasts

Example: We haven’t much time so I’ll keep it short and sweet.

22. Sooner or later

Meaning: Eventually, at some time in the future, even if you are not sure exactly when

Example: Sooner or later you will have to make a decision.

23. Step by step

Meaning: (used for talking about a series of actions) moving slowly and gradually from one action or stage to the next

Example: She followed the instructions step-by-step.

24. Neat and tidy

Meaning: Clean and organized; tidy.

Example: The house is neat and tidy.

25. Wine and dine (someone)

Meaning: To entertain someone with food and drink, esp. expensive food and drink:

Example: The company wined and dined the prospective clients.

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