Basic English Vs. Advanced English Vocabulary

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Basic English Vs. Advanced English Vocabulary

Basic English Vs. Advanced English Vocabulary – Learning English is a journey, and improving your vocabulary is a key part of getting better at the language. Whether you’re a beginner or building on your skills, expanding your vocabulary is essential. Keep in mind that not all words are the same; there’s a clear difference between basic and advanced English, and understanding this can help you express yourself more effectively.

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Transitioning from basic to advanced English takes time and practice. It’s not just about learning more words; it’s about using the right words in the right situations. Small changes in vocabulary can significantly affect the tone and clarity of your message.

In this post, I’ll highlight the key vocabulary differences between basic and advanced English. I’ll share important words that can improve your communication. We’ll look at common phrases and explore stronger alternatives. Whether you’re preparing for an exam or aiming for fluency, this guide will help elevate your English skills. Let’s explore the vocabulary changes that will boost your proficiency!

Basic English Vs. Advanced English Vocabulary

1. Again (फिर से) → Repeatedly, Anew
2. Always (हमेशा) → Perpetually, Consistently
3. Analyze (विश्लेषण करना) → Examine, Scrutinize
4. Answer (उत्तर) → Response, Reply
5. Apologize (माफी मांगना) → Regret, Express remorse
6. Apply (लागू करना) → Implement, Utilize
7. Ask (पूछना) → Inquire, Request
8. Attractive (आकर्षक) → Alluring, Captivating
9. Badly (बुरी तरह से) → Poorly, Inadequately
10. Beautiful (सुंदर) → Stunning, Gorgeous
11. Begin (शुरू करना) → Commence, Initiate
12. Boring (उबाऊ) → Dull, Monotonous
13. Break (तोड़ना) → Fracture, Shatter
14. Bright (चमकदार) → Luminous, Radiant
15. Build (निर्माण करना) → Construct, Assemble
16. Buy (खरीदना) → Purchase, Acquire
17. Call (बुलाना) → Summon, Contact
18. Calm (शांत) → Tranquil, Serene
19. Car (गाड़ी) → Vehicle, Automobile
20. Careful (सावधान) → Cautious, Vigilant
21. Carefully (सावधानीपूर्वक) → Cautiously, Meticulously
22. Carelessly (लापरवाही से) → Recklessly, Negligently
23. Child (बच्चा) → Kid, Offspring
24. Choose (चुनना) → Select, Opt
25. Clear (साफ) → Obvious, Apparent
26. Clever (चतुर) → Astute, Ingenious
27. Climb (चढ़ना) → Ascend, Scale
28. Cold (ठंडा) → Freezing, Icy
29. Comfortable (आरामदायक) → Cozy, Inviting
30. Confirm (पुष्टि करना) → Validate, Authenticate
31. Consider (विचार करना) → Contemplate, Deliberate
32. Continue (जारी रखना) → Persist, Proceed
33. Creative (रचनात्मक) → Innovative, Imaginative
34. Dangerous (खतरनाक) → Hazardous, Risky
35. Dark (अंधेरा) → Gloomy, Shadowy
36. Decide (निर्णय लेना) → Determine, Resolve
37. Destroy (नष्ट करना) → Annihilate, Demolish
38. Difficult (कठिन) → Challenging, Daunting
39. Ease (आसान बनाना) → Alleviate, Mitigate
40. Easily (आसानी से) → Effortlessly, Smoothly
41. Easy (आसान) → Effortless, Simple
42. Eliminate (समाप्त करना) → Eradicate, Exterminate
43. End (समाप्त करना) → Conclude, Terminate
44. Environment (पर्यावरण) → Surroundings, Ecosystem
45. Essential (आवश्यक) → Vital, Crucial
46. Evaluate (मूल्यांकन करना) → Assess, Appraise
47. Event (घटना) → Occasion, Gathering
48. Examine (जांच करना) → Analyze, Investigate
49. Exciting (रोमांचक) → Thrilling, Exhilarating
50. Expand (विस्तार करना) → Broaden, Amplify
51. Fast (तेज़) → Swift, Rapid
52. Fix (सुधारना) → Repair, Mend
53. Foolish (मूर्ख) → Irrational, Imprudent
54. Friendly (मित्रवत) → Amiable, Cordial
55. Funny (मज़ेदार) → Hilarious, Amusing
56. Gather (इकट्ठा करना) → Assemble, Accumulate
57. Gift (उपहार) → Present, Offering
58. Goal (लक्ष्य) → Objective, Aim
59. Happily (खुशी से) → Joyfully, Cheerfully
60. Hard (कठिन) → Challenging, Arduous
61. Hardly (मुश्किल से) → Barely, Scarcely
62. Hot (गरम) → Scorching, Boiling
63. Idea (विचार) → Concept, Notion
64. Illustrate (दिखाना) → Depict, Demonstrate
65. Imitate (नकल करना) → Emulate, Replicate
66. Improve (सुधार करना) → Enhance, Refine

Basic English Vs. Advanced English Vocabulary with Hindi

67. Inspect (निरीक्षण करना) → Scrutinize, Examine
68. Interesting (दिलचस्प) → Engaging, Intriguing
69. Job (नौकरी) → Occupation, Profession
70. Kind (दयालु) → Benevolent, Compassionate
71. Knowledge (ज्ञान) → Understanding, Insight
72. Lazy (आलसी) → Indolent, Lethargic
73. Look (देखना) → Glance, Gaze
74. Loud (जोरदार) → Deafening, Thunderous
75. Loudly (जोर से) → Boisterously, Clamorously
76. Love (प्रेम) → Adore, Cherish
77. Man (आदमी) → Gentleman
78. Memory (स्मृति) → Remembrance, Recollection
79. Money (पैसा) → Wealth, Finances
80. Mostly (अधिकतर) → Predominantly, Mainly
81. Move (हिलना) → Relocate, Shift
82. Never (कभी नहीं) → Not at all, Under no circumstances
83. Noisy (शोरगुल) → Boisterous, Clamorous
84. Often (अक्सर) → Frequently, Regularly
85. Opinion (राय) → Viewpoint, Perspective
86. People (लोग) → Individuals, Humans
87. Place (स्थान) → Location, Venue
88. Plan (योजना) → Strategy, Scheme
89. Poor (गरीब) → Impoverished, Destitute
90. Powerful (शक्तिशाली) → Mighty, Potent
91. Problem (समस्या) → Issue, Dilemma
92. Question (प्रश्न) → Inquiry, Query
93. Quickly (शीघ्र) → Rapidly, Swiftly
94. Quietly (चुपचाप) → Softly, Discreetly
95. Rarely (कभी-कभी) → Seldom, Infrequently
96. Read (पढ़ना) → Peruse, Scan
97. Reduce (कम करना) → Diminish, Curtail
98. Repeat (दोहराना) → Reiterate, Rehash
99. Rich (धनी) → Wealthy, Affluent
100. Risk (जोखिम) → Danger, Hazard
101. Run (दौड़ना) → Sprint, Dash
102. Sadly (दुखी होकर) → Mournfully, Gloomily
103. School (विद्यालय) → Institution, Academy
104. Share (साझा करना) → Distribute, Convey
105. Show (दिखाना) → Demonstrate, Exhibit
106. Sleep (सोना) → Slumber, Doze
107. Slow (धीमा) → Sluggish, Leisurely
108. Slowly (धीरे-धीरे) → Gradually, Leisurely
109. Smart (चतुर) → Brilliant, Intelligent
110. Sometimes (कभी-कभी) → Occasionally, Periodically
111. Soon (जल्द) → Shortly, Imminently
112. Start (शुरू करना) → Begin, Commence
113. Stop (रोकना) → Cease, Halt
114. Story (कहानी) → Narrative, Account
115. Strong (मज़बूत) → Powerful, Sturdy
116. Success (सफलता) → Achievement, Accomplishment
117. Suddenly (अचानक) → Abruptly, Unexpectedly
118. Support (समर्थन करना) → Endorse, Advocate
119. Talk (बात करना) → Converse, Discuss
120. Teach (सिखाना) → Instruct, Educate
121. Teacher (शिक्षक) → Educator, Instructor
122. Think (सोचना) → Contemplate, Ponder
123. Time (समय) → Duration, Period
124. Totally (पूरी तरह से) → Completely, Entirely
125. Travel (यात्रा करना) → Journey, Voyage
126. Understand (समझना) → Comprehend, Grasp
127. Weak (कमज़ोर) → Feeble, Frail
128. Well (अच्छे से) → Proficiently, Efficiently
129. Woman (महिला) → Lady
130. Work (काम) → Labor, Operate
131. Worsen (बिगड़ना) → Deteriorate, Exacerbate
132. Write (लिखना) → Compose, Inscribe

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