A Letter to God Summary

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A Letter to God Summary

In this post, I am sharing A Letter to God Summary Class 10 English First Flight with Quick revision Notes. This is beneficial for those who are going to appear at board exam 2023-24.

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Summary of Chapter 1 A Letter to God – First Flight Class 10th


A Letter to God by G. Fuentes is a short story written in third-person, about a farmer named Lencho. When a hailstorm destroys his year’s harvest, he writes a letter to God asking for money, and sends it to him through post. A Letter to God is a humorous story about a man’s faith, the dependence it brings along, and the fine line between faith and ignorance that exists in the world.


1. Lencho – He had a firm believe in God and was very innocent. He was very caring for his family and that is why he decides not to give up and find some way to help his family.

2. Postmaster – He was a nice, very helpful and genuine man whose natural instinct was to help Lencho and therefore he collects money for him and even deducts some money from his own salary.

A Letter to God Summary in English

Lencho’s house and crop

Lencho had his lonely house in the valley. It was situated on the top of a low hill. From there one could see the river and the fields. Lencho had a good crop. But it needed rains badly.

It starts raining

Lencho saw the sky in the north. It had rain clouds. His wife was preparing the dinner. He told her that God willing it would rain. Soon big drops of rain began to fall. Lencho went out to feel the rain on his body. He was very glad. He said that the drops of rain were new coins.

Hailstorm and loss therefrom

But soon the hail rained on everywhere. The fields became white as if covered with salt. The crop was totally destroyed. Lencho became sad. He felt that they would go hungry that year. Also they would have no seeds for the next crop.

Lencho writes to God

But Lencho had a single hope : help from God. He was sure that no one dies of hunger. He had a great belief in God. The following Sunday he went to the post office. He wrote a letter to God to send him one hundred pesos. He wrote ‘God’ as the address.

Postmaster collects money for Lencho

An employee of the post office showed this letter to the postmaster. The postmaster laughed seeing the address. He wished to have such a faith in God. He had had an idea answer the letter. But reading it he found that the writer needed money. It was to keep the faith of the writer. So he asked all his friends and employees to give some money.

Money sent to Lencho

The postmaster could collect only seventy pesos this way put the money in an envelope and addressed it to Lencho. He wrote a single word on it ‘God’ as a signature.

Lencho receives the money

The following Sunday Lencho came to the post office. He asked if there was any letter for him. He was given that letter. Lencho did not show any surprise on seeing the money. He got angry when he counted the money. He felt that God could not have made a mistake.

Lencho’s letter to God, calls post office employees crooks

Immediately Lencho wrote another letter to God. He put it into the mailbox. The postmaster opened it. Lencho had written in that letter that he had received only seventy pesos. But he had asked for one hundred pesos. He asked God to send him the rest. But God should not send it through the mail. It was because the post office employees were crooks.

A Letter to God Summary in English

Lencho was a hardworking farmer who was hoping for a good harvest. Sadly, a hailstorm came and ruined his entire crop, making Lencho very upset. But he had a deep faith in God and believed that God would assist him. Lencho was also a very honest person. Even though he spent most of his time farming and didn’t know how to write well, he decided to write a letter to God. In the letter, he asked God to send him a hundred pesos (money). After writing the letter, he went to the post office and dropped it into the mailbox.

The mail carrier took the letter from the mailbox. He looked at the address and burst into laughter. He hurried to show the peculiar letter to the postmaster, who also had a good laugh when he saw it. However, when he read the letter itself, he became very serious. He admired the man who had unwavering faith in God and decided to help him with money.

The postmaster asked the post office workers to donate some money, and he also contributed a portion of his own salary. However, they were only able to collect a bit more than 50 pesos, which was less than what Lencho had asked for. The postmaster put the money in an envelope and addressed it to Lencho.

On a Sunday, Lencho went back to the post office and asked if there was a letter for him. The postmaster gave him the letter. When Lencho saw the money inside, he wasn’t surprised. But when he counted it and realized it was less than he asked for, he got angry with God. He believed that God couldn’t have made a mistake. So, he took some paper and ink and wrote another letter to God. Then he put it in the mailbox.

Once Lencho had gone, the postmaster and the workers at the post office read the letter. In the letter, Lencho told God that he only got seventy pesos and asked for the rest of the money to be sent. But he didn’t want God to use the mail this time. He said the post office employees were not trustworthy and might have taken the money, calling them dishonest.

Value Point of A Letter to God

1. Lencho was a farmer.

2. His house stood alone in the valley, on top of a hill.

3. Lencho’s fields needed rain for a good harvest.

4. He eagerly looked at the sky, and finally, it rained.

5. To him, the raindrops were like precious coins.

6. But his joy was short-lived because large hailstones fell after the rain.

7. The hailstones wrecked all the leaves on trees, plants, and flowers.

8. It seemed there would be no crops that year.

9. There was only one hope: help from God.

10. The next Sunday, he wrote a letter to God.

11. He needed a hundred pesos to replant his fields and live until the new crop grew.

12. He wrote “To God” on the envelope and dropped it in the mailbox.

13. The postman laughed and took it to the postmaster.

14. The postmaster chuckled too, but then he got serious.

15. He decided to respond to the letter and assist Lencho.

16. He gathered seventy pesos from his employees and added some from his own salary.

17. He put the money in an envelope and sent it to Lencho.

18. Lencho had strong faith in God, so he wasn’t surprised when he got the money.

19. His joy turned to anger because he was missing thirty pesos.

20. Lencho couldn’t believe that God would deceive him.

21. He wrote another letter to God, reminding Him that he only received 70 pesos.

22. He asked God not to send the remaining 30 pesos through the mail because he thought the post office workers were dishonest.

Chapter Wise NCERT Summary for Class 10 First Flight

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• Glimpses of India
• Mijbil the Otter
• Madam Rides the Bus
• The Sermon at Benares
• The Proposal

First Flight Poetry Summary

• Dust of Snow
• Fire and Ice
• A Tiger in the Zoo
• How to Tell Wild Animals
• The Ball Poem
• Amanda!
• Animals
• The Trees
• Fog
• The Tale of Custard the Dragon
• For Anne Gregory

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