A Dog Named Duke Extra Questions Answers

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A Dog Named Duke Extra Questions Answers

A Dog Named Duke Extra Questions Answers – Looking for answers to questions from Chapter 2 of “A Dog Named Duke” in your Class 9 English Literature Reader (Communicative) book? You’re in the right place! Our detailed list of important questions will help you review and understand the material better. Practicing these answers can greatly boost your exam performance. Our solutions show you how to write effective answers and improve your chances of scoring well. Check out Chapter 2: “A Dog Named Duke” now for answers to extract-based questions, short answers, and long answers, all following the latest CBSE exam pattern.

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A Dog Named Duke Extra Questions Answers

1. Why was Duke put in a kennel?

Answer: Duke was put in a kennel because Chuck had an accident which meant he would not be returning home for a long time. Marcy also would not be home much and there would have been no one to take care of Duke.


2. What did the men who came to see Chuck in the hospital say to him?

Answer: The men who came to see Chuck in the hospital asked him to take a year off from work and told him that they would create a desk job for him at the company headquarters.


3. Why did Chuck not show much improvement in the hospital?

Answer: Chuck was probably not being able to come to terms with the fact that he would never regain his health but would remain a cripple all his life. This thought depressed him and slowed down his rate of recovery.


4. Were the Hoopers’ new neighbours aware of the story of Duke and Chuck? What did they see every day?

Answer: No, the people who stayed around the new house where the Hoopers shifted later did not know the story of Duke and his master. The neighbours just saw a person who looked like a huge mechanical giant being pulled by a fiery dog who acted as if he exercised a right over his master.


5. How did Duke behave when he saw Chuck after he came back from the hospital?

Answer: When Duke saw Chuck after he came back from the hospital, the dog was overjoyed and excited. Duke leaped with great enthusiasm, showing his loyalty and affection for Chuck. However, he quickly sensed that Chuck was not the same as before due to his injury. Recognizing that Chuck needed care, Duke adjusted his behavior, becoming more gentle and attentive, helping Chuck in his recovery process. Duke’s response showed his deep bond with Chuck and his understanding of the situation.


6. Did Duke’s return have any effect on Hooper?

Answer: Yes, Duke’s return had a significant effect on Hooper. When Duke came back, his presence and loyalty played a key role in motivating Chuck Hooper to recover from his paralysis. Initially, Hooper was depressed and hopeless after his accident, but Duke’s persistent efforts to engage with him helped Chuck regain his determination. Duke encouraged Hooper to take small steps toward physical recovery by nudging him to walk again.


7. “The dog knew instantly”—What did he know? How did he behave thereafter?

Answer: He instantly realized that his master was unwell. From then on, he never jumped on Chuck again but stayed by his bedside around the clock, watching him silently.


8. “Duke finally couldn’t take it.” What does the narrator mean by this? What change did Duke bring about?

Answer: When the narrator says “Duke finally couldn’t take it,” it means Duke could no longer bear Chuck’s suffering. Duke’s presence and encouragement helped Chuck regain hope and gradually improved his willingness to work on his recovery.


9. “It was like lighting a fuse. Duke shimmied himself U-shaped in anticipation.” Explain.

Answer: One evening, Chuck used his good hand to hook Duke’s lead to hold him still. It was like lighting a fuse because, in that moment, an idea suddenly struck Duke about how to help Chuck move around and walk.


10. ‘Duke was an extraordinary dog.’ What special qualities did he exhibit to justify this?

Answer: Duke was truly an extraordinary dog as he understood the needs of his master completely and pushed him out of his depressed state. He understood that his master was not well and toned down his behaviour from his earlier boisterous self. He pushed his master out of bed and reignited in him an interest. He taught his master to walk again with infinite patience, painstaking care, and sensitivity which was very surprising in a dog.

A Dog Named Duke Extra Questions Answers

11. In 1953, Hooper was a favoured young man.’ Explain.

Answer: It means that in the year 1953, Hooper had everything that he could have ever wanted. He was a tall young man, with a healthy.
Muscular body. He was a member of the university football team. Apart from that he had a well-paying job as a sales manager for a chemical company. He also had a loving wife and a faithful dog whose company he enjoyed very much.


12. Why do you think Hooper’s appointment as Assistant National Manager is considered to be a tribute to Duke?

Answer: It was tribute because it was the result of Duke’s persistence, help, support and love that Hooper regained an interest in life and
started working again and worked hard to prove that his disability was not going to limit his aspirations and his ability to achieve his goals.


13. Describe the first attempts made by Hooper to walk.

Answer: Hooper’s good hand held onto the leash attached to the dog’s collar and he asked Marcy to help him to his feet. With Marcy supporting him by the elbow, he moved his right leg out in the front, causing the left foot to drag forward alongside the right leg. Duke felt the sudden slackness in his leash and he pulled it tight. Chuck swayed forward, broke the fall with his right leg, and then straightened.

Thrice he repeated the same before collapsing into his wheelchair, thus taking his first step since his accident. Everyday thereafter the dog and his master would set targets for the day, slightly further from the day before and not rest till the target for the day was accomplished. In this way from one step they took several steps to reach the door and finally covered the neighbourhood and beyond.


14. Chuck and Duke complemented each other very well.

Answer: Both Chuck and Duke had great faith in each other. Duke always kept goading his master and Chuck also never disappointed him. Initially, they always did their daily exercise together before Chuck became fit enough to walk himself. After doing a full day’s work, Chuck did not go for the physiotherapy programme. Instead, he completely turned to Duke. Sometimes, Chuck fell down while walking. When this happened, Duke did not show any sympathy. He simply waited for his master to get up. This showed that the two understood each other very well.


15. Write a character sketch of Chuck Hooper. What kind of a man do’you think he was?

Answer: Before the accident Chuck appears to be a happy-go-lucky m$n who has everything going for him. He has a job, a loving wife, a comfortable home with a dog he loves, and the opportunity to play in the football team. But the accident brings out the real depth of his character. After he shakes off his initial despair and gloom, he appears to be a determined, persevering young man who is not afraid to stretch his limits. He shows tremendous courage in facing his handicap and finding a way to live life on his terms in spite of it. He also has the sensitivity to appreciate the dog’s efforts to help him. His hard working nature and independence is apparent in the way he comes back to work and is promoted due to the excellent work that he puts in.


16. How did Chuck Hooper happen to take his first step?

Answer: When Chuck’s good hand hooked into the leash of Duke’s collar, Duke moved u-shaped and walked ahead with bigger steps. Chuck struggled for balance and with his good hand he placed the leash in his left, paralyzed hand With Marcy’s help, he moved his right leg out, causing the left foot to drag forward. Duke had helped him take his first step.


17. How did January 4, the day, become significant in the life of Hooper?

Answer: Hooper had been working as a Zonal Sales Manager in a chemical company. One day he met with an accident and was paralysed. Being bedridden he had lost all hopes of his recovery. It was his dog ‘Duke’ who awakened his dormant will to fight back and emerge victorious. The dog was instrumental in helping him take more steps each day. So January 4 was a significant day in his life because he had walked 200 metres, without any assistance, to his office.


18. Which incident transformed Chuck Hooper from a favoured young man to an unfortunate young man ?

Answer: Hooper was fortunate in every way. He was tall, healthy and satisfied man working as a Zonal Sales Manager in a chemical company. Everyone liked him, but good luck did not last long and one unlucky day when he was driving home from office, a car collided head on with his car. He had a brain injury which paralyzed his left side. He became bedridden. In this way from a favoured young man, he was transformed into an unfortunate man.


19. What was the reaction of the staff when Chuck visited his district office? What did he say to the manager Gorden Doule ?

Answer: When Chuck visited his district office, the staff was amazed by his visit. They were further surprised when he told his manager, Gorden Doule, that he wanted to continue work, initially for one hour. Chuck’s move presented tough problem for them because, seeing Chuck’s courage and determination, nobody had the courage to tell him that he wouldn’t be able to handle his old job. Moreover, they didn’t know what to do with his demand to do a desk job just for one hour when his job of a salesman required him to move around all the time.


20. Is ‘it irony of Fate’ that Duke who had nursed Hooper back to normalcy, had to meet such a terrible end? Discuss.

Answer: When Chuck was admitted to the hospital after his accident, every effort made by the doctors and others had failed to cure his paralysis. The intelligent effort made by Duke had changed an impossible situation into a possibile one. It is really an irony that he who had nursed Hooper back to normalcy, himself met with an accident. Just like Hooper, he was also hit by a vehicle. It is an irony that he who had been successful in bringing life to Hooper, himself could not survive and met with such a terrible end.

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