100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning

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100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning

100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning – In this post, I’ll share 100 essential idioms with Hindi meanings, ideal for both everyday conversation and competitive exams. Idioms add richness to language, making communication more engaging and effective. Whether you’re preparing for exams like SSC or UPSC or just want to improve your spoken English, these idioms and their Hindi translations will help you grasp their meanings quickly and add fluency to your language skills. Let’s dive into these expressions and enhance your understanding of English in a fun and practical way!

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100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning

1. A blessing in disguise
Meaning: Something good that isn’t recognized at first (छुपा हुआ वरदान)

2. A dime a dozen
Meaning: Something common and of little value (बहुत ही आम और सस्ता)

3. Beat around the bush
Meaning: Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable (बात को घुमा फिरा कर कहना)

4. Better late than never
Meaning: It’s better to do something late than not do it at all (देर से आना, लेकिन बिल्कुल न आने से अच्छा)

5. Bite the bullet
Meaning: To face a painful situation with courage (हिम्मत के साथ कठिनाई का सामना करना)

6. Break the ice
Meaning: To start a conversation in a social setting (शुरुआत करना या माहौल को हल्का करना)

7. Call it a day
Meaning: To stop working for the day (आज का काम समाप्त करना)

8. Cut corners
Meaning: To do something in an easy, but less costly or efficient way (सस्ता या आसान रास्ता अपनाना)

9. Easy does it
Meaning: Slow down (धीरे-धीरे करो)

10. Hit the sack
Meaning: To go to bed (सोने जाना)

11. Let the cat out of the bag
Meaning: To reveal a secret (राज़ खोल देना)

12. Once in a blue moon
Meaning: Rarely (कभी-कभार)

13. Piece of cake
Meaning: Something very easy (बहुत आसान)

14. Spill the beans
Meaning: To reveal secret information (राज़ खोल देना)

15. Break a leg
Meaning: Good luck (शुभकामनाएँ)

16. Burn the midnight oil
Meaning: To work late into the night (देर रात तक मेहनत करना)

17. By the skin of your teeth
Meaning: Just barely (जैसे-तैसे)

18. Cost an arm and a leg
Meaning: Very expensive (बहुत महंगा)

19. Cry over spilled milk
Meaning: Complain about a loss from the past (जो हो चुका है, उस पर पछताना)

20. Get your act together
Meaning: Behave properly (अपने काम पर ध्यान देना)

21. Ignorance is bliss
Meaning: Not knowing something is often more comfortable (अज्ञानता कभी-कभी सुखद होती है)

22. Jump on the bandwagon
Meaning: Join a popular trend (चलन का हिस्सा बन जाना)

23. Let sleeping dogs lie
Meaning: Avoid interfering in a settled matter (शांति भंग न करना)

24. Miss the boat
Meaning: Miss an opportunity (मौका गँवा देना)

25. No pain, no gain
Meaning: You have to work for what you want (बिना मेहनत के सफलता नहीं मिलती)

26. Pull someone’s leg
Meaning: To joke with someone (मजाक करना)

27. Put all your eggs in one basket
Meaning: To depend entirely on one thing (एक ही चीज़ पर निर्भर होना)

28. See eye to eye
Meaning: To agree fully (पूरी तरह सहमत होना)

29. Speak of the devil
Meaning: The person you were talking about appears (जिसकी बात कर रहे थे, वह आ गया)

30. Take with a grain of salt
Meaning: To not take something too seriously (हल्के में लेना)

31. The ball is in your court
Meaning: It’s your decision (अगला निर्णय लेना आप पर निर्भर है)

32. Throw in the towel
Meaning: To give up (हार मान लेना)

33. Under the weather
Meaning: Feeling unwell (बीमार महसूस करना)

34. Up in the air
Meaning: Uncertain (अनिश्चित)

35. Barking up the wrong tree
Meaning: Looking in the wrong place (गलत दिशा में प्रयास करना)

36. Bite off more than you can chew
Meaning: Take on a task too big (अपनी क्षमता से अधिक लेना)

37. Curiosity killed the cat
Meaning: Too much curiosity can be dangerous (अधिक जिज्ञासा हानिकारक हो सकती है)

38. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning: Don’t assume success before it happens (पहले से उम्मीद न लगाना)

39. Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: In perfect health (पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ)

40. Get a taste of your own medicine
Meaning: Get the same bad treatment you gave others (जैसे को तैसा मिलना)

41. Give someone the cold shoulder
Meaning: Ignore someone (किसी को अनदेखा करना)

42. Have a change of heart
Meaning: Change your mind (अपना मन बदल लेना)

43. It takes two to tango
Meaning: Both people are responsible (दोनों पक्ष जिम्मेदार हैं)

44. Kill two birds with one stone
Meaning: Solve two problems with one action (एक ही प्रयास से दो काम करना)

45. Leave no stone unturned
Meaning: Try every possible solution (हर संभव प्रयास करना)

46. Off the top of your head
Meaning: Without thinking deeply (बिना ज्यादा सोचे)

47. On thin ice
Meaning: In a risky situation (जोखिम में होना)

48. Once bitten, twice shy
Meaning: Cautious after a bad experience (चोट खाकर सावधान होना)

49. Play devil’s advocate
Meaning: To argue against something just to debate (बहस के लिए विपरीत पक्ष रखना)

50. Pull yourself together
Meaning: Calm down (शांत हो जाओ)

100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning

51. Put yourself in someone’s shoes
Meaning: Imagine someone else’s situation (खुद को किसी की जगह रख कर देखना)

52. Raise the bar
Meaning: Set higher standards (ऊँचा मानदंड तय करना)

53. Rule of thumb
Meaning: General guideline (सामान्य नियम)

54. Sit on the fence
Meaning: Avoid making a decision (निर्णय से बचना)

55. Take it with a pinch of salt
Meaning: Don’t take it too seriously (पूरी तरह से न मानना)

56. Through thick and thin
Meaning: In all circumstances (हर परिस्थिति में)

57. Turn a blind eye
Meaning: Ignore (अनदेखा करना)

58. When pigs fly
Meaning: Something that will never happen (असंभव

59. You can say that again
Meaning: I agree with you (मैं सहमत हूँ)

60. The tip of the iceberg
Meaning: Small part of a big problem (बड़ी समस्या का छोटा हिस्सा)

61. Actions speak louder than words
Meaning: What you do is more important than what you say (करनी कथनी से ताकतवर होती है )

62. Add fuel to the fire
Meaning: Make a bad situation worse (आग में घी डालना)

63. All in the same boat
Meaning: In the same difficult situation (एक ही स्थिति में होना)

64. An arm and a leg
Meaning: Very expensive (बहुत महंगा)

65. Around the clock
Meaning: All day and night (चौबीसों घंटे)

66. As good as gold
Meaning: Very well-behaved (बहुत अच्छे व्यवहार वाला)

67. At the drop of a hat
Meaning: Without hesitation (बिना झिझक के)

68. Back to the drawing board
Meaning: Start over (फिर से शुरुआत करना)

69. Bite your tongue
Meaning: Stop yourself from speaking (खुद को बोलने से रोकना)

70. Break the bank
Meaning: Spend all your money (सारा पैसा खर्च करना)

71. Burn the candle at both ends
Meaning: Overwork yourself (खुद को ज़रूरत से ज्यादा काम में लगाना)

72. Cast iron stomach
Meaning: Can eat or drink anything without feeling sick (कुछ भी खा-पीने की शक्ति रखना)

73. Cold feet
Meaning: Nervous just before an event (कोई कार्य करने से पहले घबराहट)

74. Cut to the chase
Meaning: Get to the point (मुद्दे पर आना)

75. Don’t judge a book by its cover
Meaning: Don’t judge by appearances (बाहरी रूप देखकर निर्णय मत करो)

100 Idioms with Hindi Meaning

76. Drop a bombshell
Meaning: Make an unexpected announcement (चौंकाने वाली घोषणा करना)

77. Face the music
Meaning: Accept the consequences (परिणामों का सामना करना)

78. Fight fire with fire
Meaning: Respond with similar tactics (उसी तरीके से जवाब देना)

79. Go the extra mile
Meaning: Make extra effort (अतिरिक्त प्रयास करना)

80. In hot water
Meaning: In trouble (परेशानी में

81. It’s a small world
Meaning: Meeting someone you know unexpectedly (दुनिया छोटी है)

82. Keep your chin up
Meaning: Stay positive (सकारात्मक बने रहें)

83. Last but not least
Meaning: Something equally important (अंत में परन्तु महत्वपूर्ण)

84. Learn the ropes
Meaning: To learn the basics (मूल बातें सीखना)

85. Let the chips fall where they may
Meaning: Accept things as they are (जैसे चीजें हैं, वैसे ही स्वीकार करना)

86. Make ends meet
Meaning: To manage financially (गुजारा करना)

87. Mind your own business
Meaning: Don’t interfere (अपने काम से काम रखो)

88. Move heaven and earth
Meaning: Do everything possible (हर संभव प्रयास करना)

89. On cloud nine
Meaning: Very happy (अत्यंत खुश)

90. Out of the blue
Meaning: Unexpectedly (अचानक)

91. Over the moon
Meaning: Extremely happy (अत्यंत खुश)

92. Practice makes perfect
Meaning: Regular practice leads to improvement (अभ्यास से ही परिपूर्णता आती है)

93. Pull the plug
Meaning: To stop something (किसी चीज़ को बंद करना)

94. Rain on someone’s parade
Meaning: To spoil someone’s plans (किसी की योजना में बाधा डालना)

95. Read between the lines
Meaning: Understand the hidden meaning (छुपे हुए अर्थ को समझना)

96. Skeletons in the closet
Meaning: Hidden secrets (छुपे हुए राज़)

97. Snowed under
Meaning: Overwhelmed with work (काम में दबा हुआ)

98. The best of both worlds
Meaning: An ideal situation (सर्वोत्तम स्थिति)

99. Throw caution to the wind
Meaning: Take a risk (जोखिम लेना)

100. When it rains, it pours
Meaning: Bad things happen all at once (मुसीबतें एक साथ आती हैं)

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