In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

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In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers – In the Kingdom of Fools Class 9 English Moments Chapter 4 Extra Questions and Answers are available here on All these questions are divided into short-type question answers, long-type question answers, and extract-based questions. These Class 9 extra questions are prepared by our expert teachers at Learning these questions will help you score excellent marks in the board exams.

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In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What was ‘foolish’ about the king’s trial of the merchant?

Answer: The merchant had not killed the thief. He was being punished only because his wall had fallen on the thief. The king ordered the execution despite the fact that the merchant claimed his father was to blame, but since his father was dead, the king punished the merchant in his place.

2. What was the fight that the guru and his disciple got into? Why?

Answer: The guru and his disciple fought over the right to be the first one to die at the stake. They had gotten into this fight as part of a plan to rescue the disciple, wanting to convince the king that dying first would make them the next king and minister.

3. Why did the king want to punish the merchant?

Answer: The king wanted to punish the merchant because the thief had died due to the collapsing of a wall of the merchant’s house. The king believed that the merchant inherited his father’s wealth and sins, making him responsible for the crime.

4. Why did the guru want to leave this kingdom quickly? Why did the disciple stay on?

Answer: The guru wanted to leave the Kingdom of Fools as he realized it was dangerous to remain in a place ruled by fools. The disciple, however, chose to stay because everything was cheap, and he enjoyed the good food available there.

5. How did the king and his minister die in place of the guru and his disciple?

Answer: The king ordered the executioners to kill the first two men who would come to them the next morning. That night, he and his minister disguised themselves as the guru and the disciple after freeing them, and the executioners mistakenly killed them.

6. Who was blamed by the merchant for the death of the thief?

Answer: The merchant blamed the bricklayer who had built the wall, claiming he did not do it properly, which led to the thief’s death when the wall collapsed.

7. What did the dancing girl say in her defence?

Answer: The dancing girl stated that she had given some gold to the goldsmith for jewellery, but he made excuses, forcing her to walk back and forth to his house several times.

8. Why did the disciple not want to leave the Kingdom of Fools?

Answer: The disciple was reluctant to leave because he enjoyed the comfortable life and cheap food available in the kingdom, where everything cost just one duddu.

9. How did the guru get rid of the foolish king?

Answer: The guru tricked the king into believing that whoever died first at the stake would be reborn as king. The foolish king, wanting to prevent others from taking his kingdom, agreed to die at the stake.

10. Who were the people questioned during the trial, and what was each person’s defence?

Answer: The owner of the house blamed the bricklayer, who then blamed the dancing girl for distracting him. The dancing girl blamed the goldsmith for not making her jewellery on time, while the goldsmith claimed he had to prioritise a wedding order from the rich merchant.

11. How did the kingdom become normal again?

Answer: The kingdom returned to normal when the people requested the guru and the disciple to become their king and minister. They agreed on the condition that all the old laws would be changed.

12. Why did the guru want that he and his disciple should die first?

Answer: The guru believed that whoever died on the stake of the god of justice would be reborn as the king and minister in the next life. He wanted to escape their ascetic life and enjoy a royal life in their next birth.

13. What was the final order of the king to the executioners?

Answer: The king instructed the executioners to kill two criminals who would be sent to them at night and to execute them in the order they arrived, ensuring no mistakes were made.

14. How did the guru come to know that his disciple was in trouble?

Answer: The guru had magical powers and saw in a vision that his disciple was in trouble in the Kingdom of Fools.

15. Why did the king decide to postpone the execution of the guru and his disciple?

Answer: The king postponed the execution to secretly consult his minister about how to prevent anyone else from becoming king and minister in their next life.

16. Why didn’t the people go against the order of the king and the minister?

Answer: The people did not oppose the king’s orders due to fear of death, as they were warned that anyone who disobeyed would be punished with execution.

17. What was ironical about the judgement passed by the king, holding the dancing girl as the culprit?

Answer: The king expressed sympathy for the ‘poor burglar’ and blamed the dancing girl for causing his death. This was ironical as it showcased his misplaced priorities and understanding of justice.

18. What was the problem before the final execution of the criminal?

Answer: Just before the merchant’s execution, the minister realized the merchant was too thin to be properly executed on the stake, leading to the need for a replacement.

19. Who became the king and the minister of the kingdom in the end? Why?

Answer: The guru and his disciple became the king and minister because the people, worried about the future after losing their foolish leaders, persuaded them to take on the roles.

20. Why did the king and his minister decide to die at the stake?

Answer: The king and his minister believed that by dying at the stake, they could ensure their rebirth as rulers in the next life, thus preventing others from taking their place.

21. Why was the bricklayer found not guilty?

Answer: The bricklayer was found not guilty because he claimed he had been distracted by the dancing girl’s anklets while building the wall.

22. Why did the thief’s brother accuse the rich merchant?

Answer: The thief’s brother blamed the rich merchant because the wall of his house collapsed on the thief, leading to his death.

23. How did the executioners mistake the king and his minister for the guru and his disciple?

Answer: The executioners mistakenly followed the king’s order to kill the first two men who arrived, not realizing that the disguised king and minister were the ones they were supposed to execute.

24. What two strange things did the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools?

Answer: The guru and his disciple observed that people and their cattle worked at night and slept during the day, and everything cost the same — a single duddu.

25. Why was it decided to execute the disciple?

Answer: The disciple was chosen for execution because the rich merchant was too thin, and a fat man was required for the stake.

26. Why did the goldsmith escape punishment?

Answer: The goldsmith escaped punishment by claiming he was pressured by a rich merchant to complete his order for a wedding first, which led to delays in the dancing girl’s jewellery.

27. How did the king and his minister feel when they saw the dead bodies of the king and his minister?

Answer: The people were confused and distressed, as they had no idea what had happened and were left without a ruler.

28. Who was finally blamed for the crime and why?

Answer: The rich owner of the house was blamed because the king held him accountable for his father’s orders, even though his father had died, and the judgment transferred the blame to him.

29. What did the merchant argue when justice seemed to have come full circle?

Answer: The merchant argued that since his father had ordered the jewellery, he was innocent. The king countered that the merchant inherited both his father’s wealth and sins.

30. Why did the people of the kingdom mourn?

Answer: The people mourned the deaths of their king and minister, worried about the future of their kingdom without rulers.

31. When does the disciple remember the words of his guru?

Answer: The disciple recalled the words of his guru when he was being taken to the place of execution, remembering the warnings about the unpredictable nature of fools.

32. What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools?

Answer: The two strange things are that people worked at night and slept during the day, and that everything cost one duddu.

33. Why did the guru think it was unwise to stay in the Kingdom of Fools?

Answer: The guru believed that staying in a kingdom ruled by fools was dangerous, as their unpredictable behavior could lead to serious consequences.

34. Why did the disciple decide to stay in the Kingdom of Fools? Is it a good idea?

Answer: The disciple decided to stay because he enjoyed a comfortable life with cheap food. It was not a good idea as such foolishness does not last, proven when he was captured for execution.

35. How did justice come full circle, according to the king?

Answer: The king believed that justice came full circle when the blame for the crime returned to the rich merchant after passing through various other parties, including the bricklayer and the dancing girl.

36. How did the king and his minister plan to retain their positions in the next life?

Answer: They planned to die at the stake so that they would be reborn as king and minister again, rather than losing their kingdom to others.

37. What condition did the guru and his disciple set for ruling the kingdom?

Answer: They agreed to rule only if they could change all the old laws that had been established by the foolish king and minister.

38. What happened when the king and minister disguised themselves?

Answer: When the king and minister disguised themselves as the guru and his disciple, the executioners mistook them for the criminals they were supposed to execute.

39. Why did the dancing girl blame the goldsmith?

Answer: The dancing girl blamed the goldsmith for not completing her jewellery on time, causing her to miss her performance and prompting her to go back and forth.

40. How did the people respond to the decisions made by the king and minister?

Answer: The people followed the king and minister’s decisions blindly, fearing for their lives if they were to oppose them.

In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

Long Answer Type Questions

1. The disciple fails to obey his Guru and did not follow his advice. What was the danger that occurred to him?

Answer: The disciple disregarded his Guru’s warnings and chose to remain in the Kingdom of Fools, attracted by the cheap and abundant food. This reckless decision put him in significant danger when the foolish king, known for his illogical decisions, ordered his execution for violating the kingdom’s nonsensical laws. As the disciple faced execution, he found himself fitting perfectly into the stake due to his gluttony. Just in time, his Guru arrived and devised a clever plan to save him, illustrating the critical importance of heeding wise counsel and the potentially deadly consequences of ignoring it. The story emphasizes that wisdom is a shield against folly.

2. Does obeying the guru (teacher) bring misery? Comment on the basis of “In the Kingdom of Fools.”

Answer: Obeying a guru, who serves as a guiding light in life, helps prevent unnecessary troubles and miseries. In the story, the disciple’s foolishness led him to ignore his Guru’s wise advice to leave the Kingdom of Fools, lured by the allure of cheap food. This ignorance almost cost him his life when the king ordered his execution. Had he chosen to heed the Guru’s counsel, he could have escaped the dire consequences of living among foolish rulers. The narrative clearly demonstrates that wise guidance is essential for avoiding misery and making informed decisions that contribute to a fulfilling and safe life.

3. Fools cannot continue with their follies for long. How can you justify this statement in relation to the story?

Answer: The king and minister of the Kingdom of Fools enacted absurd laws that disrupted natural order, such as declaring day as night. However, their foolish reign could not last indefinitely. The Guru’s arrival and cleverness ultimately exposed the flaws in their decisions. By revealing the illogical nature of their actions, the Guru demonstrated that foolishness leads to eventual downfall. Their inability to see reason culminated in their self-destruction when the Guru’s wit outsmarted them. The story serves as a powerful reminder that folly cannot withstand the test of time and that wisdom will always prevail over ignorance.

4. Why, according to you, is it always risky to live among fools? Elaborate your answer with reference to the story “In the Kingdom of Fools.”

Answer: Living among fools is perilous because their irrational actions can lead to disastrous consequences for those around them. In “In the Kingdom of Fools,” the disciple’s disregard for his Guru’s warning put him in significant jeopardy. The king’s nonsensical rules threatened his life, highlighting how foolishness can endanger even the most innocent. The story illustrates that foolish decisions can ensnare others, trapping them in harmful situations. The disciple’s near-execution serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of surrounding oneself with ignorance, emphasizing the need for wisdom and awareness in making life choices to avoid perilous outcomes.

5. The guru was as wise as King Solomon. Discuss.

Answer: By saving his disciple’s life and becoming the ruler of the Kingdom of Fools, the guru showed the value of wisdom. He solved even the hardest problems because he stayed calm during the crisis. His actions prove that wisdom is a priceless asset in tricky situations. Like King Solomon of Israel, the guru was able to save his disciple from the foolish king’s orders to execute him. As a well-traveled and learned man, he quickly realized that the Kingdom of Fools was poorly ruled. His fears came true when his disciple was condemned just because he was fat and could fit the stake. The wise guru made a clever plan to save his disciple and get rid of the foolish king and his silly minister. Thus, wisdom won over foolish power.

In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

6. What values set the guru apart from his disciple?

Answer: The values that distinguish the Guru from his disciple are wisdom, foresight, and self-restraint. While the disciple succumbed to greed and chose to remain in the Kingdom of Fools for the allure of cheap food, the Guru understood the dangers that such foolishness could bring. He exhibited self-discipline and foresight by urging the disciple to leave, recognizing that the kingdom was filled with perilous absurdities. The Guru’s actions throughout the story highlight the importance of rational thinking and the ability to see beyond immediate desires, contrasting sharply with the disciple’s impulsive behavior. This difference emphasizes the vital role of wisdom in making informed life choices.

7. Imagine you are the disciple. You have just been sworn in as the new minister of the Kingdom of Fools. Draft a speech to be delivered in the courtroom addressing the people on the new vision with which the kingdom would be governed henceforth.


Dear Citizens of the Kingdom,

Good morning! Today marks a new beginning in the history of our great land. This beautiful kingdom will stand out with a fresh vision. The foolish rule, where day was night and night was day, is over. A new era of reason and justice has begun.

We will move forward together under our wise king, my guru. His good judgment and experience will lead us to a bright future. Our children will be proud of us, and this kingdom will be a shining example of good governance.

From now on, all previous orders are canceled. Everyone will have the chance to share their opinions, and all decisions will be made fairly with the help of wise advisors. Let’s work together for the well-being of our kingdom. Long live the king and our great motherland! Thank you!

8. How does the guru manage to save his disciple’s life?

Answer: The guru used his wisdom and magical powers to save his disciple’s life. He arrived in the kingdom just when his disciple silently prayed for help. First, he confused the king by saying he wanted to die before his disciple. Then, he tricked the king by flattering him, claiming that the stakes were from the god of justice. He said that whoever died first would become the king in the next life, while the second to be executed would be the minister. The king fell for this trick and let the guru and his disciple go free. In their place, he and his minister were executed, hoping to be reborn as rulers. Thus, the guru saved his disciple and removed the foolish king and his silly minister.

9. The story teaches us that fools cannot continue with their follies for long. Justify this statement.

Answer: The king and his minister created silly new laws for their people. They wanted to be different from other kings, so they decided to switch day and night. They followed this foolishness for a while until they fell into their own trap. The wise guru skillfully handled the situation, saving his disciple’s life and freeing the kingdom from the foolish rules. The king and his minister couldn’t see the guru’s clever plan, and they were not willing to lose their kingdom. So, they dressed up as the guru and his disciple and walked right into the trap they had set for others.

In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

10. The guru comes back at the right time and saves his disciple. Comment on the love the Guru had for his disciple.

Answer: The Guru’s love for his disciple is profoundly evident in his timely intervention to save him from execution. When the disciple found himself in peril, he prayed for help, and the Guru responded without delay, showcasing the deep bond of trust and affection between them. This moment underscores the essential nature of a guru-student relationship, built on love, guidance, and protection. The Guru’s willingness to risk his own safety to save the disciple emphasizes the depth of his commitment and care. Such unwavering support is a testament to the importance of wisdom and love in nurturing and guiding those who seek knowledge.

11. Discuss the importance of wisdom in life.

Answer: Life is a precious gift from God, and we should cherish it. Our experiences can be joyful or painful, depending on how wise we are. Living without wisdom can lead to difficulties and sadness. When we have wisdom, we can enjoy life fully. Life includes both good and bad moments, and it’s up to us to choose our path. Wisdom helps us know the difference between right and wrong. It makes life more comfortable and gives us many ways to find happiness. Without wisdom, life loses its meaning. So, let’s embrace wisdom to make the most of our lives and enjoy every moment.

12. What did the Guru and his disciple see in the Kingdom of the Fools? Why did the guru decide to leave the kingdom at once?

Answer: There was a Kingdom of Fools. In this country, the king as well as his minister, both were fools. They ordered all things to be reversed. People were ordered to work during the days and sleep during the nights. Anyone who did not obey this order would be put to death. So out of fear people obeyed the king. One day, a guru and disciple arrived in the city. They were surprised to find that everyone was sleeping during the day. There was no activity. Then the night fell and everyone got up. They started doing their normal work. The guru and the disciple were hungry. They purchased some food items. They were surprised to find that the price of everything was the same—one duddu. The guru realised that it was the Kingdom of Fools. He decided to leave the kingdom at once. He told his disciple that where fools ruled, their lives could be in danger. But the disciple was happy there. Everything was cheap in the kingdom. He did not want to go. So the guru left the kingdom. The disciple stayed on the sake of cheap food

13. Describe in brief the strange case brought to the king and the king’s judgement.

Answer: One day, a thief broke into the house of a rich man, A wall of the house fell on him and he died on the spot. The brother of the thief complained to the king that the rich man was responsible for the thief’s death because the wall of his house was weak. The owner of the house was summoned. But he said that the bricklayer who had constructed the wall was responsible. The bricklayer said that when he was making a wall, a dancing girl passed several times through the street. She distracted his attention. So she was responsible.

The dancing girl told the king that she had ordered a goldsmith to make jewellery for her. He did not make it in time. So she had to pass through the street several times. The goldsmith was called. He said that he had to make ornaments for a wedding in the rich man’s house. So he could not finish the jewellery of the dancing girl in time. He was the same owner of the house where the thief had died. He said that his father had placed the order. The king and his minister decided that since the rich man’s father had died, he would be executed in his father’s place.

14. Decisions should be made with a cool and rational mind. Discuss with reference to the story “In the Kingdom of Fools”.
Hasty decisions are often wrong decisions. Discuss with reference to the story “In the Kingdom of Fools”.

Answer: The story “In the Kingdom of Fools” teaches us an important lesson: decisions should be made calmly and carefully. Quick choices can lead to serious problems. The disciple was tempted by the cheap goods in the Kingdom of Fools and ignored his guru’s advice. Instead of thinking things through, he quickly decided to stay. This led him to the foolish king’s cruel judgment, putting his life at risk. If he had taken time to consider his choice, he would have understood the guru’s wisdom. Similarly, the king and his minister also acted hastily, which cost them their lives. If they had thought about their greedy decision to go to the stake, they might have continued to rule. This story emphasizes the importance of making wise choices by considering all factors. Quick or foolish decisions can have terrible results.


In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions and Answers

15. Arguing with a fool proves there are two. How does the wise guru find a way out without arguing with the king?

Answer: Arguing with a fool is pointless because they are not willing to listen. The foolish king abused his power and forced his decisions on everyone. No one could disobey him, which made him stubborn and unreasonable. The wise guru knew that arguing with such a fool would only make him look foolish too. To save his disciple’s life, he cleverly used flattery to appeal to the king’s foolishness. The guru pretended to fight with his disciple over going to the stake, which caught the king’s interest. He praised the king, his kingdom, and his good judgment. This tricked the king into getting himself and his minister executed instead of the guru and his disciple. In this way, the wise guru resolved the tricky situation without arguing.

16. What is the role of the guru (teacher) in our life? Comment with reference to the story ‘In the Kingdom of Fools’.

Answer: A guru is someone who removes the darkness of ignorance and brings the light of knowledge. This person guides us to choose the right path and deserves our utmost respect. Those who listen to their guru and follow their advice do not face trouble. A teacher plays a crucial role by helping us improve our thinking skills. The knowledge given by the teacher helps shape our character. In the story “In the Kingdom of Fools,” the guru warned his disciple about the danger in that foolish kingdom. When the disciple got into trouble, he realized his mistake and remembered his guru, who cleverly saved his life.

17. Does obeying guru (teacher) bring misery? Comment on the basis of “In the Kingdom of Fools”.

Answer: A guru is always a true friend to his disciple. A disciple who does not listen to his guru ends up in trouble, while those who follow their guru’s advice lead happy and healthy lives. In the story, the disciple ignored his guru and faced difficulties. If he had followed his guru’s advice and left the kingdom, he wouldn’t have faced any problems. He became greedy and stayed because everything was so cheap. He ate a lot and got fat. One day, he was chosen for execution because of his weight. The guru was wise and had predicted this outcome. When the disciple called for help, the guru used his wisdom to save him.

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